Quick Transmigration: The Concubine

Chapter 731 Do You Know Him?

Chapter 731 Do You Know Him?
"After Qi reported to the king... the ghost king also left a message, saying... let you go to Mangshan." The guard was also frightened, and the murderous spirit of the woman was not weaker than their demon king!
But anyway, he finished talking.

Feng Qinglan's eyes lit up, and there was hope in her heart.

Since he let them pass, it means that he will not attack Chen'er now.

You can't be self-confident, you must be steady...

She was thinking silently in her heart.

The man naturally knew that the little girl was in a hurry, so he raised his hand to hold her little hand, and said softly, "It's not too late, let's go there now."

"it is good."


Mang Mountain is a place that has long been abandoned.

Although there are many trees here, there is no one living here.

Let alone humans, even monsters and even animals never existed.

As if being cursed, once a person stays here for too long, he will suffer bad luck!
The higher the cultivation base, the longer the time of survival here will be.

It is undeniable that no matter who it is, they cannot stay here for ten days.

This is a legend, but no one has ever dared to challenge the limit of ten days.

It is better to believe that there is, not to believe that it is not!
Everyone agrees.

No matter how advanced the two are, in this Mangshan Mountain, their spiritual consciousness can't be covered at all, as if there is some special substance blocking their spiritual consciousness.

As a result, you can only search one by one.

With the growth of cultivation base, spiritual consciousness will also expand, and you can observe the situation in the distance.

Fortunately, Jiu Yuan didn't seem to have any intention of hiding from them at all.

After walking about 1000 meters into Mang Mountain, they saw Jiu Yuan in a blood-red dress, and Su Yuchen bound by a magic lock.

Although he looked distressed, he didn't appear to be injured.

This made Feng Qinglan feel a little more at ease.

Watching the two come side by side, Jiu Yuan's eyes were red, not only the eyes, but also the eye sockets.

His expression was hideous.

"Qing'er... Do you really want to be with him?"

When the two were about 30 meters away from him, the man suddenly spoke out. His voice was very cold, mixed with strong hatred.

"Do you know what kind of person he is? Do you really know him?" He looked a little crazy, as if he would go crazy at any time!

The footsteps of the two had to stop.

Seeing Jiuyuan like this, Feng Qinglan suddenly felt sympathetic.

He is indeed pathetic now.

It doesn't look like a ghost king at all, it really looks like a "ghost".

There are no ghosts in this world.

Only demons and humans.

And the people here are not ordinary people.

The ordinary people she met during her mission did not exist in this world.

The people here are divided into clans.Divided by boundaries.

The eyes of each ethnic group are the same color, basically no black.

Therefore, according to the names of those small worlds, the people here should be called special people.

Even the dragon and phoenix families are not real dragons and phoenixes.

It's just a name.

If it wasn't for the existence of dragons and phoenixes in those memories, she wouldn't even know that there were creatures like dragons and phoenixes in this world.

Even the monsters here are divided into groups, and each group occupies a place and names themselves.

Just like heaven.

In the past, she always thought that Qinglong Xuanjie was just the name of this world.

It wasn't until she came back this time that she had some faint thoughts.

Perhaps, Qinglong exists in this world and is the protector of this world.

Of course, this is her guess.

"You're right. I don't know him." She didn't lose her mind all the time, but quickly realized and affirmed Jiu Yuan's words.

No one can say for sure who she knows.

People are changeable, not one level remains the same.

At the very least, she can't say that she fully understands a person.

Hearing this, Jiu Yuan laughed loudly, "Qing'er, you must be wondering why I killed Su Lingze, right? After all, we have always been good friends."

Feng Qinglan looked at him indifferently, her mind had already been attracted by Su Yuchen beside him, "Did you tie Chen'er specially to tell me these things?"

After a while, she regained consciousness a little.

The man standing behind her had already become anxious, his hands clenched into fists, he was absolutely on guard against Jiu Yuan, but at the same time he was more afraid.

Not afraid of his strength, but something...

"Qing'er, don't talk nonsense with him, it seems that we need a breakup today." He wanted to interrupt the conversation between the two, but he was extremely worried, worried that Jiuyuan would attack his child regardless, so he was a little bit I am intimidated.

So when speaking, there is some lack of confidence.

"It's over?" Jiu Yuan sneered, "Qing'er... Today I just want to catch up with you, I don't want to do anything."

"Besides, if you use your hands and hurt my little nephew, it's not good..."

"Father, queen mother! Don't... hiss..." However, before he finished speaking, Jiu Yuan suddenly grabbed his throat with such strength that he couldn't even breathe, and his face turned red in an instant!
Although he was gifted since childhood, after all, he was too young. Compared with Jiu Yuan, he was 10 years behind. No matter how hard he tried, it was impossible for him to completely surpass the past!

Furthermore, for so many years, his mind has been completely devoted to stabilizing people's hearts, hiding, and worrying about Feng Qinglan and Feng Qinglan. His cultivation is not long!

Otherwise, it wouldn't have fallen into Jiu Yuan's hands so easily.

The biggest reason, in fact, is that Jiu Yuan's identity is there after all. As the number one genius in the ghost world, how could his talent be so bad?
It can even be said that it is very powerful!

"Don't!" Feng Qinglan turned pale with shock, subconsciously was about to rush over, but was grabbed by Su Lingze's wrist, the latter was so strong that she couldn't break free.

Even so, the man's eye sockets were scarlet, wishing he could take it on Su Yuchen's behalf!

After all, that was also his son, how could he not be distressed as a father?
"Don't come here, otherwise I'm not sure if I'll be agitated and accidentally hurt someone..." Jiu Yuan also reminded, his words were full of threats.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on Su Yuchen who was in a hurry but could hardly breathe.

"This king knows that you are not afraid of death, but Qing'er is very worried about you. After all, you are their only child!" Jiu Yuan didn't know that Su Lingze and Feng Qinglan already had a second child. It is the only seedling of the devil world.

It was also because of this that his face darkened severely.

If it wasn't for the brat in front of him, how could his Qing'er have married that incomprehensible guy, Su Lingze!
Thinking of this, his eyes were full of hatred, and the movements of his hands became a little heavier unconsciously!
(End of this chapter)

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