Chapter 176

This kid!Gu Mingcheng felt that his worries all day were in vain.

Holding his son's tender face, Gu Mingcheng didn't stop until he knew he was going to resist. When the nanny came in, he asked, "Where's Xinxin?"

"That lady...she said..."

Aunt Zhang stammered, and Gu Mingcheng felt a little strange, "Where did you go?"

"Madam said to go out for a walk, but I really can't stop you, sir." Well, obviously Madam said she would be back soon, but it has been two or three hours.

Gu Mingcheng was a little angry. This little girl has only a few days left, and she can't stay. Do you have to go out for a walk? !

"Did you tell me where you went?"

"Oh, it's been a long time just walking around the community."

No one came back, even if Gu Mingcheng wanted to preach, he had no one to talk to, he shook his head helplessly, "You go and cook first, I'll go find her."

This girl really doesn't take his words seriously anymore.

But Gu Mingcheng searched around in the community, but he didn't find Jiang Muxin's figure. He couldn't help but panicked. He hurriedly called, but there was no answer all the time. What's going on? He didn't even answer the phone?

It wasn't until he walked to the gate of the community that he found out through the mouth of the guard that she had gone outside. This girl is really sincere!Where there are few people, where to run.

This is the suburbs, and the people who live here drive back and forth, and there are almost no one to see on the road, but just like this, Gu Mingcheng is more and more worried, what is she doing alone?
"Xinxin?" He didn't stop making calls until there was a familiar ringtone next to his ear. It was her cell phone, and he hurried over to pick it up.

Why was the phone on the ground, but the person disappeared? Gu Mingcheng's heart sank more and more, what happened?
"Xinxin! Xinxin!"

"Don't hide, come out and go home."


But there was no answer to his voice.

Gu Mingcheng's face turned pale immediately, he would never joke with him like this, something must have happened, there is no monitoring on the damn road, he couldn't find out what was going on with her at all.

Jiang Muxin disappeared for no reason, and several elders knew about it, "How did Mingcheng find it?"

"If it's a kidnapping, then it's impossible for the kidnappers to not even have a phone call." Fan Xiaoting simply thought that Jiang Muxin, who had recently become famous because of Huihong, had become a representative of money and would always attract the attention of lawbreakers.

Gu Mingcheng squeezed the phone tightly, thinking of the text message he saw just now, wishing that he was holding that person in his hand.

His heart trusted her again and again, but what did he get in the end!
"Parents, don't worry, I will bring Xinxin back safely, and leave this matter to me." Zhang Yiyang, it's finally time to settle our accounts!

"woke up?"

Zhang Yiyang looked at Jiang Muxin condescendingly, and he enjoyed this feeling.

Jiang Muxin raised her head and glanced at him. She hadn't slept much all night, which made her unable to cheer up.

At some point, the rope that tied her hands was untied, but the skin around her wrist was worn out, and it hurt so much, "You brothers and sisters have worked so hard to deal with me in such a despicable way, why? ?”

Zhang Yiyang rubbed the cuff buttons on his shirt, "Jiang Muxin, do you know what I care about you the most?" He stepped forward and grabbed her jaw, "You don't have to do anything, you can get everything, but I'm different, if I don't If you work hard, you will always be trampled under your feet."

"I tried my best to bring down Huihong, but in the end, you can cooperate with Gu's without any effort, and all my efforts are in vain!"

It turns out that this is the truth, the temptation of money and status is really transcendent!
Jiang Mu felt a pang in his heart, Momo, you are such a person.

"Your good sister, for you, you don't want me as a big brother, Jiang Muxin, do you think she is possessed? Why is everyone helping you?"

"What did you say?" Didn't she already betray herself?Why did Zhang Yiyang still say such things?

"Bring her here."

Momo is here too?

Jiang Muxin became more and more confused, what on earth did their brothers and sisters want to do!
The bodyguard brought Zhang Yimo over from another room, "Zhang Yiyang, you are not human! You can't put me under house arrest like this, it's against the law! Mu Xin? How could she?"

Seeing Jiang Muxin here, Zhang Yimo panicked, "Zhang Yiyang lied to me, you said you wouldn't hurt her! Why is she here?"

"I was forced to do this." Zhang Yiyang tried to comfort her, but Zhang Yimo couldn't listen to anything, and slapped his hand off hard.

"I don't have such a crazy brother like you!" She glared angrily. From the moment she saw Jiang Muxin appearing here, she didn't feel any guilt about what she did. Brother, you will understand my painstaking efforts in the future.

Zhang Yiyang closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, the hostility in his eyes was fully revealed, "In this case, then you can go with your good sister!" After finishing speaking, he pushed her to Jiang Mu's heart. around.

"Zhang Yiyang, you are too much, she is your sister, how could you treat her like this!" If Jiang Muxin hadn't seen it with his own eyes, how would Jiang Muxin know that Zhang Yiyang was really vicious enough to attack his own sister.

At this time, all her complaints against Zhang Yimo dissipated, "How are you, Momo?"

"It's okay, did he hurt you?" Zhang Yimo was even more nervous about her.

Jiang Muxin shook his head, and held her hand tightly with both hands, "How much suffering have you suffered, Momo?" According to the situation just now, it was obviously not the first time Zhang Yiyang treated her like this, "I was really wrong, I How could I not believe you! I actually made you suffer so much, you must have died of grief when you left the hospital. "

She couldn't forgive herself. During that time, she really thought it would be great if she didn't know Zhang Yimo, but knowing the truth, she was so wrong.

"It's not Mu Xin, it's me. I'm sorry for you. I should have told you earlier. My elder brother has been planning all this since he appeared in front of you. He has always wanted to annex Huihong to create these things. Trouble, I really didn't know that he would do such an illegal thing at first, but when I wanted to stop it, it was too late. During those months, I was kept at home and isolated from the outside world. If I stopped him in time , and it won’t be where it is today, it’s my fault.”

Jiang Muxin shook her head, at this time, she no longer wants to worry about who is right and who is wrong, and Mo Mo has also suffered a lot, "Mo Mo, we are still good sisters, shall we?"

"Speaking stupidly, that's what we are!" The best sisters for a lifetime, who can't be beaten or scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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