when we are in love

Chapter 165 Production

Chapter 165 Production
If it hadn't been for stimulating her by showing her the video tape, how could she have given birth prematurely.

Jiang Muxin, who was so painful that tears came out, didn't care about his feelings at the moment. It seemed that as long as she spoke, she would be able to reduce the pain, "It's your fault, it's your fault, uh...you scoundrel! I'll give you life Baby, why am I the one who hurts?"

Look at what she said, if the elders heard it, they would all laugh at her.

But how dare Gu Mingcheng, his darling kept screaming, he knew that the pain of a woman giving birth was worse than a broken rib.

Since she was a child, she was particularly afraid of pain. When he thought of her having to bear this inhuman pain, his heart ached more than a knife gouged out, and he wished he could bear this pain for her.

I called the hospital before going out, and now at the gate of the hospital, there are already obstetric staff waiting in full force.

Regardless of his blood-stained clothes, he insisted on following outside the emergency ward.

Seeing that she was about to be pushed into the emergency room, Jiang Muxin's face paled instantly, "Where's Dad? Where is Dad?" That was her relative who had been dependent on her since she was a child. Everyone fell into endless panic.

No one had told her what childbirth was supposed to be like, no one had told her the baby couldn't wait to come out at seven months.

"Father is already on his way here. If it's okay, let the doctor check it first." Gu Mingcheng kept comforting, knowing that she was flustered at the moment, but it was impossible for her father-in-law to come to the hospital so soon.

Gu Mingcheng's voice somewhat comforted her, he let go of his hand, a little nervous but no longer uneasy, the medical staff pushed her into the emergency room for examination.

"How is the condition of the pregnant woman?" The director of the obstetrics department asked the assistant around him after seeing the usual check-up situation.

The assistant had already removed the stethoscope from Jiang Muxin's body, and checked her body again, "Seven and a half months pregnant, the amniotic fluid has broken, the cervix has been dilated by two fingers, and the pregnant woman is already bleeding."

When the director heard this, he hurriedly inspected it himself, "It can't be done, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the amniotic fluid will flow out, and the baby will not be able to keep it. Immediately prepare for a caesarean section."

Jiang Muxin was not in a daze at the moment. Hearing the doctor's words with his own ears, his whole body turned cold with fright. "Please, doctor, please keep my child."

"What nonsense, I issued a military order to Dr. Gu. It's not a big problem for you." The director of the obstetrics department has seen this kind of situation a lot, but now pregnant women are sensitive, and they are too scared to say a word.

"The director is not well, and the blood pressure of the pregnant woman has been dropping."

The director stopped chatting with her now, "Let the blood bank prepare plasma immediately, and ask the pediatric department to send a doctor over. Pregnant women are born prematurely, and the child must be weak. The pediatric department is still on standby."

"It's the director."

Soon Jiang Muxin was pushed out of the emergency room again. Gu Mingcheng stopped a medical staff, "What's going on? How is she doing now?"

"The pregnant woman was born prematurely and her blood pressure has been dropping. Now she must prepare for a caesarean section immediately."

This is the worst case of premature birth, Gu Mingcheng's forehead can be seen with deep grooves.

The lights in the operating room had already been turned on, and this minute-by-second wait was really tormenting. This was the first time he realized that the most important person was lying on the operating bed, letting others control her life and death.

Not long after the operation, Jiang Shuping and the two elders of the Gu family also arrived, asking about Gu Mingcheng's sudden change.

"Isn't the due date still two months away? Why did Xinxin give birth prematurely?" Jiang Shuping asked Gu Mingcheng sharply. He usually saw that his daughter was fine, but why did he suddenly give birth prematurely? He must have bullied her.

"Yeah Mingcheng, what's going on? What does the doctor say now?"

"It's all my fault." As soon as Gu Mingcheng told the story, the voices of the elders blaming him gradually decreased, and he couldn't be blamed for this.

"The amniotic fluid has broken, and now I can only have a cesarean section, and I have already entered the operating room."

Originally, when a woman gave birth, natural delivery was the best thing for the child, but Jiang Muxin's child turned out to be so dangerous. Fan Xiaoting also knew his son's guilt at the moment, "Okay, don't worry, it's better to have a caesarean section, so as not to suffer the pain of natural delivery." It hurts, Lao Gu, come home with me to pack things, Mingcheng and the others must have not packed up the children’s things in a panic, this caesarean section will definitely have to be hospitalized.”

"Okay, go back now."

Obviously the door of the operating room was closed, so it was impossible for any sound to come out, but he just heard that extremely weak cry of pain, it was his heart!
No, she must be terrified now, how could he just stay outside and ignore her feelings.

A nurse came out of the operating room and was about to rush to the blood bank to get blood. Gu Mingcheng took advantage of this gap to enter the operating room.

When the medical staff saw it, they quickly stopped him, "Doctor Gu, you make it very difficult for us to do this." They were all colleagues, and the nurse also kindly persuaded him, "This is not a normal delivery. Blood pressure is too low, blood collapse is easy, and you will hinder the director's operation."

But Gu Mingcheng couldn't care about these anymore, "She bleeds a lot, and she is like this now, I must stay with her."

"That...well, but you know the disinfection regulations in the operating room." I believe the director won't blame her for letting Dr. Gu in.

"I know."

The anesthetic had already taken effect, and sure enough, the pain in her stomach was no longer there, but the anesthetist only anesthetized her lower body, and the feeling of touch was still there.

The doctor gestured at her lower abdomen, which frightened her.

"Doctor Gu?"

Gu Mingcheng came in after being disinfected, and quickly explained, "Director Hao, I'm only staying with her and won't disturb your operation."

"Well, with you here, she can also stabilize her mood. The pregnant woman is always in high tension. This is what I am most worried about. It will be bad if the blood collapses."

Hearing this, Gu Mingcheng hurried up to see her, "Xinxin?"

"Mingcheng!" Jiang Mu wanted to move, but he couldn't feel his hands.

Because of the disinfection, Gu Mingcheng couldn't take off the mask, "I'm here, don't be afraid, I will accompany you." He held the other hand that she didn't have the infusion.

Director Hao saw that it was almost done, and the medical staff around him also entered the state.

A scalpel cut open under her lower abdomen, which was as long as a finger.

Gu Mingcheng took a look, then turned to look at Jiang Muxin, and touched her little face that was gradually becoming sleepy. This scar was something he would never forget for the rest of his life.

Soon, a faint cry of a baby echoed in the operating room.

Gu Mingcheng was startled suddenly, with joy on his face, he glanced at the child, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at Jiang Muxin, but she had already fallen into a coma, "Xinxin thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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