when we are in love

Chapter 147 Corporate Crisis

Chapter 147 Corporate Crisis
"The chairman's project is very important to us." Xiao Wang didn't think too much about it. A project that had never gone wrong for so long, unexpectedly fell on it.

Zhao Heng waved his hand and sat back at his desk. Years of experience made him look calm even now, "The most important thing now is to delete this video. How can you connect with the website? Huihong's reputation Can't fall."

Zhao Heng seemed to smell a conspiracy. This was his sensitivity in the mall for many years. This matter seemed to have been planned long ago, and he was waiting for them to jump into it.

There seems to be no connection between the two, but in fact it happened to be ignored by him.

The other party tightly grasped his weakness, which was Xinxin. The company was undergoing major adjustments recently, which had caused dissatisfaction among many employees. Xinxin's marriage made him have no time to take care of the company's affairs, so he let that person take advantage of this loophole.

If the things in the video are true, then the other party wants to destroy Huihong!

Zhao Heng couldn't sit still anymore, "The matter can't continue to escalate, I'm going to the construction site to have a look."

"The chairman has already sent most of the media to the construction site. Those reporters will definitely make a big fuss after watching the video. We haven't understood the matter clearly, so it's better not to come forward rashly."

"I haven't seen such a scene before. I'm afraid of some reporters. Let's go! I'm going to see who is behind the scenes."

How could Zhao Heng listen to persuasion? Huihong has devoted all his life's effort to it. It doesn't matter what others say about him, but Huihong must not be tainted by such things.

"Chairman, wait a minute, you have to wear more clothes." The old man thought he looked like a young man in his 30s or [-]s.

Before arriving at the construction site, the road was already blocked by cars of various media. There seemed to be a lot of people gathered inside, and the sound of taking pictures was the most heard.

"Chairman, you really don't want to go. The workers inside have already gone on strike, and I want to ask for an explanation now." Xiao Wang got out of the car and went to the scene to have a look, but because there were too many onlookers, he couldn't squeeze in. I went in and just listened outside.

"The emotions of those workers are a little unstable. I think it's better to wait a few days before it's too late." Xiao Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Well, it's better to keep contact with these people less.

"What are you waiting for!" Zhao Heng didn't know the reason why Xiao Wang did this, but he didn't want to waste more time on useless things, so he resolved it quickly, so he could hand over the company to Xinxin with peace of mind.

"Chairman Zhao is here, hurry up!" The sharp-eyed reporter had already recognized Zhao Heng, and hurried over with his cameraman.

"Chairman Zhao, I'm a reporter from Newleaf Media. This morning, a video on the Internet has been clicked over [-] million times. Regarding your company's refusal to pay construction workers' wages and concealing the tofu project incident, what can you say, Chairman Zhao? "

"Huihong is taking the route of transformation. We bid for this project through formal procedures. After the construction is completed, special personnel from the government department will do inspections. The so-called bean curd project is probably just rumors. As for workers' wages , I will pay the remaining balance after the project is completed." After all, Zhao Heng walked over in a big way, how could he be defeated because of a video on the Internet.

"But I heard from the workers on site that they haven't been paid for three months. Even the building under construction now has a lot of materials on credit."

"It's impossible!" They have invested enough money in this project, it is impossible for these things that the reporter said to happen.

"Chairman Zhao can lie to you alone, but all the employees present will never lie to you." When a reporter catches a question, he will pursue it relentlessly, aggressively seeking the truth of the matter.

"Xiao Wang, call the accounting department right away. I want to know where the money for salary payment has gone." Zhao Heng was shocked that someone took such a large amount of money from under his nose.

"Chairman, the final payment was handed over to the accounting department for review a few days ago, and the money should have arrived." He had seen this document at the time.

"Where's the head of the accounting department?" After such a big incident, there's still no way out.

Xiao Wang went to the side and made a phone call. When he came back, he looked a little embarrassed, "People from the company said that they didn't see him come to work early this morning."

"Chairman, maybe..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, come back to the company with me now, let the accountant calculate the arrears and wages as soon as possible, and how much liquidity is available." Zhao Heng now has a clear idea of ​​what's going on. However, the top priority now is not to hold anyone accountable, but to appease these employees.

"It's him, he is Zhao Heng, the boss of Huihong, you can't leave, you pay back the money! Pay back the money!" A few people in the crowd took the lead in booing, inciting most of the employees, and blocking their way.

"Please be quiet, everyone. Huihong will not default on the wages of employees. Now we go back to investigate the matter clearly." Xiao Wang stood in front of Zhao Heng and said as loudly as possible.

"Who knows if you will run away when you go back, you can't go, absolutely can't go."

I don't know who got the start, and they rushed to catch Zhao Heng one by one. After all, Zhao Heng was old, and there was only a little king protecting him. The people around him pushed him, and Zhao Heng went all the way. Fall back.

"Chairman? Chairman! Call an ambulance, hurry up!"

On the construction site, the scene was once in chaos.

"Mr. Zhao, if you want to be discharged from the hospital right now, it is absolutely impossible. Intermittent hypoxia in the brain is a common disease among the elderly. You should pay attention to rest and stop overwork. I also suggest a blood test. You It's best to cooperate with us and receive physical therapy." The doctor has never seen such a stubborn old man, if it wasn't because he has a reputation in New Leaf City, he would not have paid so much attention to him.

"I'm in Shilaozi Hospital. I'm fine, Xiao Wang! Xiao Wang, hurry up and get me out of the hospital." Zhao Heng yelled several times outside, his face turned pale, showing how loud his voice was.


"Why are you Mingcheng?" Zhao Heng struggled to get up, and Xiao Wang walked in behind Gu Mingcheng.

Gu Mingcheng hurried over to help him, "I was on outpatient service today, and I saw Xiao Wang was registering, so I asked him if he knew where you were."

Zhao Heng waved his hand and asked him to sit on the stool next to him. He was old and forgot that this grandson-in-law is a doctor!

Gu Mingcheng glanced at his case, then turned to the doctor just now and said, "Dr. Chen is here with me, and I will persuade him."

"That's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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