when we are in love

Chapter 170 Confinement

Chapter 170 Confinement

Gu Xiaobao, who has been acclimatized at home for a few days, expressed his curiosity about the new environment, and his way of expressing his curiosity is also very special, that is, 'crying'!
This cry is terrible, originally it looked so small in the nursery, it should be very weak, but they all guessed wrong, Gu Xiaobao is a big, careful person, this His voice was so loud that everyone in the Gu residence could hear it, and his lung capacity was really immeasurable.

Everyone at home would go upstairs to coax him, which made Jiang Muxin a lot easier during the day.

25 days after Gu Xiaobao was born, his weight had grown to 3500 grams, which is the weight of a normal baby. Everyone who looked at his pink and tender appearance would never think that he was a premature baby.

"Our little treasure is just fine." At this moment, Fan Xiaoting was hugging Gu Xiaobao and basking in the sun in front of the French window in the living room. He was still too young to take him outside.

Gu Xiaobao couldn't understand, so he babbled a few times, falling asleep in the warm sunshine.

"Hurry up, are you ready?" the woman said anxiously.

The man lowered his voice, "It's not good to make too much noise, just wait."

"No, you must be quick!"

Such an ambiguous conversation in the master bedroom is really exciting.

"You just pulled me here as an accomplice, my wife, you are really good at it." Gu Mingcheng came out of the bathroom in the bedroom, holding a basin of hot water in his hand.

"Hurry up, Mom will find out later, and I'll have a good time." Jiang Mu stomped impatiently, "If I can wash my hair by myself now, will I ask you to help me!"

Hey, it's just that she didn't think of cutting her hair short beforehand, and now she has to ask for help if she wants to wash her hair secretly.

Gu Mingcheng touched his nose embarrassingly, yes, as long as she showed pitiful eyes, why would he not agree, not to mention the older generation's method of confinement, he didn't quite agree.

The stitches on her wound have been removed, and she is recovering very well. She used to love to be clean, but now she has not washed her hair for a month. Isn't this just embarrassing her?

Jiang Muxin turned to look at him, and said very reasonablely: "Hurry up, I'll tell you, if you don't help me, you will be the one who suffers!" She thought he was worried that Fan Xiaoting would say something about him, so he did it. Grinding.

"How do you say that?"

"Are you willing to sleep in the same bed with someone who hasn't washed their hair for a month? The sour smell can probably cover the whole room." Jiang Muxin's words were a bit exaggerated, but when she brushed her teeth this morning, she couldn't hold back , took off the scarf wrapped around her head and took a look. The feeling, the sourness, almost made her have the urge to hit the wall.

Gu Mingcheng smiled, walked up to her, and let her fall down on the recliner, "You always have a lot of reasons." But that's all he does!
In the afternoon of early autumn, the temperature is just close to the temperature of the human body, and the boiled hot water is cooled for a while, which is just an acceptable temperature.Gu Mingcheng squeezed shampoo into the palm of his hand, swirled it, and soon foamed up. The delicate foam was applied to her long hair, and his fingers gently massaged the scalp.

Hiding in the room to wash his hair, all kinds of conditions are restricted. Gu Mingcheng took a ladle over to rinse, carefully avoiding the position of the eyes, Jiang Muxin looked at him quietly, like a well-behaved child.

After changing the hot water a few times during the period, Jiang Muxin finally felt that her hair was no longer heavy. It was a feeling of relaxation all over her body, and she kept shaking her head happily.

The water splashed on Gu Mingcheng's face and clothes, and there was really nothing to do with her, "You're still naughty, be careful not to be discovered by mom."

Jiang Muxin stuck out his tongue, "Clean up the battlefield quickly."

Seeing that she was about to move, Gu Mingcheng stopped her, "Don't worry, dry your hair first."

After they lived together, Gu Mingcheng forbade her to use a hair dryer to dry her hair. The hair dryer would make the hair very poor. He loved the smoothness of his hands so much, so he naturally did it himself.

A clean and soft towel wraps her long hair, and rubs her hands together up and down. Although this will be slow and the process is monotonous, it is indeed one of the few things Gu Mingcheng likes to do.

In about ten minutes, Jiang Muxin's hair was completely dry. The advantage of wiping her hair like this is that it doesn't tangle when you comb it with your hands. Compared with using conditioner, I don't know how much better it is.

She squinted her eyes and let Gu Mingcheng manipulate her, like a lazy kitten.

Suddenly feeling the sound of breathing in front of her getting closer, she opened her eyes in surprise, seeing the face close at hand, "What are you doing?" Pushing his chest, she looked at him coquettishly.

"I'll see if you look good." Gu Mingcheng leaned forward, clearly intending to kiss her.

Jiang Muxin dodged left and right, just to prevent him from succeeding.

Seeing her like this, Gu Mingcheng felt a little annoyed, why couldn't he kiss her anymore, he used some strength in his hands, and forced her into his arms.

Jiang Muxin was frightened and resisted forcefully. Finally, she couldn't help but blushed and said, "The doctor said I had a caesarean section, and I can't..."

Gu Mingcheng froze, did he look so hungry?It's just that she is cute and wants to kiss her, "You, this...I..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter in his ears, and Jiang Muxin's cheeks flushed instantly. It turned out that he had made a mistake just now.

Jiang Muxin, who was ashamed, stood up quickly to escape from this embarrassing situation for her.

How could Gu Mingcheng be willing, and pulled her into his lap, "Don't be shy, dear, we are husband and wife, we have met each other frankly, actually... I did think about that thought, but I will always take care of you, but little Girl, you can't think of me so badly."

Jiang Muxin let out a muffled 'oh' in his arms.

"Then I have to collect some benefits now."

Everyone was already trapped in his arms, what else could Jiang Muxin resist.

"Cough cough!" A heavy cough sounded at the door, Jiang Muxin pushed him away vigorously, glanced at the door, and called "Mom"

Fan Xiaoting was holding his grandson in his arms at this time, but luckily the grandson was asleep, otherwise, seeing this, adults would not know how to set up a good image for the child.

Jiang Muxin didn't dare to raise his head again. It was the first time for these two people to do something bad, but they were caught right away unexpectedly.

"Mingcheng and you too, just do whatever you want." Fan Xiaoting had just put the baby on the crib, when he saw the faces at his feet, and soon knew what they were doing while he was away.

"I've done the washing, what's for dinner?" Gu Mingcheng took over everything and tried to change the subject.

Fan Xiaoting looked at the two unsatisfied children, "You and I come downstairs to help."

She was really worried, if she came a few hours late, the child would attack Xinxin. After all, he has been greedy for so many years, so I should take him downstairs to calm down for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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