when we are in love

Chapter 184 Rumors

Chapter 184 Rumors
"Little Gu Xiaobao, how can you be so dirty!" Jiang Muxin exaggeratedly covered her nose, took off the stinky diaper from Gu Xiaobao, and put on a clean diaper.

The child is usually restless, but now he knows that he should be quiet, and grinned at his mother involuntarily.

Jiang Muxin saw how cute he was, so she stretched out her hand and nodded his nose, "You are a naughty little boy, you like to play tricks on mom."


The current Gu Xiaobao has grown from a prematurely born thin baby to a white and chubby boy, his whole body is chubby.

Jiang Mu looked at the little baby who had been cleaned up by him with satisfaction, and couldn't help but hugged him into his arms and kissed him.

"Well...Xiaobao's fingernails are growing, can mom cut them off for you?" Such a small child almost melted her heart.

Gu Xiaobao lay obediently in his mother's arms, Jiang Muxin's movements were gentle, such delicate skin could not be scratched.

Thinking of the many small men's clothes that Momo sent her from abroad a few days ago, she hadn't had time to try them on yet, so she simply took them out and tried them today.So classmate Gu Xiaobao was being teased and fiddled with by his mother.

With a small British-style suit and a small scarf, the cuteness of Gu Xiaobao's child soared. Jiang Muxin hugged him to the mirror and let him appreciate his own appearance, "Look at who this is My little baby, how can you be so handsome!"

In the mirror, the two people have the same pair of eyes. Looking closely at the facial features, there are actually many similarities. This should be the expression of blood connection. This is the flesh in her belly. When she saw him from the moment she was born, The feeling of keeping it in your mouth for fear of melting and holding it in your hand for fear of losing it still exists today.

Gu Xiaobao's eyes were ignorant, but when he saw clearly, his hands and feet were waving, it seemed that he was very satisfied with this outfit.

"What a stinky little guy."

Jiang Muxin looked at herself in the mirror. It has only been two years since she graduated from university, but now her identity has changed. She is no longer a carefree girl. She is now a wife and a mother.

Suddenly, she felt a little strange. After giving birth, she seemed to be different from before, but there seemed to be no difference. Why?
"Pfft... Mom... What?"

What a miraculous moment this is, the sound heard in the ear is like the sound of nature, Jiang Muxin wondered if he heard it wrong for a moment, and felt that it was simply too pleasantly surprised.

"Xiaobao, what did you say, say it again, is it right to call mother? Isn't it? Call me again."

"What... what?" Gu Xiaobao yelled a few times in a very self-conscious manner.

Jiang Muxin found that her eyes were a little red. This was the best address she had ever heard, "Little Treasure is so smart that he can call you mother!" She never deliberately asked the child to talk, but she didn't know who taught it. , so little he listened to it, and gave her such a big surprise today.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she just wanted to share this joy with Gu Mingcheng!

So, without any hesitation, she handed her son over to the nanny, hurriedly changed her clothes and went downstairs, "Mom, I'm going to the hospital, so I won't be home for dinner tonight."

Fan Xiaoting came out of the kitchen, wiped his hands, and immediately put his hand on her forehead, "What's wrong, you feel uncomfortable?"

Jiang Muxin shook his head, his cheeks turned red, "I'm fine, I think...go to the hospital to find Mingcheng, he should be off work, I want to have dinner with him at night."

"Oh, that's how it is. Look at my brain, it's not working. Go, don't delay." It's rare for her to take the initiative this time. Fan Xiaoting is too happy. She still feels that this house is not lively enough. Well, how is it enough to have one child, Xiaobao? Of course, the more the better, judging by the relationship between the two couples, it is estimated that she will be a grandmother again soon.

Jiang Muxin hurried to the hospital without even checking the time, only to find out that there were more than two hours before Gu Mingcheng got off work!

I went to the office to look for him, but there was no one there, so I was so bored that I could only wander around the hospital.

Sighing at being so reckless, I didn't know to call him beforehand. Forget it, I won't call for now. Wouldn't it be better to surprise him later!
She suddenly realized that the life between them was too harmonious, everything was planned by him, she didn't need to use a single brain cell to think about things, didn't he want to raise her as a child!
Between husband and wife, how can he be the only one who pays.

For a moment, there was a kind of thought that made her think lightly like enlightenment.

"Hey, have you heard?" The two nurses walked side by side, lowering their heads and whispering.

Jiang Muxin admitted that she definitely didn't intend to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, but they just happened to want to talk among the flowers in front of the bench she was sitting on.

"What's the matter, making it so mysterious."

Another young voice said: "Isn't the mayor's hand suffering from neuralgia for a long time? It was because of him that the hospital responded so actively."

"I know that, isn't it because he was cured by Dr. Gu later? It's not a secret. Why did you tell me this? If it's okay, I should go back. The director is still waiting for my case."

"Oh no, it's the mayor's daughter. I heard that she's taken a fancy to our Dr. Gu. In the past three days, I've been going to Dr. Gu's office to block people, sending flowers or chocolates every day. She said it was to thank Dr. Gu for curing her father's illness, who would believe it!"

"But Dr. Gu got married a long time ago, and even gave birth to a son. I even ate the wedding candy from their husband and wife. They look very affectionate. Don't ruin the relationship of other people's couples with your words."

"I saw it with my own eyes. Yesterday, the rich lady also said that she would invite Dr. Gu to dinner tonight."

"Then what did Doctor Gu say?"

"That's what pissed me off the most. I didn't expect Dr. Gu to agree to her!"


This younger nurse probably had a crush on Gu Mingcheng when he first entered the hospital, and now he spoke a little aggrieved, "No, I thought Dr. Gu was not the kind of casual person, but looking at it now, the man None of that is good."

"I don't think Dr. Gu is the kind of person who will cheat on his wife. I'm afraid that the young lady is too difficult to deal with, so I can deal with it if I can't get rid of it. I saw the young lady the other day. How squeamish, even a lunch box has to be carried by the servant." The older nurse is someone who has experienced it, "I see that Dr. Gu is very good with his lover, and Dr. Gu is definitely not what you said. "

(End of this chapter)

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