when we are in love

Chapter 159 Why Help Me

Chapter 159 Why Help Me

"I heard that Chairman Jiang fainted in the office yesterday, how is he feeling better now?" He Ming came to the office on the top floor early in the morning, looking sincerely concerned about her. After all, Jiang Muxin was carried into the ambulance in the company Yes, so most people know.

Jiang Muxin felt angry when she saw his pretentious face, and kept saying in her heart, "You can't be angry, you can't be angry. It's a waste of life to be angry with this kind of person. She can't be emotionally affected like yesterday."

"It's all over, thank you for your concern." She raised a smile, trying to hide the irritability in her eyes.

However, He Ming could see that she didn't mean what she said, and he didn't care to expose her words, "I don't think you are well!"

Jiang Muxin hadn't even sat down yet, but what he said made him neither sit nor stand. He walked up to him and looked at him, "How do you know if I'm alright!"

Little White Rabbit actually knew how to fight back, He Ming chuckled in his heart, thinking that teasing her was also a very happy thing.

"Hey, look how you look so bad!"

That's not because you were angry, Jiang Muxin whispered in his heart, but he didn't want to deal with him anymore.

He Ming didn't give up, and chased after her, "Your husband is a doctor, why doesn't he know much about your physical condition? Does this mean that he doesn't care enough about you? You are still newly married, tsk tsk, you said you are so early Why are you pregnant, why don't you have fun first." He Ming is also a child of a wealthy family, and people in this circle usually play crazy, and they don't care about meat and vegetables when they talk, as long as they are happy.

Jiang Muxin was well protected by Zhao Heng before, but now that she is in control of Huihong, everyone in this circle has followed her like a demon, and they have investigated her information clearly.

It's really a bright pearl!Without the arrogance of a kid from a rich family, living the life of an ordinary person, life is as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Zhao Heng really had no choice but to let her be a girl to take on the important task of Huihong.

Originally, Jiang Muxin thought that she could bear He Ming's sarcasm, but how he liked to bring the topic up to her family made her very unhappy!
"I don't want to know what kind of life you have, and don't try to drag me into it. I don't need you, an outsider, to comment on whether my husband treats me well. It's already working hours. Doesn't Director He need to go back to work?! "Jiang Muxin paused suddenly, and nodded his forehead, "Oh no, I forgot, you directors don't have to go to work, you just need to sit at home and wait for the dividends at the end of the year. I am the one who should go to work."

It was so obvious that she was driving people away, but He Ming still didn't leave, and went straight to the side sofa and sat down. This position was just right to clearly see how serious she was at work.

"Since Chairman Jiang said that I don't have to go to work, then I'll just sit. Anyway, it's more convenient to sit here."

There is really no one who is more shameless than him!
Jiang Muxin didn't even want to look at him again, "Xiao Wang, come in and move the documents to the conference room. I'm working there today."

Xiao Wang only felt strange when he received the insider call, but he didn't doubt him. He moved things when he came in, and he understood when he saw He Ming. I was angry with him.

Jiang Muxin ordered Xiao Wang to remove some things that needed to be used, and walked out of the office without looking back. She was really angry, and He Ming obviously touched her bottom line.

Since he won't leave, then she won't argue with him for such a little persistence and let him leave. Isn't that what he wants.

The door was slammed shut from the outside, and He Ming shrank his neck in fright when he heard the sound, "Little Pepper, you really like my taste, why didn't I find you so interesting before, otherwise I wouldn't let you other's."

"He Ming, even Chairman Zhao couldn't guess his thoughts before. The city is too deep, so it's right to stay away from him." Xiao Wang reminded her like this.

"The police station received news that Zhao Liang seemed to be preparing to abscond, but because we reported the case in time, his ID card and passport could not be used, so he could only escape by smuggling. The police have deployed at various ports to arrest him as soon as he appears. .”

Jiang Muxin leaned on the back of the chair, with a much more relaxed expression than before, "There are news of his arrest everywhere in New Leaf City, he must be panicking now, and he must be in a few days before he wants to escape. The survey report from the government It will take half a month."


"Then this is enough. What we can do now is to actively cooperate with the police, but remember to notify me immediately when Zhao Liang is arrested." She wanted to ask Zhao Liang herself, she must know the safety of the project, and Who ordered him to do this!

"Okay, then for the cooperation with Gu's, who do you think it would be more appropriate to send?"

Jiang Muxin looked back at the office, "He Ming blocked me in the office early this morning, and he hasn't left until now. He must also be curious about what I can do in these three months. He will be suspicious of whoever I send. The goal is too clear. , I will follow up the cooperation with Gu's by myself, and I am not in the company, I will contact Gu's people after I go home."

Xiao Wang nodded approvingly, "This is the best."

"You remember to prepare all the materials. I will take them back when I get off work. Now I will contact the Gu family first."

The more Jiang Muxin thought about it, the more angry she became. If it wasn't for He Ming, would she need to be so careful!
Anyway, he is also the chairman of Huihong, but it's just a cooperation project, and it looks like an infernal affairs.

Fortunately, the people on Gu's side were also reasonable and understood that she had to talk about cooperation outside of working hours, so she finally didn't rush out and beat He Ming up.

She is patient, sitting in the conference room all day for three months, can she save Huihong just by sitting like this?What a joke!

He Ming couldn't understand her anymore. Since he dared to boast, he must have some skills.

The phone was vibrating and clamoring in his pocket, he clicked on it, and it turned out to be that person again.

'The funds in the bank are in place, how about your side? '

He Ming replied to him, "I said it to the board of directors according to your intention, but she promised to reverse the current situation within three months, with a three-month delay." '

'This is impossible. Jiang Muxin doesn't have this kind of ability. She just pretended to think that Huihong's stock price would recover, but I can tell you that this is impossible. 'The man responded quickly.

'So true!You gotta tell me who you are and why you help me? '

'It's all because of Zhao Heng who can't stand up. If I help you, I also help myself. '

But He Ming saw the key from this text message, "You help me, then what do you want from me?" '

'No, it's just because you are the one I like. Since everyone has been ruined by Zhao Heng, making Jiang Muxin fail means indirectly making Zhao Heng fail too! '

'I don't have the habit of bullying a girl. The corner of He Ming's mouth curled up, this man knew Hui Hong thoroughly.

"Director He, the matter has reached this point, is there still room for redemption?" '

It seems that there is really no more.

(End of this chapter)

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