Chapter 331 I Have an Adopted Daughter
Xi Meilian smiled flamboyantly. As soon as she heard that the Su family wanted to give benefits, Xi Meilian laughed from ear to ear.

He didn't care about what Di Yao said later.

Please, what is the identity of the Su family?

A little leakage from their fingers would be enough for them to eat for several lifetimes.

Just thinking about it, Xi Meilian felt that better days were coming.

"In that case, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, Xi Meilian and Mu Qingyang said goodbye and left without looking at Mucheng.

Mucheng looked at the backs of their husband and wife, her eyes became sore for a while.

"Some things don't belong to you, they don't belong to you. Your parents are in it!"

Di Yao put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed her.

He pointed to the people in the villa again.


Mu Orange nodded.

Then again, raised his head.

"Ah Yao, what do you mean by what you just said! After all, they are the ones who raised me all these years...don't go too far."

Mucheng tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Di Yao nodded and smiled.

His orange is always so kind.

In fact, what she didn't know was that people like Mu Qingyang and his wife always had only money in their eyes.

For them, perhaps Mucheng's deal was the most worthwhile in their life.

However, thinking about it, if they hadn't raised Mucheng and were willing to do it for the company, they would have married Mucheng to him.

Then scare them.

After making up his mind, he pulled Mucheng and walked inside again.

Seeing that Di Yao agreed, Mucheng felt relieved.

Although Mu Qingyang and the others didn't care for her, maybe it was out of interest.

However, she also feels very lucky, at least since childhood, she dresses well, eats well, and goes to school well.

It's all like this, it's already commendable.

It doesn't matter if they have no feelings, give them an old life!
She is not Our Lady, just Thanksgiving.

Mucheng went in, Li Yan and the others pulled her to talk again.

Mucheng found out, it turned out that she lost herself when they returned to China when she was three years old.

After that, I searched like crazy, but couldn't find it.

In the end, they would come to City C to look for it every year, but they couldn't find it. They thought they would never see it again in their lifetime.

Then they finally lost hope, and later adopted a Chinese girl in the orphanage, who was as old as Mucheng, and gave her a birthday, which was Mucheng's birthday.

"Chengcheng, don't be angry!"

Li Yan asked worriedly, afraid that Mucheng would be unhappy.

Of course, if Mucheng didn't like it, she could send Hannah away.

After all, Mucheng is her daughter, but in that way, will Hannah...

Although she is not her own daughter, after 20 years of adoption, Li Yan still feels a little bit reluctant.

"Of course I'm not angry anymore. I'm very happy. I'm really happy to have her with my parents."

Mucheng said with a smile.

So that parents don't have to immerse themselves in their loss every day.

"Besides Hannah, you also have a younger brother who is four years younger than you. He is going to college this year and is very naughty. When you see her, you will definitely like him very much."

Li Yan hurriedly talked to Mucheng about the family members.

"it is good!"

Mucheng listened to everything she said with great interest.

After dinner, Li Yan led Mucheng directly to her room.

Later, Xiaoju was asked to tell Di Yao who was still waiting, and Mucheng slept with her.

(End of this chapter)

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