Chapter 151

When everyone saw it, they knew that this was not a joke, Huihong's future was in the hands of this little girl.

A few sharp-eyed people recognized that Jiang Muxin was the wedding bride on the invitation they received that day, which meant that she was the chairman's granddaughter!

Everyone can't help but underestimate. Now that Zhao Heng is seriously ill and hospitalized, it is understandable for her to take over Huihong. After all, the current enterprises are all family-managed.

It's just that Zhao Heng can't hide it, they never knew he had such a big granddaughter.

"Now everyone must have no objection to Director Jiang's appointment."

All the directors nodded, "Since Chairman Zhao has transferred the shares, we naturally believe in Chairman Jiang's ability, so now let's talk about Huihong's stock price plummeting, does Chairman Jiang have any countermeasures? "

Jiang Muxin actually had no idea, especially when facing so many people, she was so nervous that her limbs went limp, and she looked at Xiao Wang who was standing next to her as if asking for help.

"Directors, today Director Jiang is just here to get acquainted with the company, and tomorrow he will return to officially start work. Don't be in a hurry." After all, Xiao Wang has been with Zhao Heng for a long time, and he has learned a lot about Zhao Heng's previous ruthless style of doing things. At least, the stern answer made everyone present stop raising objections.

"About the appointment has been released to various departments in the morning."

It seems that the matter of Jiang Muxin becoming the chairman of Huihong is already a certainty. Everyone sees that there is nothing to talk about, so the meeting is over. Anyway, they don't come to the company often. As long as the dividends at the end of each year are considerable, no one will care about it. The person sitting in the chairman's seat now is a little girl.

"Chairman Jiang really took orders in the face of danger, but it's only been a few months. Chairman Jiang should take care of his health." The man looked down at Jiang Muxin's stomach, and then said.

He was the last one to leave among all the directors, and he seemed to wait for everyone to leave before saying this to Jiang Muxin.

"He..." seems to have seen it somewhere.

Xiao Wang narrowed his eyes and looked at the man's back, "It's He Ming, be careful of him in the future. He joined the board of directors three years ago, and he has a lot of ideas, but the chairman said he was opportunistic and often confronted the chairman. In the future, he will inevitably trip you up."

Xiao Wang conscientiously analyzed the company's personnel handling for her carefully. In fact, a workplace is like a battlefield.

"It's him!" Jiang Muxin remembered that he was someone he had met at the birthday banquet a few years ago. At that time, his grandfather introduced him. He was still a young talent, but his words just now were clearly thorny.


"That person had a relationship just now."

Xiao Wang nodded, and just laughed at He Ming's behavior, thinking that Jiang Muxin could be repelled by just a few words!
"It was originally Chairman Zhao's office, and you will use it in the future. See if there is anything to be changed."

She has been to this office many times, and she doesn't make a living. "It's very good, don't need to change it."

"Then put a few more pots of plants." Xiao Wang asked.

"Well, that's fine."

It wasn't long before he came in with a big box of things.

Jiang Muxin leaned over to look, hey, there are so many cacti, and they all have different postures. They are not suitable for this office. How could Xiao Wang think of buying this kind of plant.

"These are all prepared by Mr. Gu, and they are placed next to the computer to prevent radiation."

Jiang Muxin was holding a pot of cactus that was rather strange, and his heart was slightly sweet, but he said unforgivingly, "Choose a few pots that look good, they are all oddly shaped, I prefer the round ones spherical."

When Xiao Wang heard this, he couldn't avoid a headache. Dr. Gu could probably guess what this little girl was thinking, and he took out a file bag under the box, "I can still use Chairman Zhao to suppress them today." They have also seen your attitude today, and you must stand up and say it in person at such meetings in the future." Otherwise, those board members will really look down upon you.

"You have to read all these materials, and then memorize them by heart." Xiao Wang was really worried about Jiang Muxin who had just taken office.

Jiang Muxin was holding the documents, wanting to cry but nodding in a serious manner.

"Xiao...Xiaojiang?" The head of the personnel department almost bit his tongue. The little girl who was clamoring for a long vacation at the beginning became the chairman of Huihong.

Just now Xiao Wang suggested that she go to the department below to inspect it. After all, there was a case where the head of the accounting department ran away with money, and they were all more careful.

"You must have seen the company's internal documents today. This is the newly appointed chairman, Jiang Muxin."

"Chairman Dong Dong, I am the head of the personnel department..."

The departments where Jiang Muxin practiced before, and those who met her all showed expressions of regret at the moment. Why didn't they treat her better at the beginning? If they knew her identity, they would never let her do those jobs, but now Thinking, it's already too late, and I only hope that Chairman Jiang can let go of the past.

If Xiao Wang hadn't warned her before, she was no longer Huihong's intern, and she still had to show the attitude she should have, otherwise she really wanted to hang out with her colleagues and continue those gossips.

Hey, there's no way, ever since she knew she was pregnant, she liked to hear weird things, but Gu Mingcheng often dismissed her appeals on the grounds that such prenatal education was not good.


"General manager, at Huihong's extraordinary shareholders meeting today, the person who appeared was Jiang Muxin!"

Zhang Yiyang memorized Jiang Muxin's information by heart, "It seems that Zhao Heng has indeed delegated authority to let her handle things." Can a person majoring in French manage a company well?
"She's just a yellow-haired girl. If there is any way to reverse the current situation, I would say it's better to pursue the victory."

Zhang Yiyang didn't answer, but after some consideration, he asked, "How about Huihong's loan?"

"After all, it is a listed company, and banks are actively dealing with their loan issues."

"Give our company information to the bank as well."

"General Manager, what do you mean?"

"If the bank approves the loan to Huihong, within a few days, Huihong's financial crisis will be alleviated, but what if the bank does not approve?"

"I understand the general manager. You want to block Huihong's loan and let the bank lend to us first."

"Compared to the scandal in Huihong now, I'm afraid the bank will be more willing to give us a loan to Mrs. Zhang."

(End of this chapter)

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