Chapter 110 Long time no see
Qiao Na asked puzzledly, "What's the matter, there's something wrong with the food and I still don't like it..."

"No, didn't you see that, these dishes are all nourishing dishes, women nourish blood, men nourish kidney..." Ou Chengze said and looked at Qiao Na. Sure enough, Qiao Na was stunned and blushed.

Qiao Na really didn't know it before, but it turns out that leeks, broccoli, loach, oysters, etc. have the effect of aphrodisiac, and girls who enrich blood know a lot.

The two of them were like an old couple. They naturally put vegetables in each other's bowls, and then smiled at each other. Qiao Na liked this feeling very much.

Ou Chengze put some blood-enriching vegetables into Qiao Na's bowl, and said with a smile, "Eat more, you lost blood yesterday, you need to replenish some..."

Qiao Na smiled, "You worked so hard yesterday, so eat more..."

"Of course I have to eat more, otherwise how will I satisfy my Lady Queen in the future..."

"Slick tongue..." Suddenly the phone rang, interrupting Qiao Na.

"Leave him alone," Ou Chengze ignored, and continued to have dinner with Qiao Na, the phone seemed unwilling to give up, and kept calling.

"Hurry up and pick it up, I think I need you urgently..." Qiao Na glanced at her phone and said.

Ou Chengze picked up the phone, glanced at Qiao Na, "I'm going out to answer a call."

Jonah nodded.

Ou Chengze went outside and picked up the phone, "Hello...Jian Qing, what's the matter?"

"Aze, did I disturb you?" The woman's voice was obviously cautious.

"No, how come, what's the matter, do you have anything to do with me?" Ou Chengze asked.


After a while, the female voice on the opposite side rang again, with a cautious tone: "Aze, I have a child with Ayu. We plan to get married directly this time when we go back, so we don't need those complicated ceremonies."

Ou Chengze was taken aback for a moment, and it took him a long time to find his voice and said, "Does he know?" He was referring to the matter of having a child.

"It's been less than a month, and I haven't told him that he's been very busy recently, and he has to hand over the affairs of foreign companies, because he's going back to China soon, and he often travels on business." The girl said with a kind of happiness, "Ah Ze, I also hope you can keep it a secret from me."

"Okay." Ou Chengze said after thinking for a while.

The girl smiled happily, and then asked curiously, "Aze, I saw your news, I heard that you have a girlfriend, is her name Qiao Na, she is so beautiful, how do you get along?" So... are you serious this time..."

"Well, her name is Qiao Na...I'm serious...We are very happy together." Ou Chengze paused and said, "We are planning to get married."

There was no sound on the phone on the other side, and it took a long time to speak, and the voice was obviously not as happy as before, "Aze, congratulations."

"Thank you."

"I'll hang up if I have nothing to do." The girl hung up the phone without waiting for Ou Chengze to answer.

Ou Chengze looked at the black screen of the phone and said softly, "OK."

Coincidentally, when Ou Chengze went out to answer the phone, Qiao Na's cell phone rang, seeing an unfamiliar number, Qiao Na answered it politely, "Hello, I'm Qiao Na, who are you... ..."

"..." The other party made no sound

"Hello who..." The other party still had no voice, just when Qiao Na was about to hang up the phone, a deep and pleasant voice rang out, "Nana, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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