Chapter 332 Will You Be Too Happy?

Di Yao, who is hugged by his wife every day, is alone in the vacant room.

On the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, finally hugged the quilt that Mucheng often hugged, and then slowly fell asleep.

Mucheng and Li Yan have been chatting all the time, 20 years is too long, and there are too many things to talk about.

It was not until morning that the two of them fell into a deep sleep.

The mother and daughter slept until noon before going downstairs.

Di Yao has already gone to work.

Di Fanshen and Dong Shuhan were playing chess in the living room, while Su Nian'an was advising Dong Shuhan, the family enjoyed themselves happily.

"Yanyan, the days are still long, so don't let your daughter spend so much time with you."

Su Nian'an watched their mother and daughter come down with a smile on their faces.

Li Yan glanced at him, but ignored him. After Di Fanshen greeted Dong Shuhan, he took Mucheng to the restaurant again.

Su Nian'an quickly followed and sat down beside them.

"Are you still eating?"

Li Yan asked Xiaoju to bring a bowl of porridge, and asked Su Ri'an who was sitting on the side.

"I am drinking coffee!"

Su Ri'an raised the coffee in his hand.

Mucheng took a bite of the sandwich and watched the two of them fight. The relationship between the two of them must be very good.

"Cheng Cheng, what are you laughing at?"

Li Yan saw that Mucheng was smiling at them all the time, so she couldn't help laughing.

"It's so nice to see mom and dad feeling so good, I'm so happy!"

Mucheng said with a smile.

Li Yan couldn't help laughing when she heard what Mucheng said.

"Yanyan, anyway, there will be more time in the future, you can no longer let Chengcheng and their little husband and wife sleep separately."

Su Nian'an spoke righteously.

When Li Yan heard about it, she glared at him.

"Why are you sleeping alone, are you afraid?"


When Mucheng heard her mother say this, she almost spit out what she was eating.


Su Nianjian looked pitifully at Li Yan.

Li Yan glared at him and continued to drink porridge.

Thus, Mucheng ate an extremely difficult breakfast.

She felt that her parents were really a pair of living treasures.

Then I also felt that I probably really resembled them.


"Chengcheng, in two days, you can go back to Dubai with me to live for two days, and recognize your ancestors."

Su Nian'an looked at Mucheng seriously.

"it is good!"

Mu Orange nodded.

So at night, because Li Yan was pestered by Su Nian'an, and thinking that Mucheng would accompany her back to Dubai in two days, Li Yan also let Mucheng go back.

Di Yao was also able to hug his wife.

The two of them took a shower and lay down on the bed.

Mucheng looked at the ceiling and let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong!?"

It was strange for Di Yao to see her greedy, he should be the one who sighed.

"Life is really capricious. I didn't expect myself to be so happy. I'm so excited to have your love and the love of my parents."

Mucheng hugged Di Yao's waist, acting cute and coquettish.


Seeing her appearance, Di Yao couldn't help laughing.

"Tell me, will God see me too happy and take them away!"

Mucheng suddenly became nervous again, and grabbed the corner of Di Yao's clothes.

"Of course not, this is what you deserve, and... you are thinking about this late at night, are you an idiot?"

Di Yao pinched her nose. In two days, she will go to Dubai first.

(End of this chapter)

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