when we are in love

Chapter 169 Little Baozhang's Family

Chapter 169 Little Treasure Comes Home
Fortunately, the wound did not open. Gu Mingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, and came over to wipe her face with a hot towel, "Pregnant women are only sensitive, but look at you, the children are all born, but I don't think there is any difference at all, you Always a crybaby."

Jiang Muxin sniffled, her eyes were red, just like a child.

"You heard what Momo told me just now, Mingcheng, I don't know what to do, I'm really scared."

"What are you afraid of?" Gu Mingcheng held her hand tighter and tighter.

"All the people I care about will leave me. I'm really afraid." Now she only has one Gu Mingcheng, without good friends, and she doesn't want to lose even the person she loves the most.

She is like a wounded little beast, always hiding in her body and licking her wounds.

"I'm here."

These two words are far more reassuring than the three words "I love you". She has never regretted giving herself to Gu Mingcheng.

"Will it be there forever?"


"Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not particularly angry with her. In fact, she didn't hurt me." From the look in her penitent eyes just now, it can be seen that she must have helped herself a lot secretly. "And Zhang Yiyang is the one who secretly tricked Huihong."

The person she really wanted to blame was only Zhang Yiyang.

Gu Mingcheng didn't want her to think about these things too much. As for the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family, he would send someone to keep an eye on them.

"The doctor said that Xiaobao can be carried out of the incubator for an hour. I'll push you over to see him later, okay?"

"I can see Xiaobao now!" Now only children can make her smile.

"Well, we will go after this bottle of potion is hung up."

On the way to the pediatrics department, Gu Mingcheng was afraid that she would freeze, so he wrapped her into a rice dumpling exaggeratedly, and had to cook it in a pot.

They had been here before, looking at the little baby inside, and imagining what their own children would look like.

It's just that they didn't expect Xiaobao to come in such a hurry.

"When can I hold Xiaobao?"

Gu Mingcheng could never forget the size of Xiaobao when he was born, and his eyes hurt very much.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked in through the glass window, "Soon." The doctor told him that Xiaobao was able to get off the ventilator and breathe on his own, which is a good sign.

"Look, that's the one, the third one from the right." After all, it was a family. Gu Mingcheng quickly found his own child from among a large number of babies. Xiaobao was already much bigger than when he was born, and even his eyes were big When he opened it, his eyes were exactly the same as Jiang Muxin's.

"I see!" Jiang Muxin stared at the little man, "The boy is still more like you, and he will be a handsome boy when he grows up."

When the nurse saw them standing at the window, she hugged Xiaobao and walked to the glass window. In a completely isolated environment, neither party could hear the sound, and could only communicate with simple body language.

"Look, husband, Xiaobao is smiling at me!" She excitedly took Gu Mingcheng's hand, only feeling that at this moment, she is very happy, she has two most important people.

Gu Mingcheng stroked her hair, and said softly: "Don't get too excited, be careful not to pull the wound."

"Xiaobao, I'm mother, look at mother." But Jiang Muxin couldn't hear her son, who was close at hand, as long as she watched her son smile, she felt that the pain of childbirth was worth it.

For such a small person, it was the first time for her to see him moving so vividly, so vividly.

It was not until the nurse carried Xiaobao back to the incubator that they reluctantly left.

Gu Mingcheng is glad that Xiaobao has such an ability to make his mother forget the sad things, Xinxin, we two men will protect you from now on.

In the following treatment time, Jiang Muxin cooperated exceptionally. After half a month, she got the doctor's permission to go home for confinement, and she was discharged from the hospital with her precious son Xiaobao. They were all overjoyed.

Her little one was finally out of the incubator, she could touch it, touch it.

Gu's house prepared the baby's room early, because Xiaobao was too young, so the baby's crib was moved to the master bedroom, which was also convenient for the two new parents to take care of.

"Xiaobao, we're home." Jiang Muxin murmured while lying on the side of the crib, looking at Xiaobao's sleeping face.

"Xiaobao is asleep now, you don't need to watch from the sidelines, go to bed and lie down quickly." Fan Xiaoting helped her back to bed and lay down, "Remember what the doctor said, you young people like to do it the other way around , don’t use cold water to remember, you can only use hot water to wipe your body.” How could Fan Xiaoting not know the torment of confinement, and now it’s another reminder.

Jiang Muxin was obedient and did not refute. It is really impossible for her not to take a bath for a month!
According to the custom in New Leaf City, a married daughter must stay in her natal family for confinement, but Jiang Shuping is the only man in Jiang's family, how can she take care of Mu Xin's confinement, so the heavy responsibility naturally falls on Fan Xiaoting.

Fan Xiaoting loves her so much, he can use whatever is good on her.

"The nanny will be here tomorrow, and we all have to go to work. If you are at home alone, we can rest assured that someone will help take Xiaobao." Fan Xiaoting is also busy with retirement matters recently, and her grandson is also born. Focus more on home.

Jiang Muxin snuggled into her arms, "Mom, you think carefully." How lucky she was to meet such a good mother-in-law.

"You are all my darlings." She will not favor one over another just because she has a grandson.

The mosquito net was hung outside the crib, and it could be seen that the little baby inside was born prematurely, so Xiaobao's biological clock must be strictly followed by the form made by the doctor. It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time for him to drink milk.

Jiang Muxin picked up Xiaobao from the crib, but Xiaobao suddenly left the warm bed, seemed very uncomfortable, and moved back and forth in her arms, "Hurry up, my husband, what should I do... I don't know what to do .”

For such a small person, she was only worried that if she used too much force, she would hurt him. She usually went to the mother-to-be classes, but now she actually forgot what she had learned in the actual operation.

Gu Mingcheng looked at her at a loss with a funny face, she was so cute, "Your left hand is going to hold his neck, yes... and your right hand is holding his buttocks."

Jiang Muxin was a good student, and she got started very quickly. Looking at the child in her arms, she still smiled like that, and then fell asleep after biting her lips.

This made Jiang Muxin dumbfounded, and looked at Gu Mingcheng, "What should I do, Xiaobao should drink milk now."

"Don't be nervous, one meal or two is fine. Children need to adapt to a new environment when they first arrive. Don't take the doctor's words as an imperial edict." Big test.

(End of this chapter)

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