Chasing his wife: Gossip Queen is too dangerous

Chapter 161 The Gossip Escalates Again

Chapter 161 The Gossip Escalates Again

A beautiful female voice interrupted the excitement.

Jona pulled Ou Chengze in and walked in. They didn't expect such a big thing to happen in such a short period of time. Jona gave him a look, meaning to say, "Look, how to clean up now."

Ou Chengze smiled lightly and said nothing, anyway, he is very satisfied now.

When the old lady saw the appearance of the two of them, it was like seeing a savior. Only Jian Qing and Ou Chengyu were suppressing their emotions at the moment. They thought that all of this was the trick of Qiao Na and Ou Chengze, and they did it on purpose.

"I lent her this dress, and I said you designed it for her personally, Duke. She is not wrong." Qiao Na stood still and looked at Duke and said.

With an elegant and noble smile on her face, she looked at Duke, her aura was not weak at all.

"Okay, whatever you say is whatever you say, I'll listen to you..." Duke's tone that was still cold just now became extremely gentle, with a doting smile on his face.

what's going on……

The audience was in a panic again, this big reversal followed one after another, completely unexpected.

Seeing the audience's reaction, Qiao Na rested her forehead and sighed. She knew that this evildoer would not do anything good for her.

Sure enough, the comments from the people below reached Qiao Na's ears.

"Couldn't this man be Miss Qiaona's guest of honor as well?"

"It looks like, look at the way Duke looks at him, it's not what normal friends should have at all."

"Oh my God, this Qiao Na is too powerful. I have known so many rich, handsome and powerful people before."

"That's right, they are clever, but it's a pity that Ou Er is young."

"Who said it's a pity, why do I feel that they are a perfect match? Although the second young master is rich, powerful and beautiful, but he is a bit more playful, and the two of them can just avoid harming others when they are together."

Qiao Na almost fell down after hearing this, these people really are.

Seeing that Duke's mood improved, Tony knew that the young master definitely wanted to go to the lady's side, so he announced the start of the spring and summer clothing show.

Sure enough, just as Tony started to speak, Duke hurried to the backstage. Qiao Na immediately glared at him and signaled him not to come.

The misunderstanding just now was already very deep. If we come here now, everyone's focus is probably not on this show, but on the two of them.

But how could this evildoer listen to him? Qiao Na immediately moved to a place and sat between the old lady and Ou Chengze, so that this evildoer would not be able to approach her.

The current anger made both the old lady and Wang Manwen feel that Qiaona and Duke had a very close relationship, and their thoughts were the same as everyone else's. The old lady looked at Qiaona sitting next to her, and thought of her misunderstanding of her in the afternoon, and felt a little embarrassed. But he still opened his mouth, "Nana, do you know this duke?"

Seeing the gossip of the old lady, Qiao Na still nodded.

"Nana, it was grandma who was wrong this afternoon. Grandma apologized to you, but why didn't you tell me that you knew this duke?" The old lady didn't understand, and she was not very happy that the Ou family had lost so much face.

Qiao Na was thinking about how to explain it. She didn't want people to know her identity, and she didn't want people to know the relationship between him and Duke. Besides, Duke was not included in this plan, even if there was no Duke She can be successful too.

"Mom, Nana should have a different relationship with him. She is with Chengze now, so it's not easy to contact Duke." Wang Manwen spoke up for Qiao Na, "Nana, don't mind, we just hope you Just be nice to Chengze."

Wang Manwen now understands that as long as his son likes Qiao Na and is willing to be with Qiao Na, then he will consciously take on the current responsibility. Besides, this Qiao Na is quite powerful, knowing so many rich and talented people. She is a powerful person, and she is also very talented. She has run the company so well, and she doesn't ask for anything else.

My husband also often praised Qiao Na in front of him, so he gradually recognized it.

Uh... Qiao Na felt that the situation was getting more and more out of her control.

"Yeah, Nana, it doesn't matter, anyway, the past has long passed, we don't mind, grandma." Ou Chengze also echoed, and left the problem to the old lady.

The old lady was originally angry that Qiao Na didn't talk about the relationship between the two of them at all, but when Ou Chengze asked her, she lost her temper at all, "Yes, Nana, the past is over, you are still friends."

Ou Chengyu and Jian Qing sat aside, their faces extremely ugly, Ou Chengyu complained to Jian Qing, but thinking of Jian Qing, she is still pregnant and has nothing to do.

Suddenly a figure walked by in front, and when he looked up again, the figure was already standing.Everyone raised their heads and saw Duke's face full of anger. Le Xuan, who was sitting in the back row, was already surprised and couldn't close her mouth. "This is Duke, it's really Duke. She's sitting in front of me."

Duke smiled politely at the old lady, and Qiao Na pretended not to see it. Didn't the monster tell him not to come over?

Duke narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ou Chengze, meaning, "Didn't you see that I'm going to sit here?"

Ou Chengze touched his nose, okay, why don't offend the future father-in-law's family right now, so he moved his body and moved a position.

"Why, why don't you introduce your family to me?" When Duke smiled at Jona, Jona sighed, "This is grandma, aunt, and this is elder brother and sister-in-law."

The old lady and the others immediately showed excitement on their faces, "Duke, hello..."

After a while of pleasantries, no one said anything, the old lady pushed Qiao Na secretly, Qiao Na sighed, and gave him a hint in the dark, don't agree, and leave City A immediately, "duke, SA is preparing for a new Plan a..."

"Okay..." Qiao Na agreed before finishing Duke.

Qiao Na was arrogant, her tone was not good, and she blurted out, "You haven't finished listening, okay, okay, okay..."

As soon as Qiao Na said that, everyone was shocked.

"This Qiaona is too ignorant, how can she talk to Duke like this."

"That's right. Duke is not only a noble British nobleman, but also a master. He is not at the same level as her at all."

"Just don't think that you won't know your true identity if you climb into the rich family of the Ou family."


The old lady's expression was not very good, she pushed Qiao Na again, Qiao Na felt that she was going to collapse, she changed her smiling face, and said softly, "Mr. Duke, you haven't heard about the plan yet, so why don't you just say OK."

"Whatever you say is good..." Duke smiled, his face was full of incomparable pampering, his handsome face was radiant, noble and extraordinary.

"Hehe, okay, then we have a happy cooperation." Jona rolled her eyes and said.

Who is the luckiest person today? These invited friends from the media. It is estimated that all the click-through rates of tomorrow morning's hot spots will break the chart.

(End of this chapter)

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