when we are in love

Chapter 160 Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 160 Jedi Counterattack
"Is she willing to eat?"

Hearing the security guard's answer, Zhang Yiyang frowned fiercely, exuding hostility all over his body, as if no one dared to approach him, "If she doesn't eat, then feed her, and also pour it into me."

"The general manager is useless. We have tried everything, but the lady just refuses to eat."

"Let her answer the phone."

"Momo" The seemingly absent breathing sound on the phone made Zhang Yiyang a little distressed. She wanted to go on a hunger strike to express her opposition to him, but this would only make him use tougher methods to deal with her.

"Brother, stop it."

This is the same sentence again, every time the brothers and sisters meet, they only hear this sentence, "Momo is obedient, don't make things difficult for yourself, eat your meal soon, after dinner, brother will come home in the afternoon, and I will take you out for a walk .”

"You promise me to stop, and I'll eat." Her voice was so weak, but she gritted her teeth forcefully, allowing herself to speak a complete sentence.

"If you think something is wrong with your best friend, then don't eat. How much my sister has suffered, I will let her taste it too."

Zhang Yimo panicked, Mu Xin had nothing to do, "Brother, you threatened me!"

"Why didn't you threaten me with a hunger strike!" Zhang Yiyang hung up the phone in a hurry.

Jiang Muxin Jiang Muxin, it was because of this woman that the relationship between their brothers and sisters had become so rigid. The more Zhang Yiyang thought about it, the more angry he became, and he threw the phone on the ground to vent his anger.

But this was far from enough. Everything that could be smashed in the office, almost everything that could be reached, was smashed by him to vent his anger.

When the employees outside heard the voice, they didn't dare to take a step closer.

"General Manager, there seems to be something wrong with our office building." The secretary rushed back to the company from the outside, unaware of the movement in the office just now, when she came in she was extremely flustered, and even forgot to knock on the door. Slightly surprised what happened?
"What's going on?" Zhang Yiyang returned to his usual indifference, making it impossible to see that he was the one who was furious just now.

"It was discovered by the security guard this morning, saying that there was a loose wall in the parking garage."

After Zhang Yiyang heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Those inspectors have also said before that the cave geology will be like this, and there is a one in ten thousand chance that it will not appear in Zhang's. It is not a big deal to strengthen the ground again." question."

"Just in case"

"It's nothing in case. My plan is about to succeed. I want to build a few more office buildings by then, and just demolish this one."

"But I heard from the security guard that several merchants also reported water leakage on the floor. Could it be related to this?"

"How long has the office building been built? It is impossible for problems to arise so soon. If there is a water leak, let the decoration company come over directly, and our company will pay for it."


Zhang Yiyang waved his hand irritably to let the secretary go out, now is the most critical time, there must be no problems, even Mo Mo is determined not to do it!
Three months to say whether it is fast or slow, without everyone knowing, the cooperation with Gu's has entered the final check, and it only needs to be announced.

"Ms. Gu will be able to deliver the documents this afternoon at the earliest."

"That's good, let's go to the meeting room."

"Why don't we wait for the documents to be delivered first, and then wait for a while, so there's no need to waste time with them now." Xiao Wang still couldn't bear the thought of asking her to be a girl to face those sensible people who eat people and don't spit out their bones. of.

Now dragging his stomach for more than seven months, Jiang Muxin, who is not as flexible as before, still insists, "This time, in addition to releasing the cooperation news, we also need to catch the troublemakers in the company. Today's event It would be a pity if you don't watch the show." After all, she has been working in the workplace for a long time, and she can already handle this kind of turmoil.

Xiao Wang felt that what she said was very reasonable, and carefully helped her to the meeting room.

As soon as he sat down in the first place, the people below couldn't wait.

"Chairman Jiang doesn't have to come if he's not feeling well, just ask the secretary to inform him." Many people have already disregarded her as the chairman, and they are so eager to oust her from the stage.

"Thank you for your concern. Some things still need to be done by yourself. Directors, please sit down and talk. I'm not used to standing like this with my head up."

Hearing this, the people who were standing sat down with embarrassing expressions.

"Chairman Jiang still remembers what he said, the three months have come."

Jiang Muxin nodded, these people finally couldn't help but get to the point, "Yes, I was thinking"

"What about Huihong's current situation? We have left you for three months, but what happened!" Suddenly a director stood up and interrupted Jiang Muxin.

"There is no improvement at all. Chairman Jiang, let me ask you, have you really thought about saving Huihong?"

"We heard that you and Chairman Zhao had a bad relationship before. We thought it was a rumor at first, but now it seems that you want to ruin Mr. Zhao's hard work!"

"If you can't, don't stop us."

Everyone said nothing to me, and they didn't take Jiang Muxin seriously at all, "If you want me to say, He Ming's method is feasible. Now there is no bank in China that is willing to lend us a loan. He Ming can talk about it, which shows that he There are ulterior motives, not like someone!"

The person who said this seemed to be there every time he made a fuss, and he looked at Xiao Wang, and he also saw that something was wrong.

"If you can't do it, don't be brave. We won't bully a pregnant woman. Come down now, you can still be a shareholder safely with the shares that Mr. Zhao gave you."

Even He Ming who was on the side couldn't help frowning when he heard this. This was a bit harsh, and it hurt a girl's self-esteem too much.

Xiao Wang received a call, walked out of the meeting room and answered it, then came back and whispered in Jiang Muxin's ear: "The two representatives of the Gu family are here."

"Let them in." It was her limit to listen to such embarrassing words from these people.

"Hi Chairman Jiang, we are here to sign the cooperation contract on behalf of Gu."

Jiang Muxin nodded, asked them to prepare first, and then said to the directors in the room: "I have already understood the dissatisfaction of all the directors with me, and you think He Ming's method is feasible, so please give it to me now." Take a moment to see my plan."

"These two are representatives sent by Gu Shi. The cooperation between Gu Shi and Huihong has been confirmed. Today is the time to sign the contract."

It took a while for everyone to react, "Chairman Jiang, you made such a decision without discussing it with us. Are you worthy of thousands of people in the company? What if this plan doesn't work?"

"I hold 60.00% of Huihong's shares in my hand, so I have the right to decide this matter, but you, Director Liu, why do you have to veto all my decisions, or do you have a better way." Jiang Muxin said this , it was completely aimed at him, after all, this person was the one who made the fuss in the first place.

"This...I...don't I still have He Ming's solution."

"I'm not going to talk nonsense here, everyone will decide after reading the document." He signaled Xiao Wang to send the photocopied document, "There is no need to give this document to Director Liu."

When Liu Quan heard this, he was immediately annoyed. This Jiang Mu was so angry that he didn't even give him face in front of so many people!

snort!See what you can come up with, but Huihong will lose sooner or later!

(End of this chapter)

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