when we are in love

Chapter 121 The child is mine alone

Chapter 121 The Child Is Mine Alone

Fan Xiaoting was very angry, "Don't be afraid, how capable is that person, can he cover the sky with one hand? Now we are talking about the law, and he must not let him go unpunished for doing such a thing."

That man was Gu Mingcheng, how could she say that, Jiang Mu, who was driven to a desperate situation, simply broke his heart, "You just treat me as shameless, I forced myself to post it, and now I have made this picture of myself The appearance, I asked for it myself."

"Xinxin, you are not that kind of child, I know, you have us, don't be afraid of that person."

Jiang Muxin retreated step by step, she could hardly face Mama Fan, "I've never been as good as you imagined, I just spoiled myself, I'm pregnant, and I won't keep this child."

"Jiang Muxin, what nonsense are you talking about! How can you not want this child!" Gu Mingcheng pushed the door open and came in, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Mingcheng? Why are you back?" Fan Xiaoting looked at the door in surprise, he could barely see him standing at the door in the dark.

How could he come back? If it wasn't for the cold war and longing in his heart, how could he put down his so-called dignity to find her, but was told that she was taken to the Gu family, and she wouldn't know about this hidden matter. matter.

"Jiang Mu has the guts to repeat what you just said!" Just now at the door, he heard clearly that she was pregnant.

At that moment, he was almost overwhelmed by joy, Xinxin was pregnant, and that child was their child!He has been waiting for so many years, all he wants is to start a family with her and have the crystallization of their love.

But in the next moment, he felt that his heart had been stabbed severely and forcefully pushed aside. She was actually unwilling to give birth to this child, and she actually felt that she was the one who raped herself that night.

You are so cruel!

Jiang Muxin was really taken aback. Why did Gu Mingcheng come back suddenly? He heard everything and couldn't hide it anymore.

"I said this child, I will not stay."

"you dare!"

"Why don't I dare!" Then you can hide some things from me with Qiao Xu. Now I just don't want to make you feel like I'm a burden because of the child. There's nothing wrong with that.

Gu Mingcheng raised his hand and punched the wall on one side, "I won't allow it!"

"What's wrong with you two, if you have something to say, talk about it, why are you staring and arguing!" Seeing that something seemed wrong, Fan Xiaoting hurried out to mediate.

"Mom! You still don't understand that this child is mine!" Gu Mingcheng said this fact with heartache.

"Mingcheng, what did you say? The child in Xinxin's womb belongs to you?" Fan Xiaoting was so surprised that he didn't know where to put his hands. He completely forgot that he said just now that he would send that bastard who insulted Jiang Muxin to the police station. .

"Xinxin, you guys, what are you doing, oh, what happened, this is my grandson, my god, what's going on, Mingcheng, how can you be so irresponsible and leave Xinxin alone" the next words Fan Xiaoting didn't dare to say any more. If it wasn't because the cases of the two departments were switched, and she happened to see Xinxin's case, her grandson might not be here anymore.

He even blamed his own son in his heart, if he hadn't made Xinxin unhappy, how could Xinxin not want to have this child.

(End of this chapter)

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