when we are in love

Chapter 187 New Zealand

Chapter 187 New Zealand

"So suddenly?" Gu Mingcheng only thought that she couldn't stay at home, and hurriedly said, "I'll be able to spare time at the hospital soon, so bear with it."

Jiang Muxin pushed him, "No, I just want to go out for a walk by myself."

"That's not acceptable!" He vetoed it without even thinking about it. No matter what, he couldn't let her go out alone, especially after going through these things, he would not agree.

I knew he would be like this, Jiang Muxin shrugged, "I have already applied for the passport, and the ticket is booked at noon the day after tomorrow. In fact, I am going somewhere, or I am going to find Momo. You won't even give me this little freedom, will you?" ?”

Jiang Muxin's rhetorical question really caught Gu Mingcheng, "Of course not, it's just strange, why didn't you say something in advance?"

"It's okay, isn't that what a trip should be like when you want to go." She had already used the reasons she had thought up in advance to prevaricate him.

Gu Mingcheng suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with her, this was the first time he had seen her so stubborn about one thing.

"Oh, don't think about it, I can lose myself if I go out?" Jiang Muxin couldn't stand his penetrating eyes, and just wanted to run away.

"But you have never gone so far alone, and Xiaobao, what should he do?" Gu Mingcheng panicked, he really didn't expect her to make this decision so suddenly, as if she would leave him in the next moment.

"Xiaobao is still so young, of course I can't take it out, so I have to take care of you." In fact, Gu Xiaobao has a nanny to take care of him, and the elders in the family dote on him very much. Nothing will happen.


"Okay! I finally got interested and wanted to go out, what are you doing to stop me?" Thinking of him talking and laughing with that mayor's daughter for dinner that day, she became angry.

When did he start, he was so overbearing that he wanted to ask her everything.

Look, this is a woman who is on the tip of her horns, always complicating things. Obviously, Gu Mingcheng is just worried that she will be in danger if she travels alone.

In the end, Jiang Muxin set foot on a foreign land as she wished, but Gu Mingcheng tried his best to keep her but failed.

It wasn't until Jiang Muxin was sent to the plane that Gu Mingcheng finally realized that she must be angry, otherwise how could she leave so resolutely that he wouldn't even look back at him.

But why is she angry?On the other hand, did you not do anything at all?Who is she mad at?It must be a big thing, otherwise she wouldn't be so angry and want to go abroad to relax.

After he returned home from the airport, his mother Fan Xiaoting's questioning eyes greeted him.

"I've heard it all!" Fan Xiaoting questioned her head and face. If she hadn't taken Xiaobao to the hospital for an examination today, she wouldn't have heard the nonsense of those nurses, "What are you talking about with the mayor?" Qianjin, what is it called Lin, what does it matter?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? What forest? I don't even know." Gu Mingcheng shouted injustice.

"Really?" Fan Xiaoting felt strange, but his son would not lie.

"Of course!"

So Fan Xiaoting truthfully told Gu Mingcheng what he heard in the hospital, there were really all versions of those rumors.

"It's her?! My God!" Gu Mingcheng finally remembered who that woman was, but who would have known that he had long forgotten what that woman looked like, and she was still spreading such rumors in the hospital.

After all, it was because he never had too much contact with people on weekdays, so the messages scattered.

"Ah, that seems like a misunderstanding."

Fan Xiaoting was also angry at first, because this Lin Jiaojiao went to the hospital to woo his son so aboveboard, and when Xinxin came home that day, she was in a bad mood, and she must have heard gossip.

But when she thought that her daughter, who was a baby, had suffered this kind of grievance, she really hated that Lin Jiaojiao to death!

Gu Mingcheng was also frightened by Fan Xiaoting's frown, wouldn't Xinxin really listen to those rumors and then go abroad on purpose?Then he was really wronged!
This kind of misunderstanding made Gu Mingcheng dumbfounded, but when he thought of such a misunderstanding between them, he simply couldn't sit still.

He picked up the phone and called Jiang Muxin, but damn it, she was still on the plane and couldn't get through at all.

"damn it!"

"Forget it, forget it, Mingcheng, don't take it to heart, I guess Xinxin is probably going to relax and come back in a few days." Fan Xiaoting understands his son, and only Xinxin's things can make him so anxious and angry .

Fan Xiaoting's consolation not only did not reassure Gu Mingcheng, but made him even more worried.

He shouldn't have let her go out at that time. Now that she is out alone, she must be thinking too much. Why didn't he know how to ask a few more questions when he was at home!
Gu Mingcheng began to reflect because he was too busy with work and neglected her feelings. Compared with before, he did less and less.

"I'll go find her after I've dealt with the hospital affairs!"

A small town in New Zealand is warm like spring all year round. There are pastures everywhere in the town, with old tractors driving and a scene of busy farming.

Sitting on the balcony of the duplex building, looking at the beautiful scenery of a foreign country, somewhat diluted her fear of unfamiliar environments.

The warm sunshine made her feel so comfortable that she almost couldn't keep her eyes open.

"Are you really planning to live with me?" An unharmonious voice ruined such a beautiful scene.

"Don't you welcome it?" Jiang Muxin looked back at Zhang Yimo.

Because there are many farms in this small town, Zhang Yimo also conforms to the folk customs. He wears denim clothes all day long and rides horses every day. He doesn't look like a girl at all. In Jiang Mu's heart, there is only one word 'handsome'!
"If I don't welcome you, I can run to the airport to pick you up. You have to know that this small town is five or six times away from the airport by car."

"I know Momo is the best!" She hurriedly patted Zhang Yimo's ass.


Jiang Muxin stood up and patted the dust off her skirt. With this kind of life, she really felt very comfortable, at least she didn't have to think about other things.

"Yesterday, Uncle Derry said that we should go to his bakery to get bread, right? With that long-lasting fragrance, thinking about it this way makes me more and more hungry.

"Food, you've only been here for a few days, and you're so familiar with the people here?" The locals are very simple, and Zhang Yimo is not worried about her safety in the town on weekdays.

"Momo, I don't mind if you can think of this as the charm of my personality."

"I'm really going to throw up!"

(End of this chapter)

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