when we are in love

Chapter 186 Willful Decisions

Chapter 186 Willful Decisions
After she hung up the phone, she looked at the plate again, and the cream cake inside had been stirred by her so that it was almost impossible to tell that it was the kind of delicate cake from the display window.

Looking at such things made her lose her appetite, her eyes involuntarily turned to the opposite street, and they were still sitting there talking and laughing.

This made her feel even more uncomfortable, that kind of small thoughts began to settle in her heart, and it was out of control.

"Waiter, pack all the cakes for me."

"Ah? Oh, okay." The waiter was surprised that she met such a big customer today and bought all the cakes she ordered in one go, so she could leave work early.

"Here's your cake."

This is probably a woman's nature. When she is angry and doesn't know what to do, she should buy something. After spending money, she should be happy in her heart.

Jiang Muxin didn't take another look at the restaurant opposite, and walked home with the cake box.

"It was your wife's call just now, right!" Lin Jiaojiao saw the doting expression on this man's face for the first time, and she guessed that the person who called him must be his favorite person.


A woman wants to control where her husband is anytime and anywhere, so this husband must be extremely depressed. Lin Jiaojiao suddenly felt that the hurtful things he said just now didn't matter, he was just someone who needed a woman's understanding and care Just men.

In an instant, a sense of responsibility spontaneously arose in her heart, this man should not be bound by the family, he can only belong to herself, as long as she is gentle enough and understanding enough.

"If Dr. Gu is worried about his family, he doesn't need it at all. I can help you settle everything, as long as you are willing to stay with me."

Is this woman crazy!

What he cares most about is that others destroy his marriage, but this person is so bold, "It turns out that the people educated by the mayor's family don't even have the most basic morals."

He really hates it now, why did he save the mayor back then!Let his hand hurt to death.

"You!" Lin Jiaojiao's eldest lady suddenly lost her temper, "Do you know that my dad is the mayor, as long as I don't like him, he can settle everything for me, including people!" Gu Mingcheng's wife, sooner or later Will know whose it is!

The person who wanted to rob her, Lin Jiaojiao, in New Leaf City hadn't appeared yet!Gu Mingcheng, I am bound to win you!
Threatening him, Gu Mingcheng laughed back angrily, "Don't try to do anything to hurt my family, the consequences are not something you can bear."

Gu Mingcheng stared at her closely, as if he had a deep hatred for her, it was terrifying, the look in his eyes was so terrifying, Lin Jiaojiao was so frightened that she couldn't even hold the cup in her hand steadily.

"You can never compare with my wife, because you are not worthy to compare with her." In his heart, no one can compare with her.

It wasn't until Gu Mingcheng left that Lin Jiaojiao slowly recovered from the panic. He was not human at all, and no one would stare at her with such terrifying eyes. The feeling of coldness all over her body made her shudder again. fear.

Isn't it just a man, why does she need a man who looks at her so coldly, and worry about not finding a better one?

After she figured it out like this, Lin Jiaojiao really didn't think that Gu Mingcheng was any good anymore. She pretended to be a good girl for several days. Such a stupid man really wasn't worth her wasting so much energy.

After Jiang Muxin left, she kept thinking about when they would finish that meal. Gu Mingcheng said on the phone that he would go home for dinner, but didn't he already have dinner with the mayor's daughter?

Do you go home and reinstall it?
"Mom, I'm back."

"So fast?" Fan Xiaoting didn't think much, saw a cake box in her hand, took it over and opened it, "Huh? So many cakes?"

"Uh... yeah, I suddenly found out that the cakes in this cake shop are delicious, so I bought more, Mom, come and eat." Jiang Muxin forced herself to look normal, pretending to be nonchalant and following the Fan Xiaoting spoke.

"It just so happens that I want to cook something for supper. This is great, and it will save trouble." Fan Xiaoting took the cake box with a smile, looked at her, and felt that her face was weird, so he asked: "Didn't you go to eat with Mingcheng? What about Mingcheng?"

"When I arrived at the hospital, he had already left work. I heard that there was an appointment, so I went shopping in the street and then came back." She really didn't know how to tell what she saw and heard today. other people.

It was really a bit messy, she didn't know how to say it, would Gu Mingcheng really be that kind of person?One thing in front of her, one thing behind her back?
Fan Xiaoting understood, this is a petty mood, this Mingcheng is also true, knowing that Xinxin is waiting for him, he can still go out with his colleagues, "Really, you finally found him for a meal, he can still have something to do, It's time to talk about him, Mom will help you out."

"It's okay, Mom, I'll go up and see Xiaobao first."


It was only a few hours, why did she feel like she had been through it for a long time, and she saw something she shouldn't see and heard something she shouldn't hear.

"Xiaobao, tell mom, what should I do?" She couldn't find her way, and she didn't even know what to do next, like a confused child, asking Gu Xiaobao such an incoherent question.

How could Gu Xiaobao answer her? Two chubby hands rested on his cheeks, clapping loudly.

"You are also a person who can only bully your mother, just like your father!"

When Gu Mingcheng came back, he washed his hands like a normal person, went to the room to hug Xiaobao, and then went downstairs to eat with Jiang Muxin.

Jiang Muxin didn't say much all night, Gu Mingcheng only thought that she was too tired to take care of the children, "Call me before you get off work, I guess you're just hungry, don't pout, I'll take you out to eat." She It must be too boring at home, Gu Mingcheng finally thought that he should take her out for a walk.

"No, I'm very tired. You have an early shift tomorrow, so you should take a rest." Jiang Muxin shook her head. She really didn't have the energy to go out for supper.

Gu Mingcheng raised his eyebrows, making sure that she really didn't want to go, so he gave up.

Just like that, Jiang Muxin didn't ask, Gu Mingcheng didn't say anything, everything was as if nothing had happened.

But this knot had already taken root in Jiang Muxin's heart, and slowly sprouted. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she always had to make sure that the person around her was still there, lest he suddenly leave her one day.

Finally, that night, after she put Xiaobao to sleep, Gu Mingcheng also came out of the study, hugged her and was about to say something about himself.

"I want to go out for a while." Jiang Muxin looked at him, afraid that he would not understand what he meant, "I mean, I want to go out for a trip, I want to go out for a walk."

(End of this chapter)

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