when we are in love

Chapter 127 Maintenance

Chapter 127 Maintenance
"Is this nice?"

"These little shoes are so cute." Jiang Muxin fantasized about the appearance of a pink and tender child wearing the little tiger-toed shoes, so cute.

"Buy" Fan Xiaoting said boldly.

With Fan Xiaoting's support, Jiang Mu's heart became hot, and he let go of his arms and walked around the baby product store.

"It's your father's phone number." Fan Xiaoting was holding the bag for her just now, when he heard the phone ringing, he took it out to have a look.

Jiang Muxin subconsciously shook her head, refusing to answer the phone. She remembered that Fan Xiaoting said that Gu Mingcheng had gone to her house early in the morning. I am afraid that her father's call will come right now. . .

She hasn't figured out how to face her father. He has always given more love than other parents to feel sorry for her who lost her mother since she was a child. But now that this happened, she didn't tell him, her dearest relative. I'm afraid he's completely disappointed now.

Fan Xiaoting sighed, she was still a child, a phone call scared her like this, and now she is pregnant with a child, and she doesn't know if she will be able to spend the next seven or eight months safely.

"Don't worry, I'm still here." After thinking about it, Jiang Shuping would not lose his temper with his daughter, so he pressed the answer button and put the phone in her hand.

Jiang Muxin had no choice but put the phone to her ear and said cautiously, "Hey Dad"

"Where are you?"

"On the street, what's wrong?" She tried to pretend nothing happened.

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Shuping tried his best to sound calm, "You go home right away."


"Nothing but, come back now."

The voice on the other end of the phone was so loud that even Fan Xiaoting could hear it. She quickly held Jiang Muxin's hand, "Don't be afraid, my child. I'll go back with you. Your father won't be really angry. His tone just now is just a little anxious."

"Really?" She only felt that her heart was raised in her throat.

Fan Xiaoting nodded affirmatively.

Jiang Shuping waited left and right, but Jiang Muxin came back, and walked back and forth in the living room impatiently, while Gu Mingcheng had been silent since just now, and kept kneeling, the blood on his forehead flowed to the corner of his eyes and began to solidify Some horror.

But Jiang Shuping didn't ask him to get up, he just treated him like air and didn't exist.

Hearing the sound of the key being inserted into the eyelet, Jiang Shuping knew that the daughter must have returned. He suddenly glared at Gu Mingcheng and sat back on the sofa.

Coincidentally, as soon as Jiang Muxin entered the room, she saw her always approachable father glaring at Gu Mingcheng viciously, and then looked at Gu Mingcheng, who was kneeling on the ground without saying a word.

Jiang Muxin stood nervously in front of Gu Mingcheng, his forehead was bleeding, it took a lot of hands, he felt extremely uncomfortable, and blurted out some words without thinking, "Dad, what did you do to him?!"

Gu Mingcheng secretly smiled behind her, he didn't expect this girl to know how to protect him at the critical moment.

Before Jiang Shuping had time to accuse Gu Mingcheng of bestiality with his daughter, her daughter in turn accused him of what he had done to Gu Mingcheng.

"Xinxin, come here." Jiang Shuping was angry in his heart, but this anger would never be directed at his daughter. He pulled her to look carefully, and saw that she could walk, jump, and talk back to him. She was relieved that she didn't have the operation, but she couldn't help worrying.

With the facts in front of him, he still didn't dare to imagine that he became a grandfather without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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