when we are in love

Chapter 136 Intimidation

Chapter 136 Intimidation
Zhang Yimo walked out of the bridal shop and walked into the alley on the left.

A person deep in the alley was waiting for her arrival, and asked urgently, "How is it?"

"Now she's the only one inside, you can go in."

"it is good."

"Wait!" Yimo called her abruptly, her heart was shaken, she couldn't let her brother's scheme succeed, but if she didn't do so, her brother would suffer a crushing defeat.

"What are you doing?" The woman who was blocked looked back at her irritably, "You want to change your mind now? What did you say when you found me?"

Yimo shrank her shoulders, at this moment, who can understand her difficulties, her brother's worry all day is always lingering in front of her eyes, "Let's go."


In fact, Yimo couldn't stop her at all, how could she still be rational when she was blinded by hatred.

Just don't hurt her, don't let her get hurt.

Qiao Yang stood at the door of the bridal dress shop, and from the window next to her, she could see the woman who was trying on the wedding dress with a happy smile on her face, how could she still be smiling!

Standing in front of the mirror, Jiang Muxin took out her mobile phone to send a photo to Gu Mingcheng who couldn't come.

Since when did she care so much about his opinion? Such small thoughts made her blush and send the MMS.

"Mo Mo came back so soon." Jiang Muxin didn't look up, she was still adjusting her belt, and when she heard the voice, she thought it was Zhang Yimo who had returned.

Stretching back with one hand, she didn't get the pear juice she wanted, so she had to raise her head, "Ho!" Jiang Muxin was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground. The person reflected in the mirror just now was clearly Qiao Yang!

"Why, are you scared when you see me?" Qiao Yang walked up to her with a sarcastic smile.

"Qiao Yang is you, why are you here?" Her smile made Jiang Muxin tremble, her eyes were too similar to his.

"Of course I want to come, I want to see you clearly, you hypocritical woman!" Qiao Yang's voice became more and more vicious, pressing her every step of the way.

Jiang Muxin didn't understand why Qiao Yang seemed to be a different person, why did she say these things that hurt her?

"Is there any misunderstanding between us?"

"Misunderstanding?!" Qiao Yang's voice suddenly raised a lot, "Jiang Muxin, you are really a vicious woman, no, I was wrong, your whole family is so vicious."

"How did you promise me at the beginning? You said that you would accompany Xiaoxu to go abroad for treatment and wait for him to recover! But the result of my waiting is that he died alone in the rented house, and no one found him when he died. Do you know that the police are called in because the corpses are rotten and stinky?” The more Qiao Yang said, the more he hated him, seeing Jiang Muxin face her almost shamelessly, his heart was very happy, and his words were even worse, “You know that little Xu's body is not cold, but now you are happily married to another man, and you are here to try on the wedding dress with a happy face, so this is what you call love, Jiang Muxin, you really make me sick."

Jiang Muxin clutched his chest, only feeling difficult to breathe, Qiao Xu, Qiao Xu, how do you let me face you.

"The wrong thing Xiaoxu has done in this life is to know you, and the last thing I should have done in this life is to listen to Zhao Heng's words and accept his help. You are the murderer who killed Xiaoxu, and so am I. He could have done more. He lived for a few years, but you ruined his young life!"

Jiang Muxin looked at Qiao Yang in horror. It turned out that she was inseparable from Qiao Xu's death.

She really wanted to escape from this suffocating place, but the hem of the wedding dress often made her get stuck after walking a few steps.boil
"You want to escape? You are a murderer, where can you escape?" Qiao Yang stepped forward and grabbed her arm, not letting her go, "Do you know that my younger brother has only loved you in this life? !"

How ironic is the pure white wedding dress on her now.

"I really want to kill you. Let you go with my brother to see if he is doing well in another world. If you go, you can make amends to him. He won't be alone anymore."

"Qiao Yang, you are crazy!"

"I'm crazy, so I won't make it easy for you!"

When the staff of the bridal shop came in, they saw the bride with a pale face cornered by a woman who seemed to want to hit her.

"Who is this? What are you doing?"

Qiao Yang's hand that was about to tear up her wedding dress was put down in vain, his face was flustered, as if he couldn't deal with the sudden intruder.

"How did you break in? This is a private club. Are you a member here? If you don't leave, I'll call security." The staff saw Qiao Yang's appearance and concluded that she broke in without authorization.

Jiang Muxin didn't have time to take care of Qiao Yang at this time, she was really uncomfortable, and her heart was really congested.

Qiao Yang was carried out by two staff members, but he did not forget to hit Jiang Muxin, "I won't give up, you murderer, don't think you can get married safely."

Even the staff couldn't stand it anymore. How could anyone be so vicious as to curse the newlywed bride.

"Mrs. Gu, your complexion is ugly, should I take you to the hospital?"

"No, you go out, I want to be alone for a while."

"But this is not..."

"I'll let you out!" She didn't care where it was, she just wanted to be alone and calm down.

After all, she was a rich man, so they didn't dare to offend her, and they were afraid that something would happen to her inside, so they crowded together at the door.

Qiao Yang was pushed out of the bridal dress shop, glared angrily inside, and walked back to the alley just now.

A black car was heard outside the alley. The driver came down and opened the rear door. The man stepped out of the car door and adjusted his suit naturally.

Qiao Yang saw that it was him, and said nervously: "Mr. Zhang, I have already done everything you asked me to do."

"Very good." Zhang Yiyang smiled and took a document from the driver, "Everything that was promised to you is here."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut."

Zhang Yiyang tidied up the cuffs of his shirt. Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that money cannot accomplish. Money is such a good thing, who doesn’t love it, hehe...

When Zhang Yimo came back, he saw the shop assistants nervously wandering around the door of the fitting room.

An ominous premonition rose in his heart, he hurried to the door and knocked on it, and asked eagerly, "Mu Xin, what's wrong with you? It's me, open the door and let me in."

But there was no sound at all inside the door, so Zhang Yimo could only ask the people next to him, "Why did she lock herself in?"

"A man came in just now and scolded Mrs. Gu for no reason. Mrs. Gu was probably stimulated and kicked us out."

"If it really doesn't work, call the security guard over and break the door open."

Just when Zhang Yimo was about to knock on the door again, the door was opened from the inside, and Jiang Muxin had already changed the wedding dress on her body, handed it to the people around her, and said coldly: "The size of the wedding dress has been changed very well. Already have it, right? Just send it when the time comes, Momo, let's go back."

"Oh..." Zhang Yimo was taken aback by her such a big change.

After getting in the car, she finally stopped the expression of refusal, and looked at Zhang Yimo pleadingly, "Don't tell Gu Mingcheng what happened today."

"What's going on today?" Zhang Yimo asked haha.

"Okay, I know you are the smartest."

(End of this chapter)

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