when we are in love

Chapter 163 Zhao Liang Was Arrested

Chapter 163 Zhao Liang Was Arrested
The cooperation with Gu's has just begun, and now there is really no one in the company who is idle.

Jiang Muxin no longer remembered that this was the first number of calls she received today, and they were all about cooperating with Huihong.

It's ridiculous that Huihong didn't see these people's help when he was facing a crisis, but now he is so enthusiastic. It's not because he fell in love with Gu's investment project and wanted to get a share of the pie.

I got through the inside line and let the secretary come in to make a cup of tea. Now the signs of drowsiness are becoming more and more obvious. I dare not drink coffee, so I can only drink tea to refresh myself.

Fortunately, the recent prenatal checkup showed that everything was normal, which made her very relieved, and the baby would be very considerate of the mother.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help being dazzled, imagining what the baby will look like in the future, it turned out that there was a baby with a waxy voice calling mother, it was so beautiful, if the whole world was given to her, she would not change her baby.

"Has anyone ever praised you? At this moment, you are so beautiful that people forget to breathe."

The fantasy was interrupted, Jiang Muxin was very unhappy, and glared at the door angrily, "He Ming is you again!" Several times!He didn't even know to knock on the door.

He Ming leaned against the door angrily, but kept his eyes fixed on her face, "Gu Mingcheng's vision is really not bad."

After all, there is a hint of jealousy in saying this, after all, he has lost to Gu Mingcheng every time, so it is understandable that he is not angry.

But he hasn't reached the point where he is obsessed with her. With all the recent mistakes, she is always on his mind, but he still knows sensibly that she is just more attractive than ordinary women, and the more he thinks about it, the more he finds it funny , a pregnant woman, it's easy to see where to go, but he just blurted out like this, it's crazy!
Jiang Muxin completely carried out the saying of 'one pregnancy is stupid for three years', she didn't hear the ambiguity in He Ming's words at all, and was still thinking about his unreasonable actions.

He Ming walked in, resisting the desire to poke her delicate cheek, was it as smooth as imagined.

But meeting her bright eyes, miraculously, the impetuousness in her heart disappeared. Those black and white eyes were full of confusion and guarded, but they had a simplicity that is rarely seen in women nowadays. It seemed that touching her was right. Her blasphemy.

"What exactly do you want?" Jiang Muxin always kept a distance of one meter away from him.

He Ming rubbed his nose embarrassingly, "There is one thing that I think I should show you, maybe it will help you." It seems that it is time for him to seriously find a girlfriend.

Jiang Muxin looked suspiciously at the document he handed over, feeling somewhat apprehensive about such a sealed thing, like a bloody doll on a wedding day.

"Don't worry, it's not something that hurts you. If it hurts you, it won't be in the company." He Ming only found out after this investigation. He didn't expect that person to threaten her in such a way.

In fact, He Ming didn't need to give this thing to Jiang Muxin at all, it had nothing to do with him at all, but he turned out to be obsessed and wanted to help her.

Jiang Muxin still didn't dare to take it, He Ming raised his eyebrows, and stuffed it into her hand, "Take it, after reading it, you will know how much you misunderstood me before." He knew from the beginning that she was suspicious He's the insider of the company.

It's true that he does things a little differently, but her girl's thinking is a little superficial after all.When he wants to get something, he has always relied on his own strength to grab it openly and do it behind his back, which is an insult to his personality.

Jiang Muxin couldn't understand this person more and more. Why did he act indifferent when he knew that others doubted him? This style of life and work is really too different. This is obviously to attract others' attention!

"Okay, if you're embarrassed in front of me, then I'll go first, but remember to thank me later and apologize to me." He Ming thought to himself, I'm not embarrassing her anymore.

This is not a problem, Jiang Muxin was vomiting blood in his heart, hoping that what he gave was useful, otherwise.

Jiang Muxin opened the file bag with a sense of indifference, inadvertently at first, and shocked and disbelieving at the end.how come!
It turned out to be him!

Everything turned out to be controlled by him behind the scenes, Momo's eldest brother Zhang Yiyang!
How could it be that it was him.

Suddenly she remembered what Gu Mingcheng said on the day of the wedding. The other party knew them very well, yes, knew them very well. She had nothing to say to Mo Mo, so did Mo Mo also know about this?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She couldn't believe that Mo Mo would deceive her. They were so kind. When she felt the most helpless, it was Mo Mo who climbed the wall and took her out of the dormitory door to get drunk and relieve her worries when she felt the most helpless. ;She is not a passionate person, and her emotions are dull. After so many years, only Momo has entered her heart.

But the information He Ming gave, all the evidence points to Zhang Yiyang, he and Mo Mo are brothers and sisters.

Mo Mo, where are you at this time? I won't trust He Ming's words. I want you to tell me personally that you don't know all this.Jiang Muxin really didn't want to imagine Mo Mo like this, but her disappearance in the past few days always made her imagine.

Having such a thought of not trusting his friends made Jiang Muxin spurn himself, and kept telling himself in his heart, to trust Mo Mo, you must trust Mo Mo.

Even if Zhang Yiyang used such a despicable method to destroy Huihong, it was just a method in the market, but Momo would never betray their friendship.

"The police have captured Zhao Liang, Mu Xin, we have to go to the police station immediately." Xiao Wang came running in without even breathing.

All the doubts seemed to be cleared away, Zhao Liang caught it, and the black hand behind the scenes would soon surface.

"Look at this first." She only felt that the thing in her hand was worth a thousand dollars, and she couldn't think anymore.

Xiao Wang seemed to notice her strangeness, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Mu sighed heavily, why should she know this, life is cruel.

"It was given to me by He Ming. How about asking you to investigate Liu Quan?"

"Recently, I see him walking with a person more frequently. I have already found that person. He is the secretary of the general manager of the Zhang family. The two of them still have many phone calls." Xiao Wang opened the file bag while talking. ,"This."

"Could it be that that person also wanted Li Heming, but he was followed by He Ming?" Xiao Wang came to the conclusion, because it was clearly stated in the document that the person who actually contacted the overseas bank was Zhang Yiyang, and the bank took a closer look. I knew there was a problem.

Jiang Mu smiled wryly, "Probably so."

"No wonder! It all makes sense."

"Go to the police station first, I need to make sure." She always believed that this matter had nothing to do with Momo.

(End of this chapter)

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