when we are in love

Chapter 168 Breaking

Chapter 168 Breaking
Zhang Yimo took a deep breath, sensed the indifference in Jiang Mu's heart, forced a smile and said, "Are you okay? I went to the company and heard from the staff that you had a premature birth. How could this be? How did Gu Mingcheng take care of you?"

How could she still care about herself with such a good friend's face!Was she never ashamed of what she had done?
"Do you know, I didn't answer your call on purpose." Just now, the person who had disappeared for a long time suddenly called her. She wanted to answer it at the first time, but in the end, she let the phone yell aside, Just too lazy to pick it up.

"Why?" Zhang Yimo couldn't figure out why their relationship had become so cold after only a few months. "Are you blaming me for not seeing me these days?

"Zhang Yimo!" Not wanting to hear any more explanation from her, Jiang Mu glared at her angrily, "How long do you want to lie to me?"

Zhang Yimo was startled, "Don't you..."

"Yeah, I already know it!" Because she was so angry, she pulled the wound on her stomach when she spoke, and she kept frowning in pain, but even so, she still wanted to ask her, "If it wasn't for Mingcheng from the bridal shop I found a surveillance video nearby, and I never imagined that my best friend would plot against me."

Zhang Yimo stood aside and let Jiang Muxin say, yes, she did do this. She was living in anxiety at first, but now that Mu Xin knew about it, she finally didn't have to live in such fear.

In fact, why didn't she pay a lot for this friendship, why didn't she want their relationship to come to this point.

"Qiao Yang was found by you. She deliberately appeared in the bridal shop in an attempt to attack my heart. That blood doll must be your masterpiece. You don't want me to live in peace, do you?"

"You just gave birth and you are in poor health. Don't be angry. It's all my fault. I apologize for my brother about the incident at the wedding. I really didn't know he would use such cruel methods against you." If Knowing from the beginning that her brother would use such a cruel method, she would definitely stop it.

She actually admitted it!

Jiang Muxin stared at her relentlessly. Originally, she wanted to deceive herself. As long as Mo Mo didn't admit it, she would pretend not to know about it. She didn't want this friendship that had lasted for so many years to be broken up.

"Zhang Yimo, where did you put our friendship! Did you approach me purposefully from the very beginning?" Zhang Yimo like this is really scary.

"No, Mu Xin, I have always regarded you as my best friend, and I have no choice but to do some things." At the beginning, they were so innocent, and they became friends without any conflict of interest.

"It's because you are so ridiculously forced to be helpless, but you have to bear the unnecessary consequences. Do you know that I promised the company's board of directors that if I can't survive Huihong's crisis this time, I will resign. You know this is my grandpa's lifelong painstaking effort, but what about you! Together with your brother, you almost ruined Huihong!" This is what she was forced to do to violate morality.

She had already decided that she was an accomplice in her heart, Zhang Yimo was speechless, and no longer defended, "Mu Xin, I admit that I lied to you before, but at that time I didn't know that my brother would do these things to Huihong." , Now I know that apologizing is useless, but you must believe me this time, I heard that Mrs. Zhang has a problem recently, he was pushed into a hurry, and he can do anything, so you must be careful."

Zhang Yiyang's words kept echoing in her mind, he could put his biological sister under house arrest for three months, how could he soften his heart and let Mu Xin go.

Jiang Muxin sneered, "Could this be another plot of your brother and sister? You disappeared for so many days and suddenly appeared after my childbirth. Do you want to harm my child?" No wonder she didn't think of this, it really is Zhang Yiyang stretched his hand too far.

"How could I hurt you?" Ever since she knew her brother's plan, all she asked was not to hurt you, not to hurt you, "Believe me, I have a hunch, my brother will definitely not give up just like that .”

"What do you say? One came to inform, and the other was behind the scenes. Don't you brothers and sisters think that I have not done enough harm? Three days ago, because I watched the video, I couldn't believe it. What you did, emotionally premature, my baby was in my womb for seven months, now he's on life support in an incubator, and as a mother I haven't seen my baby yet .” How can anyone understand such sadness.

"These are the results of your so-called friendship on me." The more Jiang Mu thought about it, the more distressed she became. Whenever she thought of her child, she couldn't help crying.

Zhang Yimo really didn't know that things would get so serious. If she knew it would be like this, she would reject her brother from the beginning.

"You go, you go! Don't let me see you again." She looked at her with tears in her eyes, pointed at the door, and said decisively.

Zhang Yimo saw that she was so excited that he was about to stand up, afraid that she would affect his wound, so he took a few steps back, "Okay, I'll go right away, but Mu Xin, you must remember my words and be careful." But Jiang Muxin turned a deaf ear , she had to leave lonely.

Gu Mingcheng has been guarding outside, and when he heard her crying, he really hated Zhang Yimo.

Not surprisingly, Zhang Yimo was blocked by Gu Mingcheng, and before he had time to warn her to stay away from her heart, she spread her hands, "You heard what I said, Mu Xin didn't listen to me in anger, but my brother went crazy , you can even deny me as a younger sister."

What she said didn't seem to be fake, but Gu Mingcheng didn't let down his vigilance, "I will take good care of her, I don't need you to remind me."

She straightened her back and walked in the corridor of the hospital to make herself look less downcast, and whoever saw her little face was already covered with tears.

When Gu Mingcheng came in, he saw Jiang Muxin lying on the pillow, and the pillow was wet with tears.

Probably because of the sound of footsteps, Jiang Mu didn't raise his heart, but said in a crying voice, "Don't talk to me, let me cry for a while and I'll be fine. I'm really fine. I'll be fine if I cry a while."

Gu Mingcheng breathed out, stepped forward and hugged her carefully, she was always like this, caring for others, but suffering for herself.

"You just had the operation, can't you be angry? Lie down and let me see the wound." She was agitated just now, which was what he was particularly worried about.

At this moment, Jiang Muxin didn't care about being shy or not. She just thought of the friends who played crazy with her when she was a teenager, and she would never return to the original, and she felt sad.

(End of this chapter)

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