when we are in love

Chapter 103 Oolong

Chapter 103 Oolong
Originally, Jiang Muxin wanted to find an excuse to escape, but Zhang Yiyang had already gotten out of the car and opened the door for her, as if he really couldn't refuse.

She and Mo Mo's brother met each other in the supermarket last time, and this time, they really have nothing to do with each other. Why are they suddenly sending her home!
"My home is in the East Campus, which is relatively remote. Can you go along the way?"

"It's really not on the way." If Zhang Yiyang wanted to chase Jiang Muxin, then his EQ was really low, so how could he say such sincere words.

Jiang Muxin was a little dumbfounded, and thought: Since it's not on the way, why wait for me downstairs in the company, unless it's interesting to me.

Apparently Zhang Yiyang knew that it would be impossible for him not to explain, "Don't get me wrong, the reason why I am waiting for you here is because of Mo Mo."

"What's wrong with Mo Mo?" They were shopping together a few days ago, and chatted late last night, why did something happen today?

"Miss Jiang, don't get excited. Mo Mo didn't have an accident. It's like this. Mo Mo has already graduated. Let her go to work. After only one month, she finds it boring to work from nine to five. It's not an option to stay at home all day. means to get her married, so I"

"Marry!" As soon as Jiang Muxin heard the word "marriage", Jiang Muxin's conditioned reflex became a little stronger.

Zhang Yiyang almost used the gas pedal as the brake, and immediately put the car at the slowest speed, "Miss Jiang, please listen to me first, I don't want her to get married right away, even if she wants to get married, she must have a partner."

This girl is a little different from the one I saw before, she seems to be getting brighter and more beautiful, but she seems to be the same as before, still so straightforward and cute.

"But the meaning of your words is obvious enough." Jiang Mu pursed his lips. This is the sorrow of rich people, who can't even allow the life they like, "You want me to persuade Momo to agree to what you give She's looking for someone to marry, isn't that right!"

Zhang Yiyang shook his head, thinking that this girl is really interesting, what is her head made of, she can be so whimsical.

Just when we drove to a traffic light intersection, Zhang Yiyang turned his head to look at her, and said seriously: "Miss Jiang, you may not know that my parents have received American education."


"Their ideas are not that old, and our family has two children, one is me and the other is Momo. I will not joke about my sister's happiness. The reason I came to you today is to know. Momo likes it." What kind of man." Zhang Yiyang spoke quickly, afraid of being interrupted by her again, "She is the most compatible with you, and she will definitely tell you her standards. The family doesn't want her to go on a blind date blindly. I'm afraid she will resent it after a long time."

The inside of the car was somewhat closed, Jiang Muxin quickly rolled down the window, and let the cold wind blow away the heat on his face, but his heart was broken to the extreme. Can you take back what you just said?
Zhang Yiyang held back his smile, "Think slowly, you don't need to reply me so quickly."

Jiang Muxin mustered up the courage to nod and say yes.

"Just stop at this intersection. It's not easy for cars to turn in the community."

"Okay." Zhang Yiyang stopped the car, watched her get out of the car, and suddenly remembered something, and stopped her suddenly, "Before Zhang and Huihong had a cooperation proposal, which was officially passed today. I, as Zhang's representative, , will come to Huihong often, and there will be many opportunities to meet Miss Jiang in the future."

No wonder, when I saw him in Huihong, I remembered that he didn't expose himself in front of the supervisor today, and I was very grateful, "Don't call me Miss Jiang, Miss Jiang. My colleagues in the company call me Xiaojiang. I am very busy at work now. I don’t want my colleagues to alienate me because of some external factors.”

Zhang Yiyang raised his eyebrows and shouted impolitely.

(End of this chapter)

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