when we are in love

Chapter 155: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 155 Two birds with one stone

"The general situation is like this. Another thing that is more difficult is that my father-in-law said on the last page that if the cooperation relationship can be implemented, he hopes to get some shares of Huihong." When Jiang Muxin said this, he was careful. Watching Zhao Heng's face, I was afraid that he would lose his temper when he heard this condition.

Gu Changlin's approach is more or less selfish, but it is undeniable that what he wants is straightforward enough, and he will not make some small tricks behind the scenes to harm Huihong, which is better than those who do one thing in person and one behind the other. many.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhao Heng replied: "Since the in-laws want to help, we can't refuse. As for his request for cooperation, I think we can change it."

"It's about the shares. Do you want more?" He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't get angry. As for the conditions, they can still be discussed.

"No, add another 5.00% on top of his original amount." Zhao Heng had already made a rough calculation in his mind, a total of [-]%, and Gu deserved it.

"That's [-]%!" Jiang Muxin exclaimed in disbelief. She wondered if Grandpa was in the hospital recently, and he was so stupid because of the medicine.

Seeing her reaction, Zhao Heng knew that she still didn't understand some of the interests involved, "You don't know yet, your father-in-law has pushed the entire Gu family into it, and he can help Huihong to this extent, so it can be seen that he Sincerely, but he is not at a disadvantage."

The amount of information seemed a bit overwhelming, and she couldn't hold back, "The whole Gu family? But Mingcheng didn't tell me about it."

"If you know, can you still agree? Can you still bring me the documents?"

Jiang Muxin opened her mouth, didn't explain to herself, but couldn't help muttering in her heart, Gu Mingcheng wanted her to remember his goodness forever, and then couldn't leave him for the rest of her life.

"The Gu family are all good. Now how many people are secretly looking forward to Huihong's downfall, they are the only ones who know how to send charcoal in a timely manner." Zhao Heng said with emotion when he turned over the vicissitudes of these years.

"Then this cooperation will definitely be successful, right?" She felt that by cooperating with Gu's, she took the responsibility.

"Xiao Wang will tell you how to do it."

Jiang Muxin nodded and began to pack up the documents. These are all top secret.

"Son, grandpa owes you after all." It takes so much hard work for an ordinary girl's family. After all, he is not qualified enough to be an elder.

"So, grandpa, you need to get better quickly. You need to watch my baby grow up, and the baby will still call you grandfather."

"Yes, I have to get better soon, haha..."

The cooperation with Gu's is proceeding in an orderly manner. This time, in order to prevent any negative news from appearing, even the media meeting is not held. It is handled by the most trustworthy people on both sides. I just want to let those who want to Those who watched Huihong's joke were dealt a fatal blow.

Sure enough, the people on the board of directors did not let Jiang Muxin off easily. The group of people who were easy to talk to when they met for the first time, actually brought out Huihong's shortcomings at this extraordinary shareholders' meeting, and in the end they almost had to start a new scene. Allotment of equity.

"Chairman Jiang, when Chairman Zhao was still in office, he hoped to stop overseas business first and put domestic business first, but I can see from this performance report that you did not follow Chairman Zhao's original intention. .”

"Yes, if Huihong's crisis is not resolved this time, I am afraid that its reputation in the market will be greatly reduced. Chairman Jiang, you can't let us shareholders lose their year-end dividends because of your decision." These words It's a good point, everyone is worried that their dividends will be reduced, but they are unwilling to contribute money to help Huihong tide over the difficulties.

Before Jiang Muxin opened her mouth to explain, someone directly criticized her ability.

"Chairman Jiang has been in office for a long time, but he hasn't made any facts. Let me tell you, if Chairman Jiang can't solve this crisis, it's better to find someone else. Maybe someone else can turn the crisis into safety. "

"That's right, I don't know what Chairman Zhao originally thought, and let such a little girl take charge of the overall situation."

A group of people said their own things, and they clearly didn't take Jiang Muxin, the chairman of the board, into their eyes, and they didn't know who proposed it, but they let He Ming stand up and tell his thoughts.

Jiang Muxin suppressed her temper and forced herself to calm down. This time, the shareholder meeting blatantly wanted to replace her, and there must be someone playing tricks behind it.

He Ming looked modest and polite, and nodded to everyone in a regular manner before standing up, "Since the directors love you so much, let me just say, I contacted an overseas bank, as long as Huihong's procedures are complete, the loan can be approved .”

When some directors heard this, they immediately stood up and agreed with He Ming, "Then what are you waiting for, what procedures are still missing for people to go through."

Why is it him again!Jiang Muxin has never hated someone so much, He Ming is one of them, once or twice he would make it difficult for him!What kind of moth do you want to figure out now?

He Ming didn't seem to notice that complaining look, and looked at Jiang Muxin with a embarrassed expression, and said slowly: "I just need Chairman Jiang's seal and the financial department's report."

Everyone present knew what these two things meant for Xi.As long as these two things are taken out, Huihong will be given the last bit of truth.

Jiang Muxin and Xiao Wang looked at each other, and found that he was also looking at He Ming warily. Today, the board of directors is standing on He Ming's side, probably because of some secret agreement.

"Director He, can the overseas bank you mentioned guarantee a sufficient capital chain? Domestic is obviously more convenient than overseas, why do you want to go far away? And how can our chairman trust you and entrust you with such an important thing?" Xiao Xiao Wang speaks back to He Ming.

He Ming smiled, he had already prepared his speech, and he looked like he was sure of winning, "Naturally, I have been in contact with my bank for a long time, and it is absolutely guaranteed. As for trust or not, it still depends on Chairman Jiang's decision. After all, I also That's it, directors, don't take it to heart, if Chairman Jiang rejects my proposal, then she must have a better way."

What he said not only showed his ability in front of all the directors, but also kicked this troublesome matter back to Jiang Muxin's side. It really killed two birds with one stone.

Everyone turned their eyes to Jiang Muxin again, as if they were asking for her approval. This was Huihong's last chance.

Have you been in touch for a long time?I'm afraid it was planned early in the morning!In other words, he was the one who caused Huihong's crisis!
But Jiang Muxin also knew that accusing him without evidence was not enough to win everyone's trust.

(End of this chapter)

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