Chapter 185
that is!She also didn't believe that Gu Mingcheng was the kind of person who would go out to play behind her back.

In her heart, Jiang Muxin ruthlessly praised the nurse who helped Gu Mingcheng speak. It seems that her husband is still very popular in the hospital!

It's just that what happened to the mayor's daughter, I'll ask him later!
In the end, Jiang Muxin didn't take the other women who appeared beside Gu Mingcheng seriously, and even took it for granted that it was impossible.

When the time passed bit by bit, and finally he got off work, when Jiang Muxin walked to the outpatient clinic, he happened to be staggered with his front and back feet.

"There is no one in the outpatient clinic today. Dr. Gu has just returned to the office."

"OK, thanks."

Immediately turned around and walked to his office. For this so-called surprise, she was really tossing, running here and there.

At the end of the corridor, he was seen standing at the door with a bag in his hand, as if he was about to leave work.

"Ming" but before she could call his name, a young woman who was originally sitting on a chair in the corridor stood up and talked to him, making her original volume gradually weaken.

"Doctor Gu, why don't you get off work? I've been waiting for you since noon. I finally waited until you got off work. You promised me yesterday that you would have dinner with me." Lin Jiaojiao said so ambiguously, Obviously Gu Mingcheng just wanted to explain the matter to her clearly, but she thought that Gu Mingcheng agreed to date her self-righteously.

Gu Mingcheng frowned fiercely because of her words.

Today Lin Jiaojiao painted a delicate makeup, she firmly believed that Gu Mingcheng could not escape from her palm.

This is the first time she has such a crush on a man. He has handsome features, a calm and wise mind, and is decisive in doing things. This profession is not perfect. Doctors do the dirtiest and most tiring work, and she doesn't like it very much.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he has a relationship with her, it will be a breeze to change to a decent job.

"I've already made a reservation for the restaurant, let's go now." Lin Jiaojiao smiled and leaned against him as she spoke.

Gu Ming once turned sideways without any trace, and had already walked in front of her.

Lin Jiaojiao hadn't noticed such an obvious refusal yet, and thought that he was embarrassed to be intimate in public, and that's right, he is still a family man after all, so he can't be caught by others, otherwise he will wait until After becoming the son-in-law of the Lin family, outsiders have too much to say.

From the first time they met, this woman showed a strong possessive attitude towards him. This feeling of strength and inevitability gave him a kind of ingeniousness and wonder.

After that, when the office received flowers and gifts every day, he realized belatedly that this woman was chasing him!

It's too bad, it's really troublesome, yes, but he doesn't think it's worth showing off at all, let alone the so-called sense of accomplishment of a man, this woman simply makes him avoid it.

The reason why he answered her yesterday was that he didn't want the matter to continue to develop, and let her think that he was taking over. He thought that ignoring it was the best way to refuse, but this idiot woman couldn't even understand it.

In addition, he was really busy in the outpatient clinic yesterday, and she was bothering him again, so she nodded reluctantly after she had no choice, but she didn't expect her to be so aggressive today.

If Gu Mingcheng turned around at this time, he would definitely be able to see her, but he didn't, but walked in another direction with that woman.

He actually agreed to have dinner with this woman!It turned out that the nurse was not talking nonsense!She was still defending him foolishly in her heart.

It's just that this incident is too strange, Jiang Muxin would not go up to question him so irrationally, she would never believe that Gu Mingcheng would betray her, so she followed them all the way to a western restaurant, afraid that her goal was too big , did not dare to go in, just walked to the opposite of the western restaurant, sat down in a cake shop.

Gu Mingcheng looked impatiently at the woman opposite her who was chattering endlessly. Was this woman just trying to show him her excellent family affairs?
What else does she have besides having a mayor father?
Gu Mingcheng couldn't sit still anymore, and bluntly entered this topic, "Ms. Lin's father's condition is under control, and there is no possibility of recurrence in a short time. As for the things in the office, you can find a time to get someone to take them back, doctor Saving people is my job, and these gifts are well deserved. And with Ms. Lin's strength, I am afraid she has found out the news that I am married. I love my wife very much, and no one can intervene between us."

"What?!" Lin Jiaojiao couldn't believe it. This man rejected her so bluntly, and it was the reason for making herself so ugly. She hadn't even started intervening, and she was strangled.

"Then why do you still ask me out? Do you know that this restaurant is very difficult to book. For you, I spared all my time to accommodate you." Her self-righteousness really surprised Gu Mingcheng.

"So why do you have to accommodate me, Ms. Lin? I have my own family. You are in the hospital every day. It disturbs my work and reduces my work efficiency. This is a kind of trouble to me."

"Trouble! You actually treat me as a kind of trouble!" Lin Jiaojiao's voice became more and more sharp, attracting the attention of other people in the restaurant.

Sitting in the cake shop opposite, Jiang Muxin could clearly see the two people in the opposite restaurant. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they were chatting so vigorously, which made her feel even more pampered. Under normal circumstances, with other women, there will be so many words to talk about.

I don't know what he said, but the expression of the woman opposite him can be so rich.

Sure enough, it wasn't what I heard with my own ears, it was all rumors, as if at this moment, Jiang Muxin was not sure, so he naturally substituted in, and put himself in a state of entanglement.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, took out her mobile phone, and called Gu Mingcheng.

"Xinxin" Gu Mingcheng's voice came from the other end of the phone, it was still so calm, it made people feel at ease.

Holding the phone in his left hand, he unconsciously stirred the small piece of cake with his right hand and asked, "Where are you now?"

"I..." Gu Mingcheng glanced at the person opposite, and sighed slightly in his heart, "I'm dealing with some things, and I'll be home soon, what's the matter, do you want to eat dessert, I'll pass by later and bring it back for you .”

Gu Mingcheng felt that there was no need to let her know about such a thing, he would handle it well anyway, and he would not let such a woman bother Xinxin.

His smile was the same as before, as if nothing had changed, but if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, "No need, just ask if you will come back for dinner today."

"Of course I'll be back."

"Well, well, let's hang up first, Xiaobao is crying."

(End of this chapter)

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