when we are in love

Chapter 141 Blood Doll

Chapter 141 Blood Doll
The water glass fell to the ground and shattered into glass shards. Gu Mingcheng ran over to hold Jiang Muxin who was already unconscious. He couldn't believe that the little bride who was talking to him last second had passed out now.

Glancing at the box, it turned out to be a scary doll covered in blood and with silver needles on its face.

Who is it? !So vicious, on their wedding day, was it intentional or a prank to send such a doll?
"Come in, Zhou Lin, where are you!" He shouted outside.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, I finally found the hangover medicine you want." Zhou Lin ran in, holding the pill in his hand, and was shocked when he saw such a scene, "I... What's the matter?"

"Keep quiet, go and open a room for me first, and then notify my parents."

"Okay, I'll do it now." Zhou Lin ran out without delay.

Gu Mingcheng forced himself to calm down. If that person sent such a thing here just to see a joke, he must not let that person succeed. The less people know about it, the better.

Jiang Muxin, who was lying on the bed, kept raving, and Gu Mingcheng couldn't understand what she was saying even if he got close.

He knew that what the stimulated person needed most at this time was care, so he sat down on the bed, hugged her into his arms, and kept comforting her in her ear: "It's all right, it's just a doll." You can't take it seriously." He patted the back of the woman in his arms like coaxing a child.

"What's going on here?" Jiang Shuping pushed open the door and came in. The first thing he said was to question Gu Mingcheng. When Zhou Lin told him, he had the intention to kill people. Today is his daughter's big day. Who is it? Viciousness even wanted to kill his daughter.

"It's no use yelling at Mingcheng about Uncle Jiang. The hotel is already checking the surveillance, and nothing can be found for a while." Zhou Lin explained for Gu Mingcheng. When he met such a father who loved his daughter like his life, Gu Mingcheng suffered from it in the future.

"How could it be aimed at Xinxin? She doesn't offend anyone on weekdays. How could such a thing happen?" Jiang Shuping knew his daughter, she never competed, and she never made enemies outside. "Where did Yimo go? She is the closest to Xinxin, you can ask her."

"I couldn't find her before the banquet was over. She should have gone back." Zhou Lin explained: "This incident has not alarmed many people. If it is deliberate, the police will be involved. What we can do now is to call the police and file a case. .”

Jiang Shuping leaned against the bed, "How is Xinxin doing now?"

Gu Mingcheng reached out to her back and didn't touch the cold sweat again, "Now her mood has stabilized, but she was frightened just now, she can't be tranquilized in her current condition, I will find some incense and light it in the room later, and let her go back to sleep again." Get some sleep."

Jiang Shuping breathed a sigh of relief, stood behind Gu Mingcheng, patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Mingcheng, you are my son-in-law now, and if I hand over my daughter to you, you can't let her get hurt. You can't do this matter." That's all."

"Dad, I know." He was definitely not less uncomfortable than Jiang Shuping at the moment.

Now that her daughter is married, she has a husband who takes good care of her by her side, but what happened to her again, he can't rest assured no matter what.

"What about Xinxin, I was shocked when I heard the news. What's going on?" The two elders of the Gu family and Zhao Heng rushed to the room after seeing off the last guest. The person who sent the courier hated it to the extreme.

"She needs a quiet rest now, let's go outside and talk."

"Good good."

Gu Mingcheng laid her flat on the bed, but Jiang Muxin seemed to feel it, and was startled when he fell asleep, as if leaving her embrace made her unstable.

Gu Mingcheng had to sit beside her for a while before going out cautiously.

Zhou Lin went back to the lounge just now and brought the box over, stained some blood on the doll and smelled it, "It's red syrup, it seems that someone deliberately played a prank." As a newlywed, giving such a big gift makes her jealous of this wedding.

"This is to call the police! We must find out that person, he has bullied us." Zhao Heng was so angry that he touched his crutches so that the ground made a 'knock-knock' sound.

Everyone in the room looked at the things in the box. At first glance, it looked really terrifying. Then imagine that Jiang Muxin, who was pregnant, took it apart. Now it is lucky that she is just stunned and comatose. Scared, I'm afraid miscarriage might also happen.

"Dad, you are in poor health, so I will leave this matter to Mingcheng, and I will accompany you back." The incident had already happened, and Jiang Shuping also thought that Zhao Heng was old, and it was better not to interfere with the labor-intensive matters.

"I'll stay here with Xinxin."

"She's asleep now, and she won't wake up for a while. It's late, and you need to rest too."

Zhao Heng hesitated for a moment, and knew that staying here would not be of much help, "Okay, Mingcheng, you have to take care of Xinxin."

"Grandpa, Dad, don't worry, you go back first and have a good rest, and parents, you should go back too, we will live here tonight, and we will go home when Xinxin wakes up tomorrow." Gu Mingcheng told several elders After sending it to the door, when I turned around, I saw that there was still an unknown person who hadn't left yet.

"It's already 10:30!" Gu Mingcheng showed impatience.

Zhou Lin gave him the back of the head and waved his hands, "You don't need to bang, I will leave right away, I was just thinking about one thing, I seem to have seen this doll somewhere."

"Where did you see it?" Gu Mingcheng stepped forward and brought the doll Wang Zhou Linyan with red syrup close to him.

Zhou Lin took a step back in fright, "I said you don't have such threats!"

"Zhou Lin, I'm not joking with you, you should think carefully." Even in the face of an extremely complicated illness, Gu Mingcheng has never been so nervous and flustered like this moment.

As long as he thinks that the person he loves the most is always calculated by others, he can't calm down at all.

Zhou Lin rubbed his hair desperately, "Oh! I remembered, this doll is the one that my little niece played with before, but this one is produced by a manor abroad, and it is basically rare in China."

"If the other party just wants to intimidate Mu Xin, does it need such a big deal? Or is the person behind it already strong? Mingcheng, I still have a little impression of the person you called Grandpa just now. Isn't he the chairman of the listed company? "Zhou Lin sighed secretly, he didn't expect this little tender bud to have such a background, usually he couldn't see it.

Gu Mingcheng was awakened by Zhou Lin's words, it seems that this is not as simple as a personal grievance.

"This box is a very important clue, so don't tear up this doll in a fit of anger." Zhou Lin retreated to the door and was about to leave, but suddenly changed his face, "Brother, I still sympathize with you after all, hey... Have a great wedding night, tsk tsk..."


(End of this chapter)

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