Chapter 148
"Grandpa, you must cooperate with the doctor's physical therapy." The doctor didn't say it just now, but he knew that intermittent hypoxia in the brain could easily lead to stroke.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. You are also a doctor in this hospital. Can you handle the discharge procedures for me?" Zhao Heng is a man of one word, even if he is old, he still can't change his personality.

Gu Mingcheng shook his head, and Zhao Heng immediately became angry when he saw it, "Let me tell you, don't think that we care about you so much that I can't do anything to you. If you push me, let's see how I deal with you."

Gu Mingcheng didn't take Zhao Heng's unreasonable troubles seriously, "I've already watched today's video." In fact, he was in such a hurry to leave the hospital because he wanted to handle the company's affairs well, so that when she took over, it wouldn't be a mess.

Zhao Heng was silent for a while and said, "Don't let Xinxin know about this."

"Xinxin seldom plays with these electronic products now, and she didn't see them so soon, but she can't hide this matter from her." Gu Mingcheng really didn't say anything, it would definitely make people sick.

"If you can't hide it, you will hide it from me." This is simply a failure in his life, and he has never been calculated so badly by others.

Otherwise, the elderly can no longer keep up with the pace of society. He can't imagine the achievements of years of hard work, but because of an online platform, he almost fell short.

"Actually, Grandpa, have you ever thought about one thing, Xinxin, is she suitable for taking over such a big company?" This is what Gu Mingcheng cares most about. He knows his wife well since he was a child. She likes to be content with the status quo. Don't fight or grab, such a big company is too big a responsibility for her.

Zhao Heng's starting point is not wrong, he wants to give Jiang Muxin the best, but is this really suitable for her?

"There are a lot of technical talents in the company, and she doesn't need to worry about other things." The implication is to let her sit in the office and sign. Even if Huihong no longer expands and develops in the future, the annual income is quite considerable. .

He felt that only Huihong could guarantee Jiang Muxin's future life. As for the Gu family, it's not that he didn't look down on them, but how could the girl's family have no private money.

What's more, Huihong is his painstaking effort, and he must inherit it, even if his heart is not good, won't he still have her children in the future.

If Gu Mingcheng knew Zhao Heng's thoughts, he would probably feel ashamed. No matter how rich you are, you can't make fun of the jobs of thousands of employees, and even if he suffers, he will only suffer for himself, never again. own wife.

"Hurry up, go through the discharge procedures for me." Zhao Heng didn't want to talk nonsense, how could he understand the heart of an elder.

"Now is not the time for you to show off. The company has Xiao Wang, you can rest assured in the hospital." As a doctor, he is obliged to warn the patient, and as a family member, he can't watch him give up treatment, "If you don't want to worry , you are staying in the hospital." He had no choice but to move out of Jiang Muxin.

Zhao Heng lost his temper in an instant, "It's fine to stay here, just change me to another ward, it's so noisy here, how can I work."

"I'm going to talk to the resident doctor."

Zhao Heng has just been appeased here, but the media is not so easy to fool. Some small phrases have been magnified countless times, and even Zhao Heng's coma at the construction site has been used to make a big fuss. Suffering from an incurable disease, deliberately pretending to be dizzy on the construction site to win social sympathy and other unbearable words have become big headlines.

The matter that could have been resolved quickly turned out to be an uproar in New Leaf City. The workers were the most excited, and even the merchants who were in arrears were ready to demand the bills.

These things were suppressed by Xiao Wang, and Zhao Heng never heard of them. Otherwise, how could he live in the hospital so obediently.

"Employees' wages are still small, but the project payment is a big loophole." Xiao Wang brought a report that had just been drawn up and came to Zhao Heng's ward to report.

"The project in Switzerland was stopped first, and the payment for this government project was first made up."

"Even if overseas projects are stopped, such a large amount of funds cannot be transferred in a short time."

"Then discuss it with the bank."

"If overseas projects are suddenly suspended, will the company's shareholders have any objections? Moreover, we can raise funds without having to suspend external projects. If we put them on hold, we will have to start all over again after four years of hard work."

"Fund raising, hehe, how many people outside are waiting to see my jokes, not to mention that I can ignore them, they are also willing to invest, but if they want to get the company's equity, what should they do if Xinxin takes over in the future? That group of people is Wolf, how can you not be willing to swallow the whole thing?" How could Zhao Heng have not thought of this, but after weighing the pros and cons, he still rejected it.

As soon as Xiao Wang heard the reason, he gave up. The largest shareholder of the company is the chairman, accounting for 60.00%. You know, at that time there was no crisis like today.

As long as the young lady doesn't sell these shares, it's fine, but if she sells the shares in order to solve the crisis in the future, she may not be able to hold more than half of the shares, and even the chairman's seat.

"The chairman is not well, and the company's stock price has plummeted, and they are all selling." Suddenly a person broke in, it was Xiao Wang's secretary.


"You...the chairman can't be provoked now, why didn't you discuss it with me first, and then suddenly came to say it!" Xiao Wang pulled the secretary aside, secretly blaming her for being ignorant.


"You let her talk!" Zhao Heng was dizzy with anger, but he still listened to it.

"From the opening of the market in the morning to the present, the selling volume of large orders has far exceeded our expectations, and someone has taken over at the lowest price." The secretary pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and immediately went to work.

"How much did the biggest banker get?"

"5.00%." ​​5.00% is enough to make Zhao Heng overwhelmed.

Negative reports over the past few days have caused Huihong's stock price to plummet. However, someone took over at the lowest price. This is clearly to grasp the company's stock options. I am afraid that this matter is not so simple, it is deliberate.

"I want to go back immediately." The instrument next to him made a 'beep beep' sound, which was a reminder that a certain indicator of the body was too high. When Xiao Wang heard it, he hurriedly rang the bedside bell.

"The chairman can't, your physical condition doesn't allow it now."

"I order you now to go through the discharge procedures immediately, otherwise, otherwise..."

"Chairman, wake, doctor come quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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