when we are in love

Chapter 167 Escape

Chapter 167 Escape
"How long do you want to lock me up?!"

"When you figure it out, I'll let you out." Zhang Yiyang talked to her absent-mindedly. Things weren't going well recently, and he didn't have time to tell her these irrelevant things.

Zhang Yiyang is really crazy. How long has it been since he started dealing with Huihong? How long has he locked up Zhang Yimo.

"Brother, I've made it clear. Let me go. I will be obedient."

Zhang Yimo gave in once in a while, but Zhang Yiyang laughed at him, "Momo, how can you be so ignorant of your brother? You think I can let you go if you pretend to submit? Forget it."

"You're a devil, devil!" She turned into her previous frantic appearance again, and everything within reach in the room was thrown to the ground by her and smashed to pieces.

"You hit it, you hit it again, I think it's because you have a strong personality, or I'm ruthless!" Zhang Yiyang's eyes became more and more scarlet, and the arrogance in his eyes shocked Yimo.

"Are you trying to deal with Mu Xin?" The last few times he went home, he was always in a bad mood. She guessed that there must be a problem with the company. Sure enough, when he said this just now, she thought of Mu Xin, "You promise But I won't hurt her, you promised me!"

"So what can I do if I promise, now the Zhang family is going to be ruined, but she manages Huihong well, why!" Zhang Yiyang simply told her the company's situation.

The depression in his heart was able to be expressed, and Zhang Yiyang felt a lot more comfortable in an instant. What are you afraid of, isn't there a last way now!

"But Momo, don't worry, Jiang Muxin won't be proud for long."

Zhang Yimo was even more startled by his words like this, he must have thought of some way to deal with Mu Xin again, this won't work, she has to find a way to escape!
Lying by the window, watching Zhang Yiyang's car drive away.

For so many days, only one bodyguard will bring her meals. She can't guess how many people are still in the house, and she can kill one person. As long as she leaves this house, she still has to worry about getting rid of these bodyguards!
"Ouch..." Zhang Yimo yelled that she had a stomachache, and watched the movement of the living room through the crack of the door. When she heard footsteps, her voice of pain became louder and louder, "It hurts me to death, come quickly!" Man, it hurts me to death."

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" The bodyguard opened the door and came in, with a tall body blocking the door, Yimo had no chance to escape in front of him like this.

I saw her lying on the floor with her hands on her stomach and her hair messy covering her cheeks. She looked really distressed.

"You can't see with your eyes. My stomach hurts to death. Hurry up, call my brother back and send me to the hospital!"

The bodyguard showed embarrassment. He didn't dare to offend the general manager's expression recently. Moreover, he had heard from the general manager that the lady was very cunning. He had to double check whether she was really sick.

"If it's not a big problem, I'll go get some medicine instead of going to the hospital."

"Can I still lie to you! I have been imprisoned for more than three months, and the last bit of patience has worn out. You send me to the hospital quickly. If I die from pain, let's see how my brother treats you!"

"I'm going to call and ask the family doctor to come over." The bodyguard went out immediately, and locked the door again in a hurry.

This provided Zhang Yimo with an excellent opportunity. She didn't dare to delay for a moment, and sneaked into the living room. Sure enough, she saw the bodyguard on the phone, picked up a vase, and quietly came behind him.

"Hey, that's right Zhang Zhai, it's right away"

She lifted the vase, and hit the back of his head with a 'bang', even the vase broke.

"You!" The bodyguard fell down in response.

Seeing the bodyguard fell down, Zhang Yimo hurried forward to check. Fortunately, she was angry, and she didn't seem to be really harmful.

Looking around, she didn't expect that there was only one bodyguard at home, which made her completely relieved.

In the study, I found the mobile phone hidden by Zhang Yiyang, and went back to the living room again, and found that the man hadn't woken up yet, so she wanted to leave immediately.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'" just passed the bodyguard, unexpectedly, he still had the last shred of reason, grabbing her ankles with both hands to prevent her from escaping.

"You...you can't go."

Seeing that he was not very sober, but the hand holding her ankle was really tight, there was no other way, so he picked up a hard ornament and smashed it on his head again, which was a pity for her father's Tang Sancai.

The bodyguard finally fell into a coma, "I'm sorry, I don't want to, you should be sent to the hospital for examination when my brother comes back."

Mu Xin, Mu Xin, answer the phone!Answer the phone!
"Hello, the number you dialed has not been answered at the moment, please try again later."

After more than a dozen phone calls, none of them answered. Could it be that my brother has already made a move? !
When she arrived at Huihong and asked, she found out that it was not, but how could she have given birth so long in advance?
With a stomach full of doubts, I drove to the hospital.

Gu Mingcheng had just come out and was about to fetch hot water, but he ran into Zhang Yimo at the door with a cold look in his eyes, "What are you doing here?" His words were guarded.

"Mu Xin gave birth, of course I came to see her." What is this man doing, he looks like he owes him millions and wants to eat people.

"Hurry up, Xinxin doesn't want to see you." If it wasn't for being stimulated by her affairs, how could Xinxin give birth prematurely? She is doing well now, and dare to come. Xinxin just gave birth, and I'm afraid she will be stimulated again if she sees her.

"Hey, why are you like this? You don't want to see me. It's your business. I want to see people. It's my business!" It's not a day or two since Gu Mingcheng has opinions on her, so Zhang Yimo never lets go In his heart, Xinxin would definitely be happy to see her anyway.

"Who is Mingcheng talking to outside?" Jiang Muxin had a cesarean section, and it was uncomfortable no matter how she lay down, but Gu Mingcheng insisted on her resting, but how could she sleep.


"Mu Xin is me!" Zhang Yimo's voice was louder, directly overshadowing Gu Mingcheng's.

Zhang Yimo!What is she, what is she doing here?
Gu Mingcheng couldn't stop her, and had already broken into the ward.

"My God, why is your face so pale?"

Jiang Muxin didn't answer her, and looked at Gu Mingcheng, "Aren't you going to fetch water? I'm fine here. I'll talk to her. I'll call you if there's anything to do." There are some things I still have to say.

Gu Mingcheng squeezed her hand, nodded and said yes, "I'm right outside."

"it is good"

She seems to have changed a lot, lost a lot of weight, and her hair seems to have not been taken care of for a long time. How could such an image be her character.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's like we don't know each other."

"I want to see you clearly. I don't know if I can see through your heart. I wonder what it is made of." Why can I be so cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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