when we are in love

Chapter 178 Evacuate the crowd

Chapter 178 Evacuate the crowd
"Momo! We can't just leave like this." The baby just now looked much older than Xiaobao, so cute, this is a brand new life.

"There are so many people here, we know the truth, how can we watch them wait here to die."

Zhang Yimo stomped his feet anxiously, "Hey... well, then quickly notify the security here and let them arrange for everyone to evacuate here."

"it is good!"

But when they came to the security room, they were treated unexpectedly.

"What crazy things are you two crazy women talking about? This building has just been built, so how could something go wrong." The security guard spoke poorly and was about to throw the two crazy women out.

"It's true. There are cracks in the wall on the 25th floor. Now you'd better ask the property management department to disable the elevator. If you keep going back and forth like this, I'm afraid this building won't be able to withstand tossing." Jiang Muxin and Zhang Yimo People blocked the door and refused to leave no matter what, the only way they could think of now was this way.

"Where did the lunatic come from? I think we should call the police." Three or four security guards were already surrounded in the security room, which made the two of them look a little helpless.

"Believe me, the wall on the top floor has cracks, and the steel bars inside can almost be seen. This building is about to collapse. If you don't leave, everyone here will die!" She has said things so clearly, "If you don't believe me, go up and have a look. We don't need to joke about this."

The security guard was annoyed and threw them out.

"What are you doing! Let me go, let go!" But the strength of the two women is no match for several grown men.

Staggering back a few steps, they were pushed outside the main entrance of the mall.

"Forget about Mu Xin, there shouldn't be any problems for the time being. Let's leave here first, and then go to the police." Zhang Yimo felt that they were thankless just now, and felt a little angry, so he wanted to leave directly.

Jiang Muxin was still thinking about how to get everyone in the mall to leave.

"Xinxin!" Gu Mingcheng saw the woman who made him worry about it these days from a distance, and quickly ran to her, scolding her head and face, "Why are you here? I don't know how to go home , do you know how anxious I am to find it! Do you want me to worry to death!" He searched day and night for the past two days, deeply afraid that Zhang Yiyang would hurt her, and he would never forgive himself.

It was his incompetence that caused her to be cheated by Zhang Yiyang again and again.

"I'm really afraid I won't be able to find you, do you know that!" The more he said, the more powerless he became, how could he bear the days of losing her, luckily, luckily you finally came back.

"Mingcheng, I miss you so much!" Jiang Muxin, who was belatedly aware of it, finally realized that Gu Mingcheng came to find her, and threw himself into his arms. All the grievances in the past two days seemed to have found a Vent.

Buried in Gu Mingcheng's chest, without saying a word.

Gu Mingcheng clearly felt the tears, and his chest was burning with pain.

"It's okay, baby, I won't let such a thing happen again, you must be terrified." Gu Mingcheng didn't coax her softly, and didn't care about being pointed at by the people who came and went at the moment.

"How did you find this moment?" Jiang Mu didn't think of asking him until he was relieved from crying.

"I found out that Zhang Yiyang has been coming and going here recently, so I guessed that you might have been brought here by him, but why are you at the main entrance?" She didn't look like she was kidnapped, but she was in a bit of a panic.

He looked warily at Zhang Yimo who was standing beside Jiang Muxin, "Why is she with you?"

Jiang Muxin looked back at the office building, "We have misunderstood Mo Mo all this time, and now it's too late to explain, this building is about to collapse, Zhang Yiyang fooled everyone, here is the cave geology, the wall of the top floor has appeared Crack, everyone must evacuate now."

Gu Mingcheng was also surprised when he heard it, but he never doubted her words, "Now we must find a way to get everyone in here to leave."

"That's right, but the security guards didn't listen to us at all." Jiang Muxin panicked.

Gu Mingcheng looked up at the office building, squeezed Jiang Muxin's hand tightly and said, "You wait for me here first, I'll go in."

"No!" Jiang Muxin grabbed his arm, "I'll go with you."

Gu Mingcheng was worried about the danger, so he let her stay outside, but how could Jiang Muxin listen to it, "Even if you leave me alone, I can still go in after you go in." This means that it is quite contrary to him to come.

"You crazy girl!" Gu Mingcheng wanted to bite her, but now that her life was at stake, she refused to leave, so she could only hold her tightly and asked as she walked, "To what extent did you see the wall crack just now?"

"It's about five centimeters." Jiang Muxin suddenly stopped, "Look, Mingcheng!"

Gu Mingcheng squatted on the ground and found that the ground had cracks, "It's already very dangerous, we have to hurry up and follow me all the time, can't we remember anywhere?"


The two came to the security room, but these people didn't know that the danger was coming, "Why are you a crazy woman again, and you are still making alarmist remarks, are you looking for a beating!"

Gu Mingcheng was so angry that he couldn't bear it, and it was not the time to explain it. He looked inside and saw that there were not many people, so he could solve it.

The security guard couldn't think of it, the man punched him for no reason, knocked him out, shook his head and asked in a panic: "Who are you, dare to hit someone?! Come on, brothers. "

Just before Jiang Muxin regained consciousness, Gu Mingcheng stopped, and several security guards who rushed over together were all beaten to the ground by him, "I don't have time to joke with you, now go to the gate to evacuate the flow of people."

The security guards knew that they couldn't beat Gu Mingcheng, and they didn't know if they had listened to his words, so they all ran outside.

"Ah!" Jiang Muxin screamed at this time, did Gu Mingcheng hit someone just now?

This. . . .This person's reflection arc is a bit longer.

"What's wrong?" Gu Mingcheng asked.

Jiang Muxin said blankly, "I've never seen you hit someone before." But that looks really handsome!

"Well, I don't beat people easily." At this time, he still had time to make cold jokes.

Jiang Muxin was about to give him a supercilious look.

"Attention all units, there is an emergency situation in the building, and the crowd should be evacuated immediately. No one can stay in the building, and all evacuate to an open space 500 meters away."

The sound of the radio was repeatedly broadcast in the mall, and after a while, a large number of people poured out of the main entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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