Chasing his wife: Gossip Queen is too dangerous

Chapter 160 Humiliation Jian Qing

Chapter 160 Humiliation Jian Qing

Everyone entered the main venue, and the old lady and Jian Qing naturally sat in the VIP seats.

The first person to come on stage was the host. The brief introduction speech lasted about 2 minutes. If Aunt Song had been there, she would have immediately recognized this person as the package delivery person.

The reporter appeared is the famous Duke.
As soon as he appeared, everyone in the scene immediately took a breath: this man is so beautiful.

He looks less than 30 years old, with short light brown hair, handsome facial features like a carving board, elegant and noble body, very much like the noble earl in Western oil paintings, his light blue eyes, as if seeing the sky The stars, the style is infinite, hiding a bit of secretly noble relaxation and laziness.

Although the perfect face on the carving board has a soft smile, it gives people a kind of inadvertent alienation, and his attire looks very ordinary, but the noble aura on his body is not affected at all, and he is even superior to others.

After he spoke, he habitually glanced at the audience, with his characteristic dignified smile on his face, the audience applauded immediately, especially the most enthusiastic reactions from celebrities and female stars, he was the god they believed in.
Tony asked him to talk about the upcoming spring and summer fashion show and whether he planned to develop in China in English. He briefly talked about it, but when he turned to the VIP area, he suddenly stopped.

He frowned, his eyes widened at first, then shrunk slightly, narrowed slightly, and stared straight at the audience, with an expression on his face as if he saw something strange that was absolutely impossible to happen, and someone even felt that something was wrong. The room temperature dropped a few degrees.

Tony was taken aback for a moment, and followed his gaze, and sure enough he knew the reason.
Sitting under the stage are specially invited guests and ladies, well-known fashion designers, photographers, editors-in-chief of fashion magazines, model agents, and friends from the media. The people present tonight are almost the most powerful lineup in City A. Impeccable.
Moreover, the VIP area he looked at was a famous person in City A, so why did Duke's expression look like he saw a ghost?Everyone present noticed his anomaly.

Tony picked up the microphone and went directly to Jian Qing who was sitting in the first row of VIP, "Over there, the lady in white..."
Seeing that it was him who was being pointed at, Jian Qing immediately took possession of her. He was a little nervous to be watched by everyone, but he was still a little happy in his heart. Sure enough, Duke had noticed her.

The old lady is also very excited down there, she was very angry at first, but now it's all started, Ou Chengze and Qiao Na haven't appeared yet.

Fortunately, Jian Qing is here now. If Duke and Jian Qing have a good relationship, then it will be a matter of course to talk about cooperation.

Jian Qing raised her head nervously, and when she left her eyes, she broke into eyes with a cold-blooded and evil expression. Jian Qing was frightened, what kind of eyes were these, and after seeing them, those eyes returned to normal gentleness.

Knowing that Duke knew the identity of this person, Tony introduced him, "Oh, this is Miss Jian Qing, she is..."
Duke interrupted her: "I want to ask her a few words." 
The staff delivered the microphone to her very quickly.
Duke didn't ask any questions immediately, but looked at her again, to be precise, at the angel suit on her body.
Jian Qing was horrified by his sizing up, and suddenly thought of what Jona said this afternoon: This dress was given to me by Duke.

Everyone held their breath, all curious about this sudden incident.
Jian Qing's hands and feet were cold, and he stood there uneasy, this is not true, this dress must have been given to him by Duke.

She couldn't imagine that if the old lady knew that she had lied, then she would no longer have any status in the Ou family, Ou Chengyu had no real power, and she had no ability, and the Ou family would belong to Qiao Na from now on.

The old lady looked at Jian Qing, who had an obviously wrong expression, and realized that something was wrong. She was anxious to find Qiao Na, hoping that she could relieve the current embarrassment.

"Excuse me, is this dress on your body your own?" He held the microphone and asked in English, with a smirk on his lips.
Seeing that smirk, Jian Qing was even more certain in her heart that this dress was given to Qiao Na by Duke.

Her face was pale, she hesitated for a long time, but couldn't say a word, she couldn't help but glanced at Ou Chengyu.
Ou Chengyu's complexion was a hundred times uglier than hers, and the old lady's complexion was also ugly, only Wang Manwen was watching the show.

"Is this dress yours?" Duke asked again, this time not in English, but in fluent Chinese.

Nowadays, the famous ladies have countless hearts for him. They didn't expect that he can speak Chinese so well. It seems that he likes China very much, so they all have fun.

Jian Qing's head turned quickly, so she said, "It's not mine, it's my sister's."
She and Qiao Na are sisters-in-law. It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that Qiao Na is his younger sister. Ou Chengyu is also relieved by Jian Qing's answer.

Duke's brows frowned even tighter: "Your sister? What's her last name?"
As soon as these words came out, there was a slight laugh from the audience.The old lady felt that there was no place to put her old face. Many people outside just now knew that she said that this dress was designed by Duke for Jian Qing.

Sitting behind them, Le Xuan was even more disdainful, and said in a low voice, "What? I don't know Duke at all because I know him very well."

Duke's voice was even colder, "I seem to know that Miss Jian Qing was an orphan since she was a child, and she probably doesn't have any younger sisters."

Jian Qing immediately explained: "She is considered my sister-in-law, so we are considered sisters."
"Sister wants to call..." Duke laughed, as if thinking about the authenticity of this question.

Jian Qing said solemnly, "Yes."

She can only say this, and only by saying this, can Duke give up asking.

Suddenly Tony said a few words in Duke's ear, and Jian Qing immediately felt something was wrong.

I saw Duke say in a cold and arrogant tone: "Miss Jane, you are really good at lying. Didn't you just say that I designed this dress for you? Why is it that your sister borrowed it here now?" I’ve given it to you, it’s doubtful if I can give it to you, but in fact, you took this dress by private message.”

As soon as Duke's voice fell, there were more discussions around.

"Miss Jane, this dress is my work. There is only one in the world. It is dedicated to the person I care about the most. I don't care how you got this dress. Please change it for me immediately. People like you are not worthy of wearing clothes made by me."
As soon as this statement came out, the Ou family sitting in the VIP seats wished they could wear an invisibility cloak.
Jian Qing was more shocked than ashamed, completely stunned.
She didn't know that Qiao Na was so familiar with Duke, so she didn't say anything before, and now she disappeared because she wanted to make a fool of herself?

At this time, friends from the media, as if waking up from a dream, picked up their cameras and frantically took pictures of the clothes on Jian Qing's body, and of course they didn't forget to take pictures of the Ou family.

"I gave this dress to her."

(End of this chapter)

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