Chapter 106

Ever since Jiang Muxin confessed his heart to Gu Mingcheng that day, Gu Mingcheng has been in high spirits every happy event. He walks with a gust of wind, and his performance is particularly active. They all looked at their son-in-law.

"Father! I'm going to be late, why didn't you call me! Even if you rest today, you can't think I'm resting too!" Jiang Muxin was wearing shoes at the door, and she couldn't even untie the laces, so she put them on. One of my bad habits is that as long as I wear shoes that need to be tied, I will not untie the laces when I take off the shoes, because it is convenient to wear next time.

"It's okay, don't worry, Mingcheng is already waiting for you downstairs." Jiang Shuping smiled until his eyes narrowed.

"Why is he here again? Oh, let's not talk about it, I'm really going to be late."

Jiang Shuping only heard a harsh sound of closing the door, and the person had disappeared.

Jiang Muxin was sitting in his car, using her hand as a comb to tie her ponytail, and said in a flustered tone, "In such a cold day, you can sit in the car, if you want to see me off, go upstairs and wait, and what time are you Come on, give me a call when you come, then I don't have to worry about being late now."

"If you are late, you will be late. It doesn't matter if you don't make it to this class." Thinking of her being called around in the company on weekdays, he felt uncomfortable, but when he heard her concern for him, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Jiang Muxin glared at him, "It's good that I, a college student who just graduated, can work in such a company. Don't say anything against me, or I will still take the bus to work in the future."

When Gu Mingcheng heard her threat in disguise, he stopped talking immediately, and quickly handed her the prepared breakfast, "I haven't eaten yet, here is your favorite salty soy milk."

He tried to comfort himself that it's fine for her to be like this now, if she bears such an identity, I'm afraid she will be very tired in the future, and hope that Zhao Heng can arrange all the company's affairs before retiring.

When she was eating, Gu Mingcheng would not bother her. When she got to work, he told her like an old lady, "Don't get tired. I told you, don't watch the computer for more than two hours. You must get up and move around. Otherwise, you will get cervical spondylosis."

Listening to his chanting, Jiang Muxin nodded his head, and handed the watch in front of his eyes, "Doctor Gu's time is really getting late, if I don't go up, I will really be late."

"Think I'm troublesome? Okay, let's not talk about it."

Jiang Muxin got off the car and entered the company, but Gu Mingcheng didn't leave right away, he only left after watching her get into the elevator.

He doesn't know what a man and woman in love look like, but he feels that at this moment, he is like a person in love, every minute and every second is occupied by her face, looking forward to the next meeting.

After a busy morning of work, she had time to drink some water. The phone seemed to have rang a few times just now, and she didn't pay attention.

When she took out her mobile phone, she looked at the text message on the mobile phone with a broken smile, and shook her head in frustration. He probably sent herself to the company in the morning, why is it coming again at noon?This. . .The number of times they meet in a day is too frequent.

It happened that a colleague asked her to go downstairs for dinner together, so she had no choice but to decline.

Gu Mingcheng parked the car and came to the appointed coffee shop.

When you walk to the door, you can see her figure from the glass on one side. It turns out that when someone is waiting for you, your heart will be so warm.

Jiang Muxin heard the sound of wind chimes coming from the door, turned her head and saw Gu Mingcheng.

Sunlight poured down from one side of his body, and it seemed as if he could feel that warm current illuminating all the haze.

(End of this chapter)

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