when we are in love

Chapter 102 Meeting Zhang Yiyang Again

Chapter 102 Meeting Zhang Yiyang Again

After Jiang Muxin's statement last time, Zhao Heng didn't pay more attention to her work. It's just that during this period, the food in the cafeteria has obviously increased, and the staff's vacation time has also increased.

Faced with this disguised concern, Jiang Muxin was a little dumbfounded, this time she really had no reason to refute.

"Mr. Zhang, the board of directors has already voted on the matter of cooperation with your Zhang family. A special person will come to report to you later. Please wait in the conference room first."


"Pour a glass of water over here in Xiaojiang's conference room."

"it is good."

She has adapted to the continuous work for a few days, and now she can basically deal with it with ease. The supervisor asked her to pour a glass of water and go to the meeting room. The people in the meeting room must not be ordinary employees, um. . .Premium Blue Mountain coffee.

The supervisor looked at the coffee that Jiang Muxin brought in, and smiled with satisfaction. This young girl is quite measured in her work.

"Miss Jiang?" Zhang Yiyang looked at the woman who brought him coffee in front of him. It was Jiang Muxin who was right. His sharp eyes quickly swept over the important place, the secretary department.

"Is there any problem with Mr. Zhang?" The supervisor beside him had sharp ears, and immediately noticed something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked.

Feeling Jiang Muxin's begging gaze, is it to tell him not to reveal her identity?Zhang Yiyang smiled calmly and said, "Oh, it's nothing. This little girl looks very similar to a friend of mine. After a closer look, I found out that she was mistaken. How could she come to work in the secretary department here?"

"That's right, how can Mr. Zhang's friends be wronged in our company's secretary department." The supervisor knew that he was meddling just now, and he quickly apologized with a smile.

Jiang Muxin left the meeting room, closed the door casually, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked back at Zhang Yiyang, who was talking to the supervisor inside. Aren't Zhang and Huihong in the same industry? The competition is fierce, so why do you still have business contacts with Huihong?

After clicking save, today's workload is considered complete. I rubbed my neck, which was a little sore, and remembered something someone said.

After thinking about it, he clicked on the phone's address book and hesitated for a long time before a number, not knowing whether to dial it or not.

"Xiao Jiang still not off work?"

"Ah?" The colleague called her, and then he pointed his finger down out of habit, and dialed the number, "No way..."

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, nothing." The phone beeped a few times, but there was no voice, so Jiang Mu pressed the button to hang up in frustration.

Didn't you warn yourself to forget the past, Jiang Muxin, don't expect too much, maybe in a few days, he will find someone who likes him, how can he still remember you as a burden.For some reason, thinking of this made her a little irritable.

Angrily kicking the pebbles on the sidewalk, a car horn sounded from the driveway on the right, and she hurried to avoid it.

"Miss Jiang is off work." The car window was rolled down, Zhang Yiyang put his left hand on the side of the car window, and greeted her naturally.

"You... Yimo's brother, why are you still here?"

Zhang Yiyang smiled and said nothing.

"Waiting for me?" Jiang Muxin asked with some doubts, looked around, but there was no sign of Zhang Yimo, this time the sentence became an affirmative sentence, he was indeed waiting for her.

"Yes, get in the car, I'll take you back."

(End of this chapter)

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