Chapter 134
Yes, what Gu Mingcheng said was not wrong. Jiang Muxin did not object to Zhao Heng's arrival on the wedding day, allowing him to sit at the bride's table as a family member.

"Xiao Wang, come and take a look. On the day of Xinxin's wedding, how would I wear this?" Zhao Heng gestured to himself with a straight suit, looked in the mirror, and frowned again, "Well, too Dark, not good, not suitable for wedding theme."

"Xiao Wang, go and help me get that patterned tie."

Wang Yue looked at the documents in his hand, and then at the chairman who had no usual dignity. At this moment, he really didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Wang, did you hear that, hurry up and get it!"

After thinking about it, Wang Yue still needs to remind: "Chairman, we still have a lot of time to slowly plan the wedding of the little lady, but please take 5 minutes to read this document now."

"There is still a lot of time, it's only a few days, I haven't discussed the wedding menu with the Gu family, and the guest list! Didn't I ask you to print a list of the company's senior family members? When can you Give it to me?" It stands to reason that nowadays when young people get married, there is a wedding company to take care of everything, no matter how busy they are, they don't need Zhao Heng to ask him to help.

However, Zhao Heng has made up his mind to pay attention this time. Through this informal meeting, he will introduce Xinxin to the directors of the company, so that those who covet his position will know that everything about Huihong in the future will be hers. , other people should not try to obtain Huihong's shares by means.

"The list is already being photocopied, but the chairman's project is really important to us, and a lot of money has been invested in the early stage. In the past, you would go to the site to see it yourself."

Hearing Xiao Wang whispering in his ear, Zhao Heng was a little displeased, and didn't even bother to look at the clothes again, "Is the money important or my granddaughter's wedding?! Okay, you just ask the people below to pay attention to these things, after so many years There have been no mistakes, if there is any problem this time, you can handle it as an ordinary project."

Xiao Wang thought about it, and felt that what the chairman said made sense. He was too cautious, and if it was implemented as a general plan, it would not put pressure on the people below.

Zhao Heng sat back at his desk, tidied up the messy documents on the desk himself, put the last pen into the pen holder, and then said slowly, "You have been following me since you joined the company, but look at me , Now I can’t even do small things, I’m really old, why have I been so desperately guarding all these years, you should be very clear, the country I have worked hard for is all from my heart.”

"Chairman" Xiao Wang felt a little touched in his heart, stretched out his hand, but couldn't grasp the passage of time.

When he first graduated and entered Huihong, he was just a performance worker. Because of his low education and rural household registration, he was suppressed everywhere. He knew that he had to work hard if he wanted to survive in this city.

That's why he was able to meet the chairman when he was working overtime until late at night. At that time, he didn't know that this old man was the legendary figure who founded Huihong and made Huihong go public.

But the god of luck favored him, and his efforts were not in vain. Afterwards, he became the chairman's secretary. All major and minor matters in the company were handed over to the chairman. Even so, he But work harder than before.

Because he knows that only in this way can he be worthy of the kindness of the chairman.

"Hehe... I'm really old. What I despise the most before is this kind of self-pity and self-pity. I didn't expect that now I'm slapping myself in the mouth."

Wang Yue felt a pain in his heart, and he couldn't accept it. He devoted his whole life to creating Huihong. In the end, it turned out that it was just to make wedding dresses for others. Such a great family relationship shocked him enough, but it also shocked him. I know, I have never followed the wrong person.

"Huihong is the hard work of the chairman. I won't let those people take away things that don't belong to them. In the future, I will guard Huihong together with Miss."

"From now on, only you can help Xinxin."

"Chairman, don't worry."

After receiving Wang Yue's affirmative answer, Zhao Heng knew that he could retire with confidence.

But at this time, Zhao Heng and Wang Yue couldn't think of it, it was because of this negligence that Huihong had an unprecedented disaster. It turned out that he wanted Jiang Muxin to take over Huihong without any worries, but he didn't expect to throw a A huge stall is waiting for her to clean up.

"What is it that you want to pull me out so mysteriously?" He didn't say it himself, he wanted her to rest at home and wait for the wedding, but today he pretended to be mysterious and took her to the street.

"It'll be there soon, don't worry."

He pretended again, and insisted on giving her a surprise, but that's not how the surprise was given, Jiang Muxin thought very embarrassingly at the moment, it turns out that Gu Mingcheng has no romantic cells at all, and even the surprise has to be given so clearly.

"Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu."

"This is?" Jiang Muxin stood in front of a private club and looked inside, it seemed to be a clothing store.

"Go in." Gu Mingcheng eagerly wanted to see her in the wedding dress he personally chose.

"Mr. Gu, this is a wedding dress designed by our designer according to your request. Please take a look." The clerk opened a window and rolled out a wedding dress.

This is not the most beautiful wedding dress, but it was ordered by Gu Mingcheng a month ago. It is hand-stitched, and it is the style he thinks is most suitable for Jiang Muxin.

"My God! Gu Mingcheng, when did this happen? When did you ask them to do it?" Pure white handmade lace, and her favorite epiphyllum, were also embroidered on the wedding dress.

Regarding the wedding, she didn't worry about it at all. She always thought that as long as that day came, she would just go through the motions, but she forgot that as a bride, the protagonist of the wedding, there are actually many things that need to be done, such as the bridesmaid, such as the wedding dress . . .But all of this was left to Gu Mingcheng to worry about.

"I only remember some things you like, so I made a request to the designer. Without diamonds, it may not be luxurious enough." He never thought that Jiang Muxin was a materialistic girl, and she would be happier if she liked her.

"This is exactly what I want." She felt his intentions, and there was nothing she wanted more than this.

"Go and try."

Urged by Gu Mingcheng, the clerk took her into the dressing room.

The pure white wedding dress, the neckline and cuffs are covered with lace. The one-shoulder style just reveals her beautiful collarbone. The big skirt is embroidered with blooming epiphyllum flowers, which change into various patterns as she walks. gesture.

Gu Mingcheng only thought of one sentence, which was short-lived, only for Wei Tuo.

Stunning is no longer enough to describe the scene he saw at this moment. He knew that this scene would remain in his mind forever.

(End of this chapter)

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