when we are in love

Chapter 122 I Love You Because I'm Crazy

Chapter 122 I Love You Because I'm Crazy
"Mom, go back to your room first, I will have a good talk with Xinxin."

Let them solve the children's affairs by themselves. Fan Xiaoting still knows this, but she really can't bear the excitement in her heart. She didn't expect Mingcheng to be quite powerful, and he has already achieved this without knowing it. up.

It seems that I have to talk to Lao Jiang tomorrow, and I have to settle the matter of the two children first.

Hearing that the upstairs door was closed, Jiang Muxin glared at him angrily, and lowered his voice, "It's not that it's settled, just pretend nothing happened, Gu Mingcheng, don't you think it's not enough to disrupt my life!"

"Xinxin, sit down first, let's talk about it, okay?" Her complexion was already very bad, and Gu Mingcheng was worried about her body. In fact, when he knew that she was pregnant, he was more worried, and he really didn't think about it , such a thin body can conceive a child.

"It was you who broke your promise first, so I don't want to talk to you!" Jiang Muxin waved away the hand he wanted to come to help her, and his tone was very unkind, women can make trouble without reason.

Gu Mingcheng almost burst out laughing, "When did I say that I would treat that day as if it never happened?"

It was that thing and that thing again, Jiang Muxin felt like his head would explode, "If it's because of the child, Gu Mingcheng, you don't have to be responsible at all, I don't care anymore."

Why do you say that you don't care? In fact, she does. She just feels that something is empty in her heart.

"Don't care! Can you really not care!" Gu Mingcheng grabbed her hand and put it on his chest, "Can you feel it! You heartless girl, I love you so much, I love you so much You don't even have your own self, and you actually want me not to care about you and this child."

In an instant, she felt that the palm of her hand was stabbed by something that hurt her heart, and she wanted to retract it but was held tightly by him.

"Don't say there is this child, even if I don't, I never intend to give up."

Her heart was visibly shocked, she hesitated, anyone would be moved when they heard such touching love words, but there was Qiao Xu between them.

"Shall we be together?" If there is no child, maybe he will give her some time, but now, he can't wait for a moment, and he doesn't want her to be gossiped behind the back of her unmarried first pregnancy.

After all, it wasn't for her.

Jiang Muxin closed her eyes, the corners of her mouth moved, and suddenly Qiao Xu's figure appeared in front of her eyes, so real, those eyes were full of anger, as if her eyes could kill her as long as her heart was slightly biased towards Gu Mingcheng.

No!Qiao Xu, don't hate me like this.

"Gu Mingcheng, please don't talk about it. I am tomorrow, and the operation will be tomorrow. After tomorrow, we will never be involved again. You can find a girl who loves you, and you will be very happy."

"I'm really crazy, I'm crazy to love you." Even if you reject me, I still can't let you go.

Jiang Muxin avoided his gaze, "Gu Mingcheng, let's all be more realistic, talk about love and love, that is, in the past few years, when everyone is impulsive, when the years are old, what is left."

Probably because she was tired, what she said didn't fit her age, as if she had experienced too much, and she didn't dare to accept some things anymore, for fear that if she was serious, she would lose.

(End of this chapter)

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