when we are in love

Chapter 126 Fortunately, you are still here

Chapter 126 Fortunately, you are still here

"Look here, both of you. The radiation-proof pregnant women's clothes that are popular this year are all here, and they are all foreign brands." The shopping guide explained conscientiously, "This lady really can't tell that she is pregnant. Ma'am, your daughter has a small frame. Absolutely looks good in maternity clothes like ours."

"This is my daughter-in-law." Fan Xiaoting said arrogantly.

If in normal times, people say that she and Xinxin are mother and daughter, she still takes it for granted, but is it different now, Xinxin is going to marry Mingcheng soon, although being a daughter is good, but she wants Xinxin to be her son's young married woman.

"I'm sorry." The shopping guide blushed, she had never seen such a good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"Xinxin, what do you think of this dress? You have fair skin, so you must look good in it." Fan Xiaoting used to like to take Jiang Muxin shopping to buy beautiful dresses, and he knew her preferences very well.

Jiang Mu reluctantly accepted the clothes Fan Xiaoting handed over, but she knew that now for the sake of the child, she had to be obedient.

Yes, Fan Xiaoting succeeded in making her reluctant to part with this child. The examination just now, the touch that almost made her cry, turned out that this child is only so small. In her stomach, it is only as small as a soybean, but it is so small. So tenacious, it seems that she will grow up in the next moment, that kind of joy, the joy of giving birth to a new life, she can't share it with others.

After the joy, she was indeed filled with fear. She actually had the thought of killing this child before. If she really did that, she might never be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

Good thing you're still here, kid.

Suddenly thinking of someone, she lowered her eyelids, and she told herself that it was definitely not for him, but she was reluctant to part with this child.

"What are you doing in a daze, go and change into me and have a look." Fan Xiaoting was already overwhelmed, and he was more concerned about buying clothes than himself.


Probably due to a psychological effect, Jiang Muxin felt that her stomach seemed to be getting heavier, and her waist had to be very straight. The more she looked at it, the more she looked like that.

Seeing her dressed like this, Fan Xiaoting praised her again.

"This, this, let's start with these sets, next time there will be new ones, let's take a look, shall we?"

Professor Jiang has never wronged her in terms of living expenses, but she has never been in the habit of spending money lavishly. She has gone shopping with Fan Xiaoting so many times, and she has never seen such a boldness like this time. When she remembered the price on the label when she changed clothes just now, she I just feel a pain in the flesh.

Pulling Fan Xiaoting aside, he whispered, "It's just one time, it's too wasteful to buy so much."

As long as you stop thinking about killing the child, what does it matter if you waste a little bit, Fan Xiaoting thought in his heart, but he said: "Ten months, don't you think you are changing several sets, and you have to wash them to ruin them?" Now, listen to me, it’s all over.”

The shopping guide lady was naturally happy and went to make an order immediately.

"The baby product store is next door, let's go and have a look." Seeing Jiang Muxin frowning, she immediately enlightened: "You can buy it now, buy a little bit, and you don't have to rush in the future." Move everything back home, let her people who like to show off their grandchildren can see, I, Fan Xiaoting, will be a grandma too.

Looking at the pink and tender colors in front of her, Jiang Muxin felt that she couldn't move her eyes away. The resistance and hesitation just now were all thrown away. She wanted to choose two sets, one for boys and one for boys. Girls, get ready.

(End of this chapter)

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