Chapter 152
Zhang Yiyang's conjecture was correct. After two days, the bank's loan came down, but Huihong did not get the loan.

"How could this be?" Jiang Muxin's voice instantly increased by one decibel.

"The bank's reply is that there is a problem with our creditworthiness, and we are required to make a detailed asset report again, and we can only give us a loan after review, and the amount of the loan will also be approved according to our asset report."

"That is to say, no matter whether we take out a loan or not, we can't pay off the money we owe and the wages of the workers?" Jiang Muxin felt a little headache. She thought Huihong was very rich, but she didn't know until she took over. The money is also making money for the bank, and the dividends earned every year are used to pay the interest of the bank, not to mention the salary of the employees and the year-end bonus.

The glamorous appearance, but behind it is also under unknown pressure.

"The wages of the workers can be paid, but the payment for goods may not be enough." This project is huge, and the loopholes in the project payment are also very large.

"How long will it take for overseas projects to be delivered?"

"Previously, Chairman Zhao meant to stop overseas projects first, and recover the payment for urgent needs first, but do you want to collect the final payment after delivery?"

"Yes, how long will it take?" If possible, she hopes to minimize the company's losses.

"It will take at least half a year, and it will take four months at the earliest."

Half a year, but Huihong couldn't wait for half a year, "Is it possible for those manufacturers who owed them money to delay them for a few months?"

"I can negotiate this. Some are long-term cooperative manufacturers, but I can't guarantee 100%." ​​Xiao Wang replied seriously. At least he thinks that Jiang Muxin's ability to keep overseas projects is a good start.

"The wages of the workers must be delivered by you in person. You can't let the rumors continue to spread. As for the payment...what do the police say?"

"Zhao Liang, the head of the accounting department, hasn't caught it yet. The recent bank card consumption records show that he often has a huge amount of transactions with a foreign account. The last time he swiped the card consumption record was in Liancheng Port."

"He has transferred all his assets and is going to leave the country from Lianchenggang?"

"I think Zhao Liang is not as simple as fleeing with the money." Xiao Wang stared at his accounts carefully, and suddenly found some doubts, "You see, the amount he spent earlier was paid to a casino, and the above The amount is about the same as our payment for goods. It’s very simple. He is addicted to gambling and uses public funds to gamble, and the latter amount is all remitted from foreign accounts. Who would give him so much money so easily? , I'm afraid Zhao Liang's actions were instigated by others."

"Go and investigate who owns a casino right away." If it was really instigated by someone, then the person behind Zhao Liang is really abominable, and actually wanted to frame Huihong to this extent.

"Then do we need to hold a press conference to clarify?" The current media is so powerful that Xiao Wang had no choice but to suggest this.

"I don't need it for the time being. Before the people behind the scenes catch it, what we say will be sophistry in the eyes of others." After all, they are modern young people, and they know how to make good use of the Internet. Jiang Muxin's words It made Xiao Wang look at him differently.

"Actually, you are very similar to Chairman Zhao at times."

"Huh? What aspects are you referring to?"

"It's a feeling, it's the attitude of analyzing things when you are serious."

Jiang Muxin smiled, pointed to her own face, and joked, "Actually, I look more like him here."

After Xiao Wang left, she continued to look at the documents on the table, her brows getting darker and darker. Her grandfather had told her a few days ago that the person who threatened her and disrupted the company at the wedding was probably the same person.

Otherwise, everything wouldn't have happened by such a coincidence, why did the other party want to destroy Huihong so much?
"Why are you here?" Without hearing the knock on the door, she looked at Gu Mingcheng's arrival in surprise.

"Mrs. Gu, your employees are all off work. You, the boss, can't push yourself too hard." Gu Mingcheng nodded his watch, as long as she came to work in the company, he would basically come to pick her up from get off work.

"There are still a few documents, and I can leave after reading it." She sorted the documents on the table, stretched her waist, um, a little sore.

Seeing her appearance, Gu Mingcheng stepped forward distressedly and blocked the computer. Although she was wearing anti-radiation clothes, he was still worried. He turned her chair around so that her back was facing him, and he pressed her hands against her. Several acupuncture points on the shoulder.

"It's so comfortable."

"If you do less, you won't be so tired."

Jiang Muxin patted the awkward big friend's hand as if treating a child, "Isn't it an extraordinary time now, I can't let my grandfather come to the company dragging his illness."

Naturally, Gu Mingcheng would not be stiff with her on this matter, "Is it better?"

"My husband's massage technique is really comfortable, and he feels refreshed immediately."

Gu Mingcheng snorted, obviously her flattery was on the horse's leg.

"Is the matter very difficult?" I took the documents she put aside, the bank loan could not be obtained, the stock plummeted, the malicious low-price acquisition, the overseas funds could not be transferred back in time, if Huihong continued like this for a long time, there would be no new capital injection , will go bankrupt sooner or later.

"I think I can probably solve it." It's just that I have to go to a few more banks tomorrow, and I can't get the last few loans. I don't know if someone is playing tricks.

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me." Gu Mingcheng took her hand out of the office and pressed the elevator.

"You?" What Jiang Muxin was thinking at the moment was, do I have something uncomfortable to ask him?He is a doctor.

"Why, I don't believe it." Gu Mingcheng nodded her nose. If he didn't say something, it didn't mean he couldn't do it, and because he was too lazy to act, but in the end it would just depend on who asked him to do it.

"I believe it, how can I not believe it!" Jiang Muxin shook his arm coquettishly, "Go and buy a creme brulee before going home."

Gu Mingcheng really wanted to refuse, because during the prenatal checkup, the doctor said that he should try to eat less high-calorie food, otherwise the child will become too pregnant later on, and it will not be easy to give birth. , not more." It is conceivable that Gu Mingcheng had nothing to do with her in the end.

Back at Gu's house, the family kept asking about Jiang Muxin's health at the dinner table, asking her to rest at home more.

After the meal, Gu Mingcheng went to the study with Gu Changlin, and they didn't come down until very late. Jiang Muxin felt sleepy in the living room, and went back to his room to rest if he couldn't wait any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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