Chasing his wife: Gossip Queen is too dangerous

Chapter 111 Let's Get Engaged

Chapter 111 Let's Get Engaged

Qiao Na worked hard to calm down and let her behavior be normal.

Just listening to his voice, Qiao Na remembered how he looked like six years ago, gentle and elegant, with a gentle smile on his face, giving people a very warm feeling, and his voice was still so pleasant.

"Nana, I called because I wanted to tell you something, you must promise me." Song Yuge sounded a little excited.

"Say it... I will do what I can."

The opposite party paused for three seconds before speaking again, "Nana, I hope you break up with Ou Chengze."

Qiao Na was taken aback for a moment, and laughed at herself, thinking that this man was going to say something, but she didn't expect that the people who had waited for so long were talking about this.

Jona said angrily, "I won't break up, I'm very happy with him..."

"Nana, you must break up, or you will get hurt, Nana..." Before Song Yuge finished speaking, Qiao Na hung up the phone.

He really thought who he was, that he would always wait for him and like him.

She was already ready to let him go and start a new relationship. Why did this man think that she would listen to him.

The other party called a few more times, but Qiao Na didn't answer, and she was directly blacklisted when she got bored.

Ou Chengze came in from the outside and saw that Qiao Na's face was not looking well, so he stepped forward and took Qiao Na's hand, "Why is her face so pale, what's wrong..."

Qiao Na smiled and shook her head, "What else, it's not because of you, I'm too tired..."

Ou Chengze was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing randomly, looked at Qiao Na after laughing, and said very seriously: "Nana, let's get engaged."

Qiao Na froze for a moment, then nodded randomly, "Okay."

One day, it really only took one day...

The news that Ou Chengze and Qiao Na are going to get engaged has spread all over the streets.

Everyone in the upper class of City A knows that this rumored queen who suddenly appeared is about to marry the wealthy Ou family.

However, there are very few people who know the identity of this gossip queen. What they know about her is that she suddenly appeared at a reception, and she knows many high-society figures, and her relationship is not ordinary.

The phone rang, and Qiao Na picked it up, "Forbe..."

"Miss, I saw the news that you are getting engaged, is it true?" Forber's voice was obviously happy.

Qiao Na replied with a smile, "It's true, he is the second son of the Ou family, Ou Chengze..."

"Miss, tell the master about this, madam? Do you want to reveal your identity..."

Thinking of the engagement conversation between the two that day, how could he fail to see that Ou Chengze had something on his mind... and Song Yuge's sudden phone call...

"No, it's just an engagement... I'll tell them when I'm sure..." She didn't know whether her decision was right or wrong, but after she received Song Yuge's call, she agreed without thinking. Ou Zengze's engagement.

"Miss, here I will arrange Shiren to take care of you... If you have any questions, just talk to him directly..."

"I see, thank you Fu Bo..."

Forber paused, and then said, "Okay, Miss, be careful."

Looking at the information in front of him, Ou Chengze frowned, Su Baihan, he really misunderstood him.

The information above shows the investigation results of yesterday's reception. Su Baihan did not participate in this matter at all, and everything was planned by Mo Xiaobei.

Moreover, according to the results of Mo Xiaobei's recent contact form, he has made many calls with foreign countries. Although the number is unfamiliar, the location of the number is indeed the one he is most familiar with.

That place was his concern, and it was also the place he was least willing to mention.

(End of this chapter)

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