when we are in love

Chapter 164 Premature Birth

Chapter 164 Premature Birth
As long as it is what Gu Mingcheng wants to do, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. These are the original words of Gu Mingcheng's colleague and university roommate Zhou Lin.

So, when Jiang Muxin felt that it was impossible for Mo Mo to frame Huihong with her brother, this video tape appeared.

Turning on the projector, the picture that appeared in it turned out to be the record of the day when she and Mo Mo tried on the wedding dress, and it happened to be the picture at the door.

Momo said at the time that she was going to buy coffee, but after she left the bridal shop, she didn't go to buy coffee, unexpectedly...

"Momo? Why did she enter the alley?" She didn't want to doubt Momo.

"This is a surveillance video taken from a restaurant near the bridal shop. You can see the alley. Xinxin, look carefully. Zhang Yimo went in, and Qiao Yang came out." Gu Mingcheng took some effort to get it video.

These two figures are so familiar, how could she forget!
Mo Mo, Qiao Yang, why did they come out of it one after another, how did they know each other, how did this happen?
"I won't watch it, I won't watch it!" Jiang Muxin covered her eyes, she was afraid that if she continued to watch it, she would not be able to bear it in her heart.

"Xinxin!" Gu Mingcheng stubbornly pulled her hands down, making sure to let her see that he protected her so well that she didn't know that people's hearts were sinister. If you have a chance to become her friend, "It's okay to say that I forced you, this time I was a little cruel, but now you hold Huihong in your hands, I can't always protect you, you have to learn to see others clearly."

If it was possible, how could Gu Mingcheng want her to bear such a heavy responsibility, but now that she has already shouldered it, she can only bear it. She is tired, and he is behind her, and he is there for the big things.

Jiang Muxin obediently stopped evading and stared at the screen.

"There won't be such a coincidence. The only thing that can be explained is that this was arranged in advance." Gu Mingcheng felt that she should know the truth of the matter.

If Zhang Yimo hadn't done something sorry for Jiang Muxin, Gu Mingcheng would never have made things difficult for Zhang Yiyang because of her actions, but after watching this video, he knew that he couldn't let his wife have such an unstable person by his side. factors exist.

Her good friend had betrayed her early in the morning, but she was still trying to protect her good friend, have a family with her good friend.

Gu Mingcheng held her icy hand, only to feel that it was getting colder and colder, no matter how hard he covered it, it couldn't cover it.

The video did not end here, and there is the next section, Qiao Yang was kicked out by the people in the bridal dress shop, and Zhang Yiyang appeared later, he and Qiao Yang seemed to know each other, they didn't know what they were talking about, but Qiao Yang never He took an envelope in his hand.

Gu Mingcheng also felt chills when he saw it. Although he didn't have a good impression of Zhang Yimo, after all, she was someone his beloved valued, and she actually had such a heart full of evil intentions!
"Xinxin and the others have been in collusion for a long time. Brother and sister Zhang Yimo has been plotting against you since a long time ago." The matter is now obvious, and Zhang Yimo left on purpose in order to create opportunities for Qiao Yang to hit her.

At this time, Gu Mingcheng was very fortunate, he recognized his feelings clearly, and their plot did not succeed.

"Maybe Mo Mo has some unavoidable reasons?" It's really too difficult for her to accept such a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

She was still defending Zhang Yimo, "Have you forgotten? Zhang Yimo disappeared when you received the delivery. She is your bridesmaid, how could she disappear suddenly?" Although Gu Mingcheng had no evidence to prove that The blood doll was sent by Zhang Yimo, but Zhang Yimo is absolutely inseparable from this matter.

"Everything has been investigated, so the man behind the scenes is Zhang Yiyang, Zhang Yimo is his sister, how could she not know what her elder brother is going to do, and you regard her as your best friend, I am afraid they just watched Only when we focus on this point will there be a cooperation between the inside and the outside." The video is so obvious that no matter what difficulties Zhang Yimo has, he will not choose to believe such a person.

"Since the matter has been investigated clearly, let's hand over the evidence to the police. Don't worry about it anymore, okay?" He was afraid that she would be hurt if she continued to contact the Zhang brothers and sisters.

The bloody doll seemed to be cursed, lingering in her mind, why use that doll!Why are you so cruel, you still send such a doll when she is pregnant, Momo, should I choose to trust you?
There was a pain in the lower abdomen, as if some liquid had flowed to her calf, and she couldn't hold on any longer, "Mingcheng, my stomach is so uncomfortable, it hurts so much..."

"Xinxin?" Gu Mingcheng glanced at her unbelievably pale face at first glance, she said that her stomach was uncomfortable... Now, the amniotic fluid has broken and it is bleeding. It is impossible for her to miscarry after seven months, and she is clearly about to give birth!

But there are still two months before the due date, how could it be...premature!These two words made him hit his head violently, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we'll go to the hospital right away, Xinxin, listen to me, now you relax, follow me, take a deep breath, exhale and relax, that's it, don't panic."

Gu Mingcheng forced herself not to panic. At this moment, the only one she can rely on is herself, he must calm down.

The driver of the Gu's family drove the car steadily, the two of them sat in the back seat, Gu Mingcheng hugged her tightly, at this moment he didn't have the slightest excitement that the baby was coming, and his nerves were highly nervous, because she hurt, he would only hurt more.

Jiang Muxin, who was feeling more and more painful, was experiencing pain that she had never experienced in her life. She was exhaling more than she was taking in. She looked up at the man who seemed to be in less pain than herself, "Will I die?"

"Don't talk nonsense, having a baby is not an operation." Gu Mingcheng choked for breath, but immediately warned her severely not to say such things again.

He never thought about what life would be like without her, but when he saw the picture in front of him, he swore that no matter whether the child was a boy or a girl, he only had this one child, and he would never want her to suffer the pain of giving birth again.

"But I'm really in pain, Gu Mingcheng, it's all your fault! I'm going to be in pain!" Jiang Muxin, who didn't care about anything in pain, pointed all the blame at Gu Mingcheng, who made him not take any measures that time, and she She's not ready yet, she's going to be a mother, and no one told her that having a baby is going to hurt so much!

"You're right, blame me, it's all my fault." Gu Mingcheng misinterpreted her meaning, and now he wanted to slap himself, why did he choose to show her the video at this time, Zhang Yimo's influence on her was far beyond his imagination scope.

(End of this chapter)

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