when we are in love

Chapter 107 Interrogation

Chapter 107 Interrogation
"There's a traffic jam on the road, so I'm late." Gu Mingcheng was holding something in his hand, and when he spoke to Jiang Muxin, he always had a gentle smile on his face, and many people looked sideways at him.

Jiang Muxin naturally saw it, pretended not to know, and muttered, "The company has a cafeteria, I can't go hungry, you don't have to come back and forth to deliver meals to me every day, aren't you busy?"

After sitting down with a smile, Gu Mingcheng ordered a cup of coffee and took out two bento boxes, "So in order not to waste time, I'll eat with you, and I'll go back to the hospital after eating." He still has a consultation in the afternoon.

In fact, if you think about it, you know how the doctor's job is free. Even if the doctor has off-duty time, he will be handed back at any time, not to mention being on duty, which is even more difficult.

Thinking of this, and thinking of his picking up and dropping off rain or shine these days, he said with some distress: "Gu Mingcheng, don't do this. If you're busy, don't come. I can eat in the cafeteria at noon."

It can be said that Gu Mingcheng was secretly delighted that a little white-eyed wolf like her could say these words.

"I'll come back later when I have free time, let's eat now."

"Yeah" Jiang Muxin was willing to give up after getting an affirmative answer, otherwise she would definitely talk until he nodded.

The two were enjoying their lunch in the coffee shop, but they didn't realize that they were being viewed as a landscape by others.

"Miss Lucy, look at that person, isn't it Xiao Jiang?" The little girl in the same office as Jiang Muxin suddenly pointed to the coffee shop.

"Oh, yes, just now she was told not to come to eat with us, but she appeared here. It seems that there is something wrong." Lucy has always had the ability to smell gossip in advance.

"This man is so handsome. He wears glasses and looks so gentle. Look at him laughing. My God, I'm going to faint."

"Tingting, you are enough, don't be an idiot here, go back to the office first, and interrogate me later." After all, Lucy has rich social experience, and her vision has long since changed from the aesthetics she had when she was a little girl.

But it is undeniable that the man in front of him is indeed very attractive.

When Jiang Muxin returned to the office, she didn't know that the gossip about her had been exaggerated by Lucy.

"Oh, it's really Xiao Jiang, I thought I was wrong!"

"Dear Hanhan, what did you see again?" Lucy affectionately called another little girl who made a sound.

"I just came back from buying coffee. I saw Xiao Jiang and watched a man drive away. It's an Audi Q7!"

"Gentle, handsome and rich, the ideal date!" Tingting could no longer hide her admiration for that man.

"Who are you?" As soon as Jiang Muxin opened the office door, she saw Hanhan, the girl opposite her, holding her heart in tears, and she was really taken aback.

"Ah, oh, no, it's nothing." Tingting quickly withdrew her hand, pretending to be arranging her skirt.

Lucy warmly pulled her to sit down, "I'll make you some tea, drink it while it's hot."

"Sister Lucy, I don't think I've made any mistakes recently." Jiang Muxin held the teacup and said cautiously, because she felt that Lucy's attitude was abnormal. Could it be the eve of the storm?
"My dear, how can you question my kindness? It's just that it's not yet working time, and there is still time for chatting among colleagues."

Jiang Muxin smiled awkwardly, and forgave her for really not knowing about such things.

(End of this chapter)

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