Chapter 140
The prince and princess held a romantic wedding, but when it is perfect, there will always be a little bit of imperfection. Jiang Muxin originally planned to grit his teeth and persevere, but it really hurts.

"Mo Mo Mo Mo"

"What's the matter, baby?" Zhang Yimo hurried over when he heard her voice.

"New shoes rub your feet." Gu Mingcheng was drinking with his father's friends, so he couldn't take care of this for a while.

"Then hurry up and go to rest. Anyway, this wine is very respectable. No one will tell you. Come with me to rest and change a pair of shoes."

"Then where is Gu Mingcheng?"

"Grandma, don't worry, Dr. Gu is a fine person, thank God he doesn't do anything to others."

"That was not what I meant."

"That's not what I mean, I don't bother to care about it, just sit down and rest for me."

Gu Mingcheng turned around and couldn't see his little bride, worried about something, Zhang Yimo came back and told him the reason, so anxious that he was about to abandon all the guests.

"Hey, the groom wants to escape, that's not okay, we're all waiting to toast you at this table." No matter what the guests at this table said, they would not let Gu Mingcheng go.

Gu Mingcheng was worried about Jiang Muxin's feet, and was stuffed with a glass of wine by others. He just wanted to end it quickly, so he drank it without looking at it. It was high-precision liquor. After drinking a big glass, his face turned red on the spot. Those grape juices were for nothing.

He is an extremely self-disciplined person. Even when he goes out to eat, he seldom drinks alcohol. Even if he must drink, it is only a taste of it. He has never been as bold as before.

At this moment, he only felt like his stomach was burning, but he didn't have time to take care of it, "Give me the things that Zhou Lin put on you before."

"Wife slave, here you are." Zhou Lin handed over a small bottle, "Fortunately, you are married, and the girls in the hospital should turn their attention to us bachelors in the future."

Gu Mingcheng staggered and almost tripped himself, Zhou Lin quickly helped him to rest, "Are you okay, I'll help you find a hangover medicine."

"I found it and brought me the rest room."

"Just continue to be brave." Zhou Lin gritted his teeth behind him, disregarding his own body, your little bride is only scratched, and you don't even want a fucking stomach.

His gaze was still a little slack, but he tried hard to find the focal length, "Xinxin?"

"Aren't you toasting outside, huh?" Jiang Muxin sniffed him like a puppy, "Huh? It stinks, it's all wine, and you still say your method is fine, but in the end you still can't drink." Not to drink."

"Zhang Yimo said that your new shoes are rubbing your feet, why didn't you just say that, it hurts now, why don't you let me see it." Finally found the focal length, he fixed his eyes on the person in front of him, and smiled in front of her , as stupid as you want.

"Take care of yourself first, you can hardly stand still." Jiang Muxin hurriedly supported him to sit down, touched his forehead, he was like having a fever, "How much wine did you drink? ?”

Gu Mingcheng pointed a finger, "One cup, just one cup, white wine."

"Where did your previous cleverness go? If someone gave you white wine, you wouldn't replace it with plain water." Jiang Muxin muttered, and his steps had already started. He twisted a hot towel in the bathroom with his bare feet and put it on him. on the forehead.

Gu Mingcheng was clever, his eyes cleared up a lot, "I'm here to give you medicine, why are you sitting?"

'Pfft' Jiang Muxin rarely saw him being stupid many times in a day, and smiled heartlessly, "It's comfortable to take off your shoes, don't worry about it, you should rest first."

"Be obedient and show me first, Zhou Lin has brought me anti-alcoholic medicine, I can't get drunk." Gu Mingcheng insisted on seeing her foot injury first.

"It's right here, both sides hurt." Jiang Muxin coquettishly lifted up the hem of her skirt and showed him both heels, blisters had already been worn out.

Gu Mingcheng half-kneeled on the ground, carefully took off her shoes, and placed her delicate white feet on his lap, "Then you should have told me earlier, so that I can change a pair of comfortable ones for you."

"New shoes are worn out, okay? Especially for girls' shoes, it's normal for the heels to be worn down." Moreover, this is the first time she wears high heels, and of course she must wear high heels with her wedding dress.

As for Gu Mingcheng, who is [-] tall, she is only [-] to death, and if she wears flat shoes, the wedding dress can be thrown by her like a mop. With such a height ratio, she doesn't have the courage to stand in front of such a crowd. in front of the guests.

"what is this?"

"Ointment, I need to squeeze out the pus in the blisters first, it hurts a bit, don't look, it will be fine in a while." Gu Mingcheng had thought of this since she was about to wear high heels, and she had prepared it a long time ago. It really came in handy.

As soon as she heard that it would hurt, Jiang Muxin retracted her feet unconsciously, but Gu Mingcheng held on to her stubbornly, "I can't wear shoes these days if I don't squeeze out, and it will still itch. If I scratch it, it will hurt even more."

Well, after weighing the pain, she compromised.

Gu Mingcheng took a needle from nowhere and stuck it precisely on the blister. Jiang Muxin didn't feel anything, and then he began to squeeze the blister fiercely, causing her to gasp in pain.

Seeing that the pus had been squeezed out, Gu Mingcheng picked out the ointment from the small bottle and applied it to the injured area.

"Okay, don't walk around, I'll take you home after the end."

Gu Mingcheng looked up and saw the girl biting his index finger. The pain was so severe that only tears were rolling in his eyes. He was just about to hug him into his arms to comfort him, when the knock on the door reminded him, 'Tuk tuk tuk'

Gu Mingcheng stood up and opened the door, "It's probably Zhou Lin, when will this kid learn to be polite and know that he has to knock on the door before he comes in."

"Excuse me, is this Miss Jiang Muxin?" It turned out to be a courier.

"Yes, I am." Jiang Muxin yelled inside, because she was ordered not to get up, so she could only shout from the air.

"Here is a copy of your courier, which needs to be signed for." The courier was also very strange, how could anyone deliver the courier to someone else's wedding scene?

After Gu Mingcheng signed for her, he closed the door and handed the box to her, "What is it?" A beautifully packaged box, I don't know what's inside.

Jiang Muxin picked up the box, weighed it, and it was quite heavy, "I don't know, the invitations have been sent out, and some people may not be able to make it through, so let's send it by courier." She glanced at the courier slip, It didn't even mention who the sender was.

"Then this person really has a heart, and he just arrived today." Gu Ming pinched her fleshy earlobe, got up and poured water for her.

"Isn't it?" After removing the last layer of packaging, Jiang Muxin opened the box curiously.


Gu Mingcheng turned his head abruptly, "Xinxin!"

(End of this chapter)

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