Chapter 730 Accident
no matter what.

Those people had all fallen in love with her.

Especially Ling Han, it made him almost go crazy with jealousy!
Not only are they in love, but they have a child together.

So how much he thought later, how much he thought, how much he wished that the little girl could stay in the lower realm with him.

Just the two of them together.

Even if the little girl can never recover her memory and never remember him, it doesn't matter.

As long as she likes him, that's enough!
Even if he knew clearly that those people were himself, he still couldn't help feeling sour and jealous!

He even ate his own vinegar, probably really crazy?
But he has no hesitation, because he is too greedy and likes that feeling too much.

But when he said to take her back, she didn't agree.

When he said that he wanted her to take him back with him, he didn't agree to anything.

Although he was lost at that time, he was more relieved.

Yes, even if she can stay with him in the small world, she will come back eventually, and there is still Jiu Yuan who is always eyeing him and wants to take his life.

He couldn't disregard the little girl's wishes, go his own way and make decisions for her.

So, in the end they all came back.

"Aze..." Feng Qinglan raised her hands, but was very stiff, and after a long time, she slowly hugged his waist back.

At this moment, her eye sockets were sore.

There are many things I want to say and ask, but I don't know how to say them. In fact, with her intelligence, she already has the answers in her heart, and she also knows the truth of everything.

There will still be some unreality.

Su Lingze closed her eyes and hugged her tightly, the tears in her eyes were suppressed by him.

"Qing'er, will you go back with me?" His voice was choked up, and he sobbed so low that his voice changed a little.

"Why?" The woman's voice tried to be calm, "Why do you want me to go back with you? You don't like me, we only got together because of Chen'er, didn't we? Now that he has grown up, of course, we We can also separate, can't we?"

"Reconciliation now is the best result, right?" She gently broke away from the man's arms and looked at him seriously. She narrowed her eyes slightly, and there seemed to be no light in them.

"Su Lingze, let's get together and get separated, okay?"

She was clearly smiling, so pretty, so beautiful, but why... he felt so heart-piercing?
Why does my heart hurt so much?

He took two staggering steps back, tears streaming down his cheeks.

He stared at her blankly, and recovered a little bit.

The woman smiled again, "I'm leaving."

After the words fell, she turned around without hesitation, and in an instant, tears fell all over her cheeks.

"No!" The man stepped forward anxiously, and hugged her again involuntarily, "Qing'er... When did I say I didn't like you?"

"I like you, I like you, I like you like crazy, you know?"

This is the first time a man has spoken out his heart.

"From the first moment I saw you, I liked you, and I must have you."

"I don't want anyone but you."

"When something like that happened back then, I was really scared. I was afraid that I would lose you. Fortunately... Fortunately, we got married. Not only that, but we also have children. Do you know how happy I am?"

"I sleep every day, and I can wake up with a smile in my dreams. I can see you one more time, and my heart is sweet."

"Even when I learned that you came to save me personally, I was jealous of my soul!"

"Don't leave, okay? Chen'er and I can't do without you..."

Feng Qinglan stopped struggling, she subconsciously held her breath, and didn't even take a breath. After a long time, when the man was gradually disappointed and the look in his eyes faded away bit by bit.

The woman suddenly burst into tears and laughed, and then she said, "Okay."

A similar scene was staged as usual, the man was happy and incoherent, and in the end he could only laugh and hug her in circles.

With that appearance, where does he still have the demeanor of a demon king?
It's like being a kid who gets candy.

"Okay, okay...I'm going to be dizzy by you..." In the end, the woman was extremely helpless, and finally let him put herself down.

"Since I want to go back, I'm going to report to my father and queen mother, will you go with me?"

"it is good."

Although the border of the sea is not close to the heaven.

With their cultivation base, it is only an hour's effort.

When they arrived in the heaven, Feng Qinglan made it clear to the emperor and the empress, of course, Feng Qinghan was also there.

Including the temporary retreat of the ghost world, as for whether he will continue to attack in the future, it is not certain, after telling them to be on guard.

She went back with the man.

She and Su Lingze are husband and wife, even if they are her parents, there is absolutely no reason to prevent her from going back to her husband's house.

When she came back with the man, it was really just a formality.

Seeing that her sister and brother-in-law were reconciled, Feng Qinghan felt relieved and told the Heavenly Emperor again, and obediently went to seclusion again.

However, after Feng Qinglan and his wife returned to the Demon Realm, they felt that the atmosphere was quite heavy and something was wrong.

Sure enough, as soon as they landed, someone rushed over and knelt down on the ground with a "plop"!
"The devil! The queen! The subordinates should die! I failed to protect the young master, please forgive me!" The man was crying, with injuries on his body, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he lost half of his life!
As soon as the words came out, the two were shocked, "What are you talking about!? What happened to Chen'er?"

Feng Qinglan was very anxious.

She still has one son who has not been found, and now another son has an accident, as a mother, how can she not be anxious and sad! ?
And the man behind her also had an unbelievably cold expression, Jun Yan was iron blue, and the killing intent permeated the entire hall!

Even though he didn't say anything, his aura already showed everything in an instant!
"Queen Qi Report...Your Excellency, he was taken away by Ghost King Jiuyuan!" The man swallowed uncontrollably, apparently extremely frightened and worried.

Like a thunderclap exploding in her mind, Feng Qinglan's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and she trembled unconsciously.

Ghost King Jiuyuan...!
Even though they were still in the ghost world just now, it is obvious that Jiu Yuan came to the demon world while she and Su Lingze were returning to the heaven world together!
However, in just a few hours, he captured Chen'er. How far has this strength reached! ?

Feng Qinglan was extremely anxious, back then he planned to kill Su Lingze without hesitation!No nostalgia at all!
Now that Chen'er falls into his hands, what kind of torture will she suffer...

She didn't dare to think about it at all.

No matter how powerful she is, at this moment, she is just a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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