Chapter 179
Jiang Muxin stared at the surveillance video. People on every floor heard the broadcast and walked downstairs until no one could be seen on the surveillance screen.

"There's probably no one in there."

"Let's leave quickly too." They have done everything they can to leave, and have minimized the loss.

Gu Mingcheng held her hand, not daring to delay for a moment, and led her to run outside.

Just as they ran to the main entrance, a huge gap had opened in the ground.

followed by 'Boom'

A loud noise came from the office building, and a burst of smoke and dust billowed, blurring the sight in front of him.

Gu Mingcheng took off his coat and put it on Jiang Muxin's head, and led her to run wildly all the way until they passed through the crowd, and then he was sure that he was safe.

All sights were surrounded by dust, and it was hard to believe that the original 20-storey office building was turned into ruins in an instant.

It wasn't until someone came to their senses that they knew they had to call the police.

And the partners who had been rushing out just now and were scattered were always looking for each other.

In an instant, there were all kinds of shouts and cries in the crowd.

"Where is the child, my child, where is my child?"

"Hurry up and call the police, is there anyone else inside?"

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the dust slowly dissipated, and Gu Mingcheng took off the clothes covering her head.

"Let's go back quickly."

Jiang Muxin looked at him for a long while, dumbfounded.

Gu Mingcheng just cared about Jiang Muxin not letting her inhale the dust, and he didn't take any protective measures. Such a high floor collapsed, and the dust fell, and everyone was inevitably covered with a layer of ash. Everyone was like a mason. of.

Jiang Muxin reached out to pat his hair, and touched his glasses along the way, making his appearance even more ridiculous.

"Okay, stop playing." Gu Mingcheng let her toss, and finally realized that now is not the time to play around. It is very likely that Zhang Yi's eyeliner is still nearby. After all, this is not a safe place. He took off his glasses and pulled She walked in the direction of home.

She disappeared for two days, but everyone was in a hurry. Gu Mingcheng made countless phone calls along the way, and Jiang Muxin expressed countless times that she was really safe, and then finally got home.

As soon as Gu Mingcheng got home, he went to the bathroom.

Jiang Muxin stuck out her tongue behind his back, and muttered 'a clean freak'. She didn't dislike her as a woman yet, but he couldn't take it anymore.

After a while, there was the sound of rushing water from the bathroom, and Gu Mingcheng walked in front of her as before, "The hot water is ready for you, don't soak for a long time, I will check your body later."

He is a doctor, Chinese medicine is especially important to see, hear and ask. He just saw that there seemed to be something wrong with her at a glance.

"Yeah." Thinking that he puts herself first, she couldn't help but feel cloyingly sweet in her heart.

She took a shower obediently, and when she bent down to pick up something, she just felt that she couldn't lift up, and she didn't care.

Gu Mingcheng wiped his face casually, and waited for her in the study.

Jiang Muxin took a shower and felt quite refreshed. Sitting down opposite him, Gu Mingcheng stretched out his hand to feel her pulse.

Shortness of breath, some stagnation in the veins.

"Is there any injury?" He was most worried about whether she was abused during the days when Zhang Yiyang took her away.

"Well, it's okay, I just feel weak all over, probably because my nerves have been overly tense in the past two days."

No, that's not the case, he can't make a mistake when he feels his pulse.

"When did you get hurt?" Gu Mingcheng saw a little bit of her exposed skin, and immediately stood behind her, raised a small corner, and saw a bruise.

Then she exposed her entire back. This scene instantly made his eyes red.

Originally fair skin, now there is not a good patch on the back, and it is blue and purple, as if it has suffered great abuse.

"Did it... Zhang Yiyang did it?!" He dared to do anything to a woman, Zhang Yiyang!I can't let you go no matter what!
Gu Mingcheng wished he could give himself two slaps too, where was he when she was injured!

"Huh?" She finally realized that this injury... probably happened when she and Mo Mo jumped from the 25th floor, and were hit by a pile of pebbles.

"I injured that one myself. Is it serious? I can't see it." She turned her head vigorously, but her ribs were pulled, and even the usual turning back was difficult.

"How did it hurt?" Gu Mingcheng felt trembling even when he spoke.

Jiang Muxin explained in detail how she and Momo escaped, of course, some things were mentioned lightly.

Gu Mingcheng was startled when he heard that a lazy girl who was usually so timid would be so brave.

He couldn't imagine that she jumped from such a high place, if it was down there...if she was still locked there, and the office building collapsed...

All he can do is hold her tightly and warn her in her ear, "In the future, without my permission, you will never go out alone again, please promise me with your heart?"

How could she bear to say no, the moment she jumped off, the person she was thinking of was him!He is the most important person in her life.

It was guaranteed, but Gu Mingcheng was not relieved by it.

The brow has not been relaxed, and seeing her physical condition, the face is even more sad.

"What about this position?" His slender fingers accurately found the acupuncture points on her body, and then pressed down with moderate strength.

Jiang Muxin only felt waves of pain under his chest, and his face turned pale from the pain, "It hurts, don't press it, it hurts so much, I can't breathe."

Gu Mingcheng quickly came to a conclusion, "Probably injured a rib, don't find another time, go to the hospital to take a film now."

He didn't even give Jiang Muxin a chance to catch his breath. He half hugged her and stuffed her into the car, driving all the way to the hospital.

The road to the hospital was extremely congested, with police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances passing by.

"This accident is serious, and Zhang Yiyang may not be able to get away so easily." If it weren't for sending her to the hospital now, I'm afraid he would have a hand in Zhang Yiyang's matter, making Zhang Yiyang never recover.

Jiang Muxin bit her lips, and said angrily, "He'd better be caught by the police now, or the transfer document I signed will take effect after it's notarized by a lawyer." Zhang Yiyang signed the signature coercively, and now the more she thinks about it, the more angry she gets. It's no wonder she hopes that Zhang Yiyang will be arrested quickly.

"What document?" Gu Mingcheng slammed on the brakes and turned to ask her.

(End of this chapter)

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