Chapter 172

"Look here, Xiaobao, come and have a smile, and look at mom." Jiang Muxin held the camera, wanting to record Xiaobao's growth.

And Gu Xiaobao is also very upbeat, as long as the family members take out their cameras, they will pose in various cute poses.

Gu Mingcheng came back from get off work with a bag in his hand, and when he went upstairs, the child's mother, who had been with the child all day, was already paralyzed on the bed.

I couldn't bear to wake her up, so I just put the bag on the bedside table, so that she could see it when she woke up.

Xiaobao's voice came from the crib, and Gu Mingcheng was going to hug him, but it was strange to not see him for a day.

Today Xiaobao wore a jumpsuit that looked like a little turtle, and he was lying on the bed, just like a cute version of a little turtle.

"Little Treasure, come and give Dad a hug."

The little girl Gu Xi was so upright that he wouldn't let him hug her, and her fat little hand was still holding the photo that Jiang Muxin took for him today.

It turned out that he, being a father, was not as important as a photo. Gu Mingcheng sat down on the chair beside him angrily, took out his mobile phone, and read the information.

Gu Xi suddenly stared at his cell phone in such a huff.

Gu Mingcheng looked at him, pretended not to know, and continued to tap his phone until Gu Xi crawled to his side and made a pose.

This... Is this asking him to take a picture of him?She has been so stinky since she was a child, how can she grow up.

Seeing that his father was unmoved, Gu Xi kept poking his head over and over again, Gu Mingcheng became a little impatient, raised the phone to his eyes, and the kid immediately put himself in a good position.

A few seconds later, Gu Mingcheng took back his phone, but Gu Xi still refused to let it go.

"Silly little treasure, your dad didn't even turn on the camera just now." Fan Xiaoting had already stood at the door, seeing the interaction between the father and son. After all, the son is really cold, except for his wife, he really can't tell the difference Give others a little patience.

Picking up the baby on the crib, this little look is simply the combination of Xinxin and Mingcheng when they were young, the little baby can't speak, the little lips are pouting and bubbling, it's so cute.

"Father doesn't hurt, but grandma does. Grandma will take you out to bask in the sun."

Gu Mingcheng was not at all embarrassed by being teased, put down his phone and walked to the bed, "Wake up and pretend to be asleep, huh?"

Knowing everything about her, how could Gu Mingcheng not know that when she woke up, her breathing was different.

Jiang Muxin got her head out of the bed, and brushed her long hair, "Hehe, Xiaobao is too fussy, I'm just too sleepy, I just plan to take another nap." She especially stretched out a little thumb to gesture.

"There's still a babysitter, you always make yourself so tired."

"I really don't know who he looks like like this, and only you can hold him down." Jiang Muxin looked back at himself and Gu Mingcheng when they were young, they were obedient and obedient children who never made a fuss, why is little Gu Xi so abnormal?
"He looks like me."


Gu Mingcheng nodded, Xinxin was nine years younger than him, so naturally he hadn't seen him when he was a child. At that time, he climbed a tree and went down the river without doing anything, and his parents didn't even bother him.When he was nine years old, he knew that he had such a cute little Bumi Mie, and he just wanted to act like a big brother, so naturally he had to be very prudent.

Gu Xi resembles him in this way, but Gu Xi is much quieter than him at the moment.

"What is this?" Jiang Muxin saw something on the bedside table, which was not there before, and took it apart out of curiosity, "Wow, Gu Mingcheng! You did it on purpose!" That expression of deep hatred seemed like he had really done it. Big mistake.

"What's the matter? Don't you like eating here?" He took a detour today after get off work to buy pudding from this cake shop.

Jiang Muxin reached out and secretly squeezed the flesh on her belly that couldn't be lost after giving birth, "I'm so fat, you still want me to eat this, you obviously don't want me to lose weight!"

Women always pay special attention to their figure, especially after giving birth. Jiang Muxin originally only had a small frame and didn't look fat. Even after giving birth, she would be small at most.

Gu Mingcheng yelled that she was wronged, not to mention how could she be considered fat.

"Then I won't buy it next time, I'll eat it first this time." Gu Mingcheng was sure that she couldn't stand the temptation, and didn't dare to say anything to make her lose weight.

One thought in her mind told her not to eat, and she would gain weight if she ate it, but another told her, eat as long as you have nothing to do, and you will have the strength to lose weight when you are full.

In the end, Jiang Muxin glared at Gu Mingcheng angrily, but he didn't forget to stuff the spoon in his mouth, oh, it's so delicious!

Today was the day when Gu Xiaobao went back to the hospital for reexamination. Jiang Muxin was inconvenient to go out, so Fan Xiaoting took him with him.A caesarean section is not like a normal delivery that can give birth in one month. It takes three months to be bored at home.

Xiaobao was not at home, so she was free and took a book casually to pass the time.

"Mom said, you can't read books, it will be bad for your eyes in the future." Gu Mingcheng didn't know when he came in, and immediately took her books away. You have to do it well during confinement.

Gu Mingcheng was a little too nervous after being told by Fan Xiaoting.

"But I'm bored!" I've never been so bored at home for more than a month, and it's almost two months now, but there's still a month to go.

"I also know that three months is difficult, but you are obedient. When you recover, I will take you out for a trip." Gu Mingcheng could only coax her. For the sake of her health, let alone go for a walk in the garden. Can not Go Out.

"You don't let me do anything, I'm bored, if I'm bored and have nothing to do, I'll get postpartum depression!"

"Nonsense!" Gu Mingcheng sternly stopped.

"Why are you so fierce!" Jiang Muxin was very wronged, she was just showing off her tongue just now.

Gu Mingcheng immediately succumbed, "I'm not trying to murder you, but you can't say such things, and your words make me very worried." He frowned deeply, fearing that what she said would become reality.

"I won't talk about it in the future." Jiang Muxin stuck out his tongue, knowing that such a joke cannot be made.

Just talking about being boring, Xiao Wang called and asked Fang whether it was convenient for him to come over, and there were very important documents to be signed.

Jiang Muxin is naturally happy, she has something to do, she won't be bored, and Gu Mingcheng can't stop her when it comes to the company.

The company's affairs were handled by Xiao Wang alone two months ago, but there were many documents that Xiao Wang only dared to read but could not sign. Jiang Muxin was still required to sign.

With a backlog of two months of documents, how can I finish them in one day? Jiang Muxin is exhausted after reading one or two copies every day, not to mention there are all kinds of data, which is simply overwhelming.

Xiao Wang is only short of becoming a full-time courier delivering documents, but this is better than handling documents by himself and being urged by various directors all day long. He is several years old.

(End of this chapter)

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