when we are in love

Chapter 177 The first line of life and death

Chapter 177

"Zhang Yiyang, please open the door. I don't want to stay here. Even if you want to lock us up, change another place!" Regarding the geological report he saw with his own eyes, Zhang Yimo was terrified from the bottom of his heart.

What she was most worried about was that this disaster would happen in the next moment.

"Mo Mo has gone far away, forget it, let's wait, maybe he will come back soon." Jiang Muxin is also very helpless, now there is no communication equipment around him, and this is the top floor of an office building, at such a high shout, and no one will hear you.

"Mu Xin, you don't know... I'm afraid when I stay here."

"Don't be afraid, Momo, your brother won't do anything to us, and he will let us out after a while."

"He's terrible." Zhang Yimo covered her head and shrank herself in a corner, but when she leaned back, she suddenly touched a pile of gravel.

She immediately realized that it had fallen from the wall!
"Mu Xin!" Zhang Yimo exclaimed, not even daring to breathe too loudly, spread his palms, trembling all over.

Jiang Muxin stood up abruptly and walked to her place. There was a five centimeter gap in the corner of the wall.

"It seems that we have encountered the worst situation." Jiang Muxin also couldn't understand her feelings at the moment. She thought of Gu Mingcheng and Xiaobao, and she was afraid that she really couldn't leave here. What would they do then?
"I... what should we do? Mu Xin, I'm still young and I don't want to die yet." Zhang Yimo was already in a panic. She never thought that she was going to die here. She still had many ideals that had not been realized, and she couldn't die. here!

"I know Momo, don't be afraid, we can get out." Jiang Muxin didn't know where he got the courage to comfort her.

The only thing she knows is that they can't just sit still and have to find a way to get out. She doesn't know when this office building will collapse, but judging from the situation of this crack, it is already a dangerous building, and there is danger anytime, anywhere.

"Listen to me now. Let's look around on this floor to see if there is a door or window to get out." The door has been locked by Zhang Yiyang, and the only way now is to find another way out.

The two quickly found it on this floor, but unfortunately, there was only one door to go downstairs, and it was locked by Zhang Yiyang.

"Mu Xin, come here, there is a window here, and it can still be opened!" Zhang Yimo's surprised voice came from the far left.

Jiang Muxin ran over and stood by the window with her. The height of the top floor and a gust of wind made them all tremble. Seeing the ground like this was really terrifying.

"Should we jump off by ourselves? It seems that we can only wait for my elder brother to come back." I only hope that Zhang Yiyang can come back after finishing the processing as soon as possible. She really can't stay here for a moment.

"Momo, we have to go out, the cracks in the wall are getting bigger and bigger, we can't wait for him to come." Jiang Muxin looked around the window, and saw that there were still some protective measures beside the windows on the next floor Now, "Momo, we still have a solution, look there!"

"That is?"

On the 24th floor corresponding to the window where they were standing, there is a small balcony below, but it is covered by a layer of plastic sheeting, so you can't find it unless you look carefully.

"Let's jump straight down. There is a layer of plastic sheeting underneath. Even if we fall on the balcony, it won't hurt too much." Jiang Muxin, who had never been so brave before, made the decision at this moment to challenge her own limit.

"No! This is the 25th floor, what if we fall down!" However, no matter how crazy Zhang Yimo was on weekdays, he hesitated at this moment, she didn't dare.

"Mo Mo, trust me, it's okay, don't look down, don't be too big, just enough to fall on this balcony." Jiang Muxin was so nervous that it really takes courage to jump over such a height.

But she can't die, and she doesn't dare to die, she still has Gu Mingcheng, and Xiaobao, so many family members are waiting for her, how can she die!
"I can't!" Zhang Yimo retreated step by step. She has also experienced life and death challenges, and she can't do it.

"Then I'll go first. After I jump down, you come down again, and I'll follow you." Jiang Muxin held her hand and warmed her. At this time, they could only rely on each other.

"Mu Xin!"

At this moment, Jiang Muxin had already climbed onto the window sill, and took a deep breath, "Don't be afraid, Mo Mo, I will follow you on the lower floor." After speaking, she jumped down.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of something breaking on the balcony on the 24th floor, and Jiang Mu cried out in pain, "My God, there are so many cobblestones under here, my back must be bruised."

Zhang Yimo, who was looking down from the window, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mo Mo, don't think about anything, jump down, there is a lot of space here, and I saw that the door on this floor is open." Jiang Muxin stood on the balcony and shouted upwards.

Zhang Yimo made up his mind, told himself that he would be fine, and shouted, "Mu Xin, I'm coming down!"


Jiang Muxin wasn't ready yet, and Zhang Yimo's jump happened to be on her body. Under the action of gravity, she felt that her body was about to bleed, especially her chest, which was in severe pain.

Zhang Yimo is fine, there is such a human cushion.

"Mu Xin, how are you, are you okay?" She floated her up nervously, feeling very guilty.

"It's okay, I can't die for the time being, let's go down quickly." Jiang Muxin waved his hands and clapped his hands casually, and he didn't have time to care about the dust on his body.

At this moment, the two of them looked quite embarrassed.

Zhang Yimo thought so too, now is not the time to talk about these things, it is serious to get out as soon as possible.

The gate on the 24th floor has not been rented out yet, but the gate is open, and the two hurried down, because they dare not use the elevator because they think of the potential safety hazards in this building.

After running all the way, they were all exhausted.

When they ran to the main gate, they gasped desperately. Thinking back now, what they experienced just now was like hanging by a thread for them. Fortunately, everything was over.

"Mu Xin, am I dreaming?"

"Don't worry, we're safe now."

Holding each other, it really feels like a rebirth.

The upper part of this office building is the office area, and the first to fourth floors below are the department store area. The merchants have almost taken over, and people shopping here can be seen everywhere.

Originally, they could ignore these things, but when they reached the gate, a woman who passed by Jiang Muxin was pushing a stroller in her hand, asking her to stay where she was and think about something.

(End of this chapter)

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