when we are in love

Chapter 154 A win-win situation

Chapter 154 A win-win situation

"Gu's has its own business model, but it is indeed a big risk for the company to mobilize a large amount of funds. Dad, you don't need to help me like this." Jiang Muxin knew that the company run by his father-in-law was quite large. Big, but no matter how much she tried to save Huihong, she couldn't take what other people had worked so hard for, let alone such an uncertain thing.

"I need to use Huihong's resources to open up overseas markets, and Huihong also needs Gu's funds to tide over this difficulty, so this is definitely a win-win situation for our two companies."


"Let's take a look at this." Gu Changlin took out the plan, "This is written by Mingcheng. He has been hiding his strength, and he has become a blockbuster if he doesn't say anything." If you come to Gu's to work, it's good to knock him down.

"You wrote it?" Jiang Muxin was a little puzzled. She felt that Gu Mingcheng should be the kind of person who had lost himself in medical skills, and only medical skills were his favorite research, but Gu Changlin's words would not be unfounded, unless it was this The plan was really well done, so I couldn't help but look at Gu Mingcheng a few more times, "I didn't expect you to develop in many aspects, a good young man with good morals, intelligence, and physical beauty."

His wife's ridicule didn't make him realize where he was wrong, so he said stupidly, "Actually, it was before."

"Don't talk, I like to be quiet when I look at things." Jiang Muxin suddenly said with a hint of gunpowder, and looked at him without turning his eyes.

Gu Mingcheng closed his mouth in surprise, his mind was running fast, thinking about what would make her angry.

After reading the whole plan, Jiang Mu's heart was really moved. Even if he was very angry with Gu Mingcheng, he couldn't help but be impressed by his shrewd mind, "I want to show my grandfather the plan. After all, I think he needs to agree to it first." it's the best."

"Of course, don't worry about it. Whether Mr. Zhao agrees or disagrees, I will accept it." She has not been in the company for a long time, and she still doesn't know how much benefit this cooperation will bring if it is achieved, but she does not want to give She causes stress.

"Thank you dad."

"Xinxin hurried upstairs to rest, you have really worked hard during this time." The elders also noticed it, but they couldn't let her not do it, after all, she was a good and filial child.

Gu Mingcheng finally understood a little bit, what he did wrong, he hurriedly supported her carefully when she went up the stairs, and coaxed her sweetheart.

Jiang Muxin didn't like him for the time being, after all, she was sulking now.

"You're angry!"

"I haven't." Jiang Mu replied firmly, without raising her head, she walked to the rocking chair in front of the French window and sat down, picking up the book she hadn't finished yet.

"You're mad at me for thinking I didn't tell you anything."

He held the book in front of his face, blocking his sight, and it took a long time before he heard her aggrieved voice, "I never knew you had such great business talents besides being a doctor." As his wife, Jiang Muxin Feeling like a failure, she has known him since she was a child, but there are still so many things she doesn't know about him.

That's right, she wasn't blaming him at all, she was just sulking with herself. He knew everything about her, but she was always ignoring his good.

"I promise, the things I know are only medical skills, nothing else. Your husband doesn't have that great ability, so it's better to learn from childhood."

Jiang Muxin was amused by his words, "Have you ever praised yourself like this!"

"Hey, as long as my wife can't be angry with me, it's nothing." Gu Mingcheng leaned forward, hugged her, and when he turned around, Jiang Muxin sat on his lap.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands!" Jiang Muxin stared at his face, which was close at hand.

"I never said I was a gentleman in front of you." Gu Mingcheng said viciously, and bit her earlobe with one bite, but he didn't really use force.

"Well, it's itchy, stop it." Jiang Muxin turned his head to hide, but suddenly bumped into something, and his body was so stiff that he didn't move.

"Little thing, you're still moving around!" Gu Mingcheng's tone was a bit heavy, and his uncontrollable impulsiveness made him a little annoyed. After all, it was only once when the two were intimate, and even the wedding night was because of her newly pregnant body. And endured it.

She is so delicious, no wonder he was impulsive.

"Then what, are you going to just hug her like this?" Jiang Muxin obeyed the doctor's orders. Gu Mingcheng didn't touch her for the first three months, and after three months, she even pretended not to know anything. How dare she speak up about such a shameful thing? .

"You lit the fire, and you plan to run away after lighting it?" Gu Mingcheng had a rare expression of embarrassment, son, your father has endured so hard for you now, in the future you have to be filial to me.

"Then what do you want?" Jiang Muxin was already ready to die heroically. It's been the first three months, so it shouldn't matter. He seemed to be enduring it quite hard, "How about I help you?" said After saying this, she blushed like a boiled shrimp.

"Don't worry, after the baby is born, you'll have to bear it, be good." Gu Mingcheng intentionally misinterpreted her meaning. In fact, he did this because he was thinking about her body. As a doctor, he knows when is the best time.

"You! Hmph." Jiang Mu was so angry that she would never be such a good person in the future.

Unable to break free from this tight embrace, he simply clings to it, but when will that grueling thing go away.

"Xinxin, why are your hands shaking so much? Are you too tired recently?" Zhao Heng worriedly held his granddaughter's hand, whether he did something wrong and put too much pressure on her.

Jiang Muxin blushed, and scolded Gu Mingcheng several times in her heart, it was really shameless and embarrassing!He clearly said that he didn't mean anything to her, but unexpectedly.She didn't dare to continue thinking about the picture of the two of them. She shook her head before thinking about the matter, "I'm fine, Grandpa, I just want to show you this."

"This is a joint project between Gu and Huihong, written by Mingcheng."

Zhao Heng was obviously surprised, and felt that there was no need to read this document, but he didn't want to spoil his granddaughter's feelings, "Actually, my grandfather has some old friends over the years, so it's okay to ask them to transfer some funds to help Huihong tide over the difficulties." .”

"Grandpa, look at it first, I haven't agreed to cooperate with Gu's yet."

She hasn't agreed yet, but she can't wait, isn't she just wanting to agree? Zhao Heng held back in his heart and didn't say anything. He flipped through the front page and started to read, while Jiang Muxin explained to him.

(End of this chapter)

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