when we are in love

Chapter 105 Give Me 1 Time

Chapter 105 give me some time

No!Jiang Muxin, you can't be so selfish, you don't need to love me, but don't leave alone, I'm afraid of living a life without seeing you by my side.

Jiang Shuping didn't notice his furious emotions, so he just said casually, Xinxin won't be coming back for dinner today, it just so happens that you are here, let's eat with me.

Only then did he realize that she hadn't left.

But the feeling of worrying about gains and losses almost made his heart stop.

Fortunately, you are still here.

The food taken out of the insulated box was still steaming, Jiang Muxin took a deep breath, because it was her favorite dish.

Gu Mingcheng sat down beside her, seeing that she didn't resist, he felt a lot more relaxed, and said after thinking about it, "You called me, what's the matter? I don't have a signal in the mountains at all." When he returned to the city, After the mobile phone got a signal, he saw a lot of missed calls and messages, but what surprised him most was her missed calls.

"It's nothing. It's a touch-screen phone. Sometimes I accidentally dial it when I put it in my pocket." Jiang Muxin would not admit that she really wanted to call at that time, but she really dialed it accidentally.

Gu Mingcheng smiled, and didn't care about her trickery at all, "Okay, don't talk while eating, and I'll take you home later."

"it is good"

After eating enough, Gu Mingcheng has already tidied up the meeting room, and came back to collect the tableware, "It's all tidied up, can I go?"

Jiang Muxin nodded blankly, but she knew in her heart that she was too shocked by the scene in front of her to speak.

When he did these things, he took it for granted. As long as he was there, she didn't need to do it at all. It seemed that it had been like this since she was a child.

He will always carefully protect you when walking at night; he will know your little life better than yourself; he will hold you when you are in pain and uncomfortable, and treat him as a stove; Intruding into your life, it seems that if you leave him, you will have nothing.

These generous hands took her out of the haze of losing her mother, "if"

"What's wrong?" Gu Mingcheng stopped and looked back at her, why didn't he say anything halfway.

"I mean, if what happened that day hadn't happened, wouldn't you have said those things to me?" She mustered up the courage to say these words, but she just didn't want to keep confused with him like this.

Gu Mingcheng was ecstatic in his heart, but he was afraid that his strong emotions would scare her, so he could only bear with it, "Fool, let me tell you again, I love you, I have loved you since I was a child, not because of that incident, definitely not because of responsibility. "

Hearing these words with her own ears seemed to sweep away all the haze in her heart, but for some reason, there was always a wall blocking her, preventing her from taking this step, and sighed weakly, "Gu Mingcheng Can you give me some time?"

She finally decided not to hide her heart anymore, and realized that Gu Mingcheng was really important in her heart, but if she accepted Gu Mingcheng, she would not be able to face the seriously ill Qiao Xu.

Qiao Xu is a knot in her heart, please give her a little more time, his treatment in Switzerland must go smoothly.

"Xinxin" Gu Mingcheng stretched out his hand, feeling nervous and excited at the moment, his hands didn't know where to put them, and finally he could only hold her tightly, "Don't worry, I will wait, I will wait until the day you nod your head." So After waiting for years, he didn't care about waiting a few more days.

Jiang Muxin put her cheek against his chest, and heard his strong heartbeat, "I want more time, let's think it through carefully, what I want is not just a moment, but a lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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