when we are in love

Chapter 123 Not because of the child

Chapter 123 Not because of the child
"You're afraid, you're afraid of losing, aren't you?" Gu Mingcheng suddenly became enlightened. He had only heard the girl's emotion of worrying about gain and loss before, but he didn't know that no matter how much he did, that emotion would never change. will disappear.

"I do not have!"

"You have." Gu Mingcheng stepped forward step by step, while Jiang Muxin retreated cautiously.

Jiang Muxin, who was forced to the corner, tried to escape. Gu Mingcheng would not give her a chance. The whole body was close to her, and her breath was so obvious that it sprayed on her face. Her voice was a little trembling, "What do you want, Mama Fan and the others? It's all upstairs, you"

"Let go of you, let go..."

A forceful and unavoidable kiss, covering her lips fiercely, Jiang Muxin looked at Gu Mingcheng who was so out of control in surprise, only to realize that he actually forced himself!
"Hiss..." Gu Mingcheng sucked in pain, his lips were bleeding from the bite of this heartless bad girl, but he didn't intend to let her go.

The bloody kiss made her even more unable to escape, and she was not let go until she could hardly breathe.

Her slender fingers raised her chin, and the corners of her mouth turned up, "Remember to breathe through your nose next time."

Jiang Muxin's cheeks were rosy at the moment, she didn't know if it was because she was shy, or because she lost her temper just now, "Gu Mingcheng you!" His lips were still bleeding, which shows how much strength she used to resist just now.

"What's wrong with me? I was kissing you just now."

"You are simply a hooligan!"

"Xinxin, don't worry, I've always been a hooligan to you."

Jiang Muxin's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe that the person who said this to her in front of her was Gu Mingcheng. Gu Mingcheng had always been gentle, and he couldn't see the slightest evil spirit from him, but now he seemed to be touched. The inescapable poppy, evil, yet shamefully addictive.

"Go and have a rest. I'll go see Uncle Jiang with me tomorrow." He didn't know how to express the joy that was still soaring in his heart. He was afraid that if this continued, he would lose control in front of her, so he should go back to the room quickly. it is good.

"I'm not going!" What else could Gu Mingcheng do if he went to see his father, she would definitely not go with him.

Gu Mingcheng thought for a while, "It's fine if you don't go, then wait for my news."

"What news?" Jiang Muxin probably confirmed that sentence, she was pregnant for three years.

"If we want to get married, we always have to get the permission of the elders. A blessed marriage will always be happy." The tenderness in his eyes almost drowned people.

Marriage, marriage, Jiang Muxin was so shocked by these two words that she was speechless, because of the child, maybe because of other things, she had to marry Gu Mingcheng.

Tomorrow, I'm afraid they will watch her closely, not to mention going to the hospital, it will be difficult to get out of this door.

"It's not about getting married right away, but I always have to tell Uncle Jiang." For some reason, Gu Mingcheng seemed to be able to understand Jiang Shuping's shock and reluctance when he heard the news.

Yes, he is much older than her, and he has loved her since he was a child. When he was in junior high school, he would pick her up from kindergarten after school. When she was in elementary school, he would ride her to school by bicycle every day.

"I'm tired, let me go back and rest."

"Okay" Gu Mingcheng let go of her and watched her step by step get further and further away from him. He was afraid that in the future he would only see the back of her leaving alone, but he blurted out some words sincerely, "Xinxin, it's really not Because of the child."

Jiang Muxin paused, but didn't look back, "I know." If more than 20 years of getting along is not enough to trust someone, then her life would have collapsed long ago.

I'm sorry Xinxin, I know what you're worried about, but I really can't tell you about Qiao Xu, forgive me and I've promised him.

(End of this chapter)

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