when we are in love

Chapter 101 Concerns

Chapter 101 Concerns
"First day at work, are you still used to it?"

"Very good." Jiang Muxin smiled. If there were no gossips at lunch today, she would be happier.

Zhao Heng smiled gratifiedly. He stayed in the company all day today, and wanted to go out to see how she was doing at work, but he was afraid that she would be unhappy, so he finally stayed until the end of get off work, so he hurriedly asked someone to bring her up.

"Which department did Xiao Wang assign you to?"

"Currently working as an intern in the secretarial department."

After hearing this, Zhao Heng slammed the ground with his cane, his face full of anger: "Why is he in the secretary department, how does this Xiao Wang do things, where is Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang! Come in for me!"

No one responded outside, so Zhao Heng dialed the internal number anxiously, "You, come to the office for me immediately!"

"What's the matter, what's wrong?" Jiang Muxin was obviously taken aback. Why did she make him angry when she was in the secretary department so well.

"I don't blame you, don't be afraid, I didn't lose my temper with you, I asked Xiao Wang to arrange a job for you, how did he make you do the hardest and most tiring job, how did he do it!"

"I think this is pretty good. If I really have nepotism, I'm afraid I can't get along with my colleagues so well." Maybe some things have been figured out, and Jiang Muxin no longer feels that the old man who loses his temper is very serious. In fact, the way he blows his beard and stares is very interesting.

After all, Zhao Heng only has such a granddaughter, and they finally got along peacefully. He wished that all the good ones would be sent to her, especially when he proposed to let her work in Huihong, she actually agreed. From then on, he has In order to pave the way for her, he wanted to give Huihong to her from the very beginning.

After a while, Xiao Wang came in in a panic, still holding a stack of documents in his hand, "Chairman, are you looking for me?" Seeing Jiang Muxin here again, I knew why the chairman was so angry on the phone. He is back.

"It's getting late, and my father is still waiting for me at home." After speaking, he stood up and picked up his bag, "And actually, I really feel that it's pretty good now."

Xiao Wang smiled gratefully at her. Suddenly, he was kicked in the calf. Looking back, he saw the chairman who was in a good mood and glared at him, "Still holding on, let the driver send Xinxin back."

"Oh yes."

Jiang Muxin hurriedly waved his hands, "No need, there are still people in the company now, doing so will attract attention."

Zhao Heng basically obeyed her words, "Alright, be careful on the road, and call me when you get home."

"Okay." Although such kindness made her a little embarrassed, she was still trying to adapt.

Watching Jiang Muxin leave the company, Zhao Heng sat back on his seat and poked the ground with his cane, "Don't think this is just over!"

"Chairman, I think you must know the job I arranged for Miss." Xiao Wang violated Zhao Heng's intention by doing this, so he let Zhao Heng scold him.

"Are you arranging this? Can this be called a job! The secretary's job, what can she do when she first enters, thank God if she doesn't get wronged, Wang Yue, I trust you and let you arrange it."

"Chairman, I can also guess the purpose of letting the young lady join the company, but if it is really for her benefit, let her start from the grassroots. If you let her sit in a high position, I am afraid that you will have to ask for help when you encounter difficulties in the future." Others also dissatisfied the people below. You have also heard what the little lady said just now. She is like a mirror in her heart. If she really doesn't want to, she won't agree to you to come to the company. But now it seems that she still needs an adaptation. the process of."

After being mentioned by Xiao Wang, Zhao Heng seemed to understand a little bit, and his chaotic eyes were a little clear, "I'm old, and I really didn't pass these exams."

"You just love your child too much."

"With you helping Xinxin by my side in the future, I can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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