when we are in love

Chapter 171 The Grieving Child

Chapter 171 The Grieving Child

"Little Treasure also wants to get a big name, have you discussed it with Dad?"

"Not yet, don't worry." Gu Mingcheng couldn't help holding back his laughter when he thought of the four old people worrying together. Just such a baby bump would really make them worry.

Jiang Muxin frowned, this child must be registered.

Speaking of the names of Gu Xiaobao's children, in fact, they were already on the agenda when Xiaobao was five or six months old. Gu Changlin chose a lot of names and gave them to Zhao Heng.

Zhao Heng is also a fastidious person, if he doesn't believe in fortune-telling, this one won't work, that one won't work, and in the end he vetoed them one by one, so that the child's name has not been finalized yet.

When Jiang Muxin saw his helpless appearance, he knew that someone was suppressing him, and he didn't need to think about who it was.

One day after Gu Mingcheng went to work, Jiang Muxin picked a time after lunch and called the top leaders of the two companies.

"Why did Xinxin think of calling grandpa? Oh, is it too boring recently? Do you want grandpa to come and see you? I haven't seen my great-grandson Xiaobao for a long time." Zhao Heng's doggy words are simply Let Jiang Mu feel ashamed.

Grandpa, what about your previous majesty?How can you look like a child slave now.

"Grandpa, have you figured out Xiaobao's name?" She went straight to the point.

"I'm discussing this matter with the master recently, but the master said that Xiaobao's five elements are short of fire, and I'm also looking up the dictionary recently."

Jiang Muxin really didn't know that Zhao Heng would be so superstitious.

"Xiaobao is going to register now. Grandpa, you have to think quickly. It will be bad after three months." How about an account, a few days later.

But after all, the granddaughter spoke up, so of course he didn't delay, saying as soon as possible.

Finally, after two days of hard work, with a swipe of 'Xi', the name of Gu Xiaobao's little friend was born, Gu Xi.

The word 'Xi' is hot, and Zhao Heng also took great pains.

Later, Gu Xi, who went to elementary school, because the teacher asked him to learn to write his own name as the first homework homework, for this reason, the child made a fuss at home, only saying why he was given such a difficult name to write, yelling to change.

But the grown-ups were very worried, and only said that this was the name chosen by the great grandfather, and it could not be changed at will.

At that time, Zhao Heng hurt him so much that he refused to agree to anything.

It was Gu Mingcheng who stared at him, and the little girl Gu Xi pursed her mouth in grievance, and finally accepted her name. It was not until late at night that she practiced the word 'Xi' thousands of times before writing her own name.

Of course, the child Gu Xi is not afraid of his father for a day or two, but has been cultivated since childhood.

Gu Xi had a nanny to take care of her during the day, but Jiang Muxin was worried that the child would be born prematurely, and was always afraid of his health, so he did many things by himself, so that Xiao Bao kept kissing her.

A child who is less than two months old does not know how to understand the hard work of his parents. He wakes up in the middle of the night and cries in the crib.

Gu Mingcheng subconsciously reached out and covered the ears of the people around him, but it was already too late.

Jiang Muxin yawned, and grabbed Gu Mingcheng's arm, "It's okay, I'll go, you have an early shift tomorrow, go to bed quickly." After speaking, he put on his slippers and ran to the crib to comfort the baby.

But Gu Mingcheng couldn't sleep, she didn't sleep well for two weeks in a row, and the dark circles under her eyes were already comparable to those of a panda, which made him feel very distressed.

The little girl Gu Xi urinated, but the diaper wrapped her whole body and made her feel uncomfortable, moving around on the crib.

"Oh, Xiaobao is good, don't cry or cry, mother hugs you." Recently, she has developed her arm strength. She can hold the baby with one hand and do other things with the other. With her right hand, she hooks the bag on the side, which contains the things Xiaobao usually uses.

"I'll change it, you hold it." Gu Mingcheng has already brought over the diapers, he is proficient, this is not the first time he has done this.

After finally coaxing Gu Xiaobao to sleep, Gu Mingcheng just wanted to say a few words and wanted Xiaobao to sleep in the nursery, but Jiang Muxin fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

He said it all, it's better to be a girl, don't make a fuss, boys are really tormenting.

"Wow wow wow..." It took a long time to settle down, and little girl Gu Xi woke up again, unable to do anything but cry.

Jiang Muxin fell into a deep sleep this time, and seeing that she was about to wake up, Gu Mingcheng hurried over to pick up Gu Xi and walked to the baby room next door.

"Little thing, how old are you, and you torture your mother like this?" Gu Mingcheng said, but still patted Xiaobao on the back, telling him to sleep quickly.

But Gu Xi didn't agree with him at all, twisted and twisted in his arms, feeling old and restless.

"Hey, who did you learn this awkward look from?" Gu Mingcheng glared at the child in his arms, but saw him staring at him fearlessly, as if he had found a new toy.

"Hurry up and go to sleep!"

Gu Xi's mouth was deflated, and he was about to cry, "If you dare to cry, I will throw you to the baby's room to sleep alone!" Regardless of whether Gu Xi could understand or not, Gu Mingcheng warned him just like that.

After walking back and forth in the baby's room for an unknown amount of time, Gu Mingcheng himself felt a little unbearably sleepy and was about to fall asleep, and this tormenting child fell asleep drooling.

Babies are very spiritual. Gu Mingcheng warned Gu Xi who didn't know anything last night not to disturb his mother's rest at night. When Gu Xi woke up the next morning, Gu Mingcheng was the first to hug him , was going to change his diaper, but this kid didn't buy his father's account.

As soon as Gu Mingcheng's hand came over, Xiao Bao kept twisting his body, and when his hand became stronger, he immediately cried hoarsely.

Jiang Muxin, who was still asleep, was startled suddenly. It was a conditioned reflex to throw off the quilt, put on the slippers, and stretched out his left hand to hold the place where Xiaobao's pacifier was usually placed.

With eyes closed, he could come to the crib where Xiaobao was sleeping without any mistakes, "Mom hug me, stop crying, Xiaobao."

Gu Xi stretched out Xiaopang's hand very cooperatively. Because of the premature birth, Jiang Muxin had nothing to feed him, but every time this child was hugged by his mother, his little head would keep pushing his head towards his chest.

Jiang Muxin teased his son, seeing his rounder and rounder face, he couldn't help kissing him, "I'm probably hungry, good boy, just wait a while."

"Husband, go make milk powder, Xiaobao is hungry."

Seeing his son lying on his wife's body, neither crying nor fussing, his appearance was two extremes compared to being in his arms, Gu Mingcheng twitched his temples a few times, and thought: It's useless for me to do this before you were born. I love you, now you are doing everything against me.

Although his heart was so broken, he still obediently went to make milk powder.

Brat, I'll deal with you when you grow up!
(End of this chapter)

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