when we are in love

Chapter 139 Wedding 2

Chapter 139 Wedding 2
Gu Mingcheng was depressed, he was getting married today, right? But why did his wife and Zhao Heng stand at the entrance of the hall to welcome the guests?

"Today you are still the protagonist, and it's the same when you go inside to greet guests, so you should let Xinxin spend more time with him." Fan Xiaoting patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be so stingy, Xinxin will be with you forever."

He's not stingy, he's just jealous, but how can he admit it!

The successive arrival of the guests did not allow him to continue to be jealous. Jiang Muxin stood for a long time, wanting to lean closer, but found that Zhao Heng was still here with her on a crutch.

"Grandpa, go in and sit with Dad."

Zhao Heng couldn't bear it, and wanted to continue to accompany her, but he knew his physical condition, "Well, I'll go and call Mingcheng, and don't tire yourself out."


With Zhao Heng's order, Gu Mingcheng hurried to the entrance of the hall to accompany his little wife. Before he could speak, Jiang Muxin leaned against him tenderly, "Hey, when will it end? Look at those people inside, How many I know, my mouth is going to freeze from laughing."

"Our father's son, that is, I am in my 30s, and finally married a wife. Of course, he has to brag to those business partners, otherwise he will be sorry for waiting for you all these years."

"Is this still the Gu Mingcheng I know!" With such a thick skin, he was almost out of control.

"It's true."

The master of ceremonies was speaking on the stage, and a silent movie seemed to be playing on the big screen behind, and a line of text was added under each picture.

Those were photos of them when they were young, and the slides were shown one by one, which turned out to be photos of their growth.

And every photo is them, there is no composite, because they have been together since childhood.

"How could I have such a silly photo!" Jiang Muxin covered her mouth in disbelief. In the photo, she probably just went to elementary school, and her two front teeth fell out, but she still smiled so much that she showed her teeth. a hole.

"How silly, very cute, I still remember when you lost your front teeth, you couldn't talk to me, you lost so many teeth, and you yelled for ice cream."

"But you didn't give it to me, and you even threatened me that if I ate too much, I would get worms in my stomach." Jiang Muxin pouted, "Before I went to high school, I was unwavering in what I said to you!"

"Do you remember this picture?"

"Well, you taught me the first time I learned to bike. I was so stupid. I didn't learn it for a long time, and then I simply stopped learning. I depended on you to drive me every day." Seeing these photos again, she was shocked. , he has been waiting for her in place, and when she looked back, she almost missed him.

"Honey, the wedding has only just begun, and you're so touched that you're going to cry later." Gu Mingcheng held her face in his hands, and carefully wiped the tears on her face, "Father-in-law has already Come towards us, if you cry again, he will think that I bullied you."

Jiang Muxin rubbed his face, and unexpectedly burst into tears, "You will not bully me, and I will only bully you in the future."

"In the future, you will have the final say in our family."

In Jiang Shuping's arms was his daughter whom he had loved for more than 20 years, and now he was about to hand her over to another person, and from now on this man would love his daughter instead of him.

The master of ceremonies was talking about this sacred link on stage, but Jiang Shuping was stunned and refused to hand over the hand holding his daughter to Gu Mingcheng. The master of ceremonies said it several times, but he just wouldn't let it go.

Jiang Muxin looked at the man who had stretched out his hand and was waiting for her, but her father didn't seem to want to let go at all, so she hurriedly whispered in his ear: "Dad, you will always be the man I love the most."


"Of course!"

Only then did Jiang Shuping let go of his hand, and everyone saw the reluctance on his face.

The master of ceremonies said a few festive words, and then changed the embarrassing topic just now, "The groom and the bride are now exchanging rings."

The diamond ring was chosen by Gu Mingcheng. He knew the size of Jiang Muxin very well. There was a circle of small pink diamonds on the edge of the silver ring, and a larger diamond in the middle. It was delicate but not luxurious. He firmly believed that it was her. want.

The groom kisses lightly on the hand of the bride with the ring, and the bride's cheek sticks to the hand of the groom with the ring. This is the token of marriage. In this life, there will only be such a ceremony.

"Jiang Muxin, you are a little self-conscious about being a bride. I am a bridesmaid, and I am so busy. You have the nerve to sit down." Zhang Yimo's roar came from behind her.

Jiang Mu shrank his neck, looking innocent, "I was just waiting for you to come, didn't you put up my toast suit for me?"

"You... alright, hurry up and change it, you have the heart to let your groom drink all the room by himself." With such a wife who is still like a child, and there is such a small little Douding in her stomach, what will Gu Mingcheng do in the future? Zhang Yimo couldn't bear to think about what his life would be like.

"But I can't drink!" Isn't there a best man blocking the drink, Mo Mo's worry is a bit unnecessary.

"I... what I regret the most is being your bridesmaid." What a worrying life.

The bride, who had changed into her toast attire, followed behind Gu Mingcheng, and beside her were three elders who introduced the people at the banquet one by one, but all the wine was greeted to Gu Mingcheng.

No matter who came to toast, he would always come and drink, how could his stomach bear it if he drank like this.

"Isn't Zhou Lin here, let him drink something for you."

"My wife cares about me so much."

Jiang Muxin frowned, "Your body is your own, and you are the one who suffers from drinking."

Gu Mingcheng smiled mysteriously, pulled her to the corner, and brought the wine glass full of wine to her mouth, "This is juice that is similar in color to wine. I mixed it in advance. Your husband is a good person, but the wine If the quality is really bad, I won't make a fool of myself in front of so many people." In fact, he wanted to be sober and take better care of her.

The pale yellow liquid clearly looks like wine. Jiang Mu moved his mouth towards it in disbelief, and took a sip, "Huh? Grape juice? But the color is not the same."

Gu Mingcheng squeezed her hand, not very cold, "There are so many questions, I'll tell you when no one else is around, this is my unique skill, and it was originally not rumored. It's been more than half of it, if you are tired, go in Rest, I can do it alone here."

"No, I want to be with you." Because they are husband and wife, this is their wedding.

"Let's go." Gu Mingcheng led her into the crowd, and was soon surrounded.

Even so, this is life, with traces of human fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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