when we are in love

Chapter 135 Wedding Dress

Chapter 135 Wedding Dress
The clerks next to him were all covering their mouths and sniggering. I'm afraid they had never seen such a bewildered groom before, and they didn't come back to their senses after a long time.

But it is undeniable that this is not a gorgeous wedding dress, but it shows all the advantages of the bride.

After the groom expressed his thoughts at the beginning, the designer basically did not agree with him, but now, it has to be said that the groom really knows the bride too well.

"How is it?" Jiang Muxin squeezed the hem of her skirt, and the moment she put on the wedding dress and walked out, she finally felt nervous. She was wondering what Gu Mingcheng's expression would be when he saw her for the first time.

Gu Mingcheng didn't speak, and his actions proved his inner excitement at the moment.

He hooked her waist with one hand, pulled hard, and drew closer to each other. With a gentle kiss, he fell on her lips, "It's so beautiful that I want to hide you."

They're so connected, it feels like they're meant to be.

'Kacha' such a discordant sound appeared, and it also brought a burst of dazzling flashes.

Gu Mingcheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover Jiang Muxin's eyes, and looked directly at the culprit with sullen eyes, "What are you doing?" He was very angry that he was disturbed by this person at this time.

When the photographer met Gu Mingcheng's cold gaze, his hands trembled in fright, and he almost dropped the camera on the ground. He smiled sheepishly, "The scene just now was so beautiful, so I couldn't help but took it."

After speaking, he was afraid that Gu Mingcheng would not believe it, so he specially showed them the photo he took just now, and he expressed his sincere admiration, "You are the best newcomers I have ever seen, can this photo stay in the window of our shop? ? I can give you a [-]% discount on the cost of the dress."

"No need." Gu Mingcheng refused coldly, not to mention a [-]% discount, even if he gave it to him, he would not show their photo together for others to judge.

"Really don't think about it anymore?" This wedding dress is hand-stitched and expensive, and the [-]% discount is definitely an attractive price.

This man is so annoying!Gu Mingcheng really wanted to give him two needles at this moment, making him speechless in pain.

Suddenly feeling his arm being pulled by someone, Gu Mingcheng turned his head and asked cautiously, "What's wrong?" It only lasted a few seconds, but it was two extreme manifestations.

Jiang Muxin pinched her belly in embarrassment, it was a little tight, "I've been eating too much recently, it seems a little small here, what should I do?"

But she really likes the wedding dress, if it is changed, it won't look so good.

"Change! It must be changed!" Hearing his stomach tightened, Gu Mingcheng was so nervous that his voice rose a decibel.

He miscalculated a bit, that is, Jiang Muxin is pregnant now. Although she didn't show her belly in the past few months, it was a little longer than before. This wedding dress was made according to the previous size, and everything else was just right, but only This stomach is small here.

"It's not very tight. It can be worn on the wedding day." As long as she controls her appetite in the past two days, she shouldn't grow a size in three days. She still wants to look beautiful that day.

"This can be changed. I told the designer before that if the size is not suitable, it can be changed. If you don't believe me, you can ask them." Gu Mingcheng persuaded softly, not hesitate to pull the designer out to lie.

Feeling the admonishing gaze from Gu Mingcheng, the designer naturally knew what to say. The businessman's mind turned his mind very quickly, "One day, one day is definitely enough, and I guarantee that the effect after the modification will be the same as it is now. But the cost of this modification will be calculated separately, which may be much higher than the price of this wedding dress."

Gu Mingcheng nodded, "We'll come back the day after tomorrow."

The designer smiled and sent the two of them to the door. What a surprise, he almost wanted to cast aside his stupid behavior just now, what's the [-]% discount, they are not rare at all!
Regarding Gu Mingcheng's behavior of throwing a lot of money, Jiang Muxin still couldn't help but support his forehead. With such a spendthrift in his family, does she want to think about saving a sum of education funds for her future children?
The bridal shop was very punctual, and they called after a day to ask them to try on the wedding dress again, but at this time Gu Mingcheng was called back by the hospital.

"Anyway, you can see it on the day of the wedding, why are you so anxious?"

He was so depressed, his wife was wearing a wedding dress, but he couldn't be the first person to see it, "No, you can take a photo and send it to me, I can't let me wait until the wedding day to see it .”

"Okay, okay, I'll take a picture for you to see." After finally sending the big Buddha away, she had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, but encountered a problem again.

The whole family was so busy with the wedding that they couldn't find anyone to accompany her to try on the wedding dress.

"Suddenly I feel that this doctor Gu is good, but I don't like the profession of a doctor." Zhang Yimo became Jiang Muxin's driver when Gu Mingcheng repeatedly told him not to drive more than forty yards.

Right now, there are two people, one is trying on the wedding dress, the other is trying on the bridesmaid dress.

"Why does the profession of a doctor provoke you?" Jiang Muxin pulled the hem of her skirt, it was so long, she couldn't help but want to help Gu Mingcheng, "Old people say that if you have a doctor at home, it's like a treasure."

"I haven't married into their family, so I'm in a hurry to help them talk." Zhang Yimo's bridesmaid dress is knee-length, just like a skirt, just put it in. Originally, he wanted to poke the white-eyed wolf, but Knowing that she is pregnant now, she withdrew her hand embarrassingly.

"Although I always thought that you would marry Dr. Gu, I never imagined that you would move so quickly." She lost contact with Jiang Muxin a while ago, but she was actually sent abroad by her brother because he had to arrange some things , he didn't want her to intervene, and all communication equipment was confiscated.

Now is the beginning of her brother's plan, and she must help him.

Of course, Jiang Muxin knew that what she said was not about her marriage, and she unconsciously caressed her lower abdomen with her hands. Because of this child, her face was full of kindness, "Momo, I believe in my decision, and it will not be wrong."

Zhang Yimo didn't seem to hear what she said. He concentrated on reading the text message on the phone, forced himself to look up, and made himself smile more naturally, "I'm a little thirsty. I'm going to buy coffee. What do you want to drink?"

"If you want to drink pear juice, let others go. Why do you go by yourself? Help me with my staff here."

"No, others don't know which one you are used to, so I'll go by myself, just wait." After finishing speaking, Jiang Muxin ran out without waiting for a reply.

(End of this chapter)

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